1. Introduction
In this article, we’ll cover how to authenticate a user with LDAP using pure Java. Furthermore, we’ll explore how to search for a user’s distinguished name (DN). This is important because LDAP requires the DN to authenticate the user.
To do the search and user authentication, we’ll use the directory service access capabilities of the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI).
First, we’ll briefly discuss what LDAP and JNDI are. Then we’ll discuss how to authenticate with LDAP through the JNDI API.
首先,我们将简要地讨论什么是LDAP和JNDI。然后我们将讨论如何通过JNDI API用LDAP进行认证。
2. What Is LDAP?
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) defines a way for clients to send requests and receive responses from directory services. We call a directory service using this protocol an LDAP server.
The data served by an LDAP server is stored in an information model based on X.500. This is a group of computer networking standards for electronic directory services.
3. What Is JNDI?
JNDI provides a standard API for applications to discover and access naming and directory services. Its fundamental purpose is to provide a way for applications to access components and resources. This being, both locally and over a network.
Naming services underly this capability because they provide single-point access to services, data, or objects by name in a hierarchical namespace. The name given to each of these local or network-accessible resources is configured on the server hosting the naming service.
We can access directory services, like LDAP, by using the naming service interface of JNDI. This is because a directory service is merely a specialized type of naming service that enables each named entry to have a list of attributes associated with it.
Besides attributes, each directory entry may have one or more children. This enables entries to be linked hierarchically. In JNDI, children of directory entries are represented as subcontexts of their parent context.
A key benefit of the JNDI API is that it’s independent of any underlying service provider implementation, for example, LDAP. Therefore, we can use JNDI to access an LDAP directory service without needing to use protocol-specific APIs.
JNDI API的一个关键好处是,它独立于任何底层服务提供商的实现,例如LDAP。因此,我们可以使用JNDI来访问LDAP目录服务,而不需要使用特定协议的API。
No external libraries are needed to use JNDI because it’s part of the Java SE platform. Further, being a core technology in Java EE, it is widely used to implement enterprise applications.
使用JNDI不需要外部库,因为它是Java SE平台的一部分。此外,作为Java EE的一项核心技术,它被广泛用于实现企业应用。
4. JNDI API Concepts to Authenticate with LDAP
4.使用LDAP进行认证的JNDI API概念
Before discussing the example code, let’s cover some fundamentals about using the JNDI API for LDAP-based authentication.
在讨论示例代码之前,让我们介绍一下关于使用JNDI API进行基于LDAP的认证的一些基本知识。
To connect to an LDAP server, we first need to create a JNDI InitialDirContext object. When doing so, we need to pass environment properties into its constructor as a Hashtable to configure it.
为了连接到LDAP服务器,我们首先需要创建一个JNDI InitialDirContext对象。这样做时,我们需要将环境属性作为Hashtable传入其构造函数,以配置它。
Amongst others, we need to add properties to this Hashtable for the user name and password that we wish to authenticate with. To do so, we must set the user’s DN and his password to the Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL and Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS properties, respectively.
其中,我们需要为这个Hashtable添加属性,用于我们希望用其进行验证的用户名和密码。为此,我们必须将用户的 DN 和他的密码分别设置为 Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL 和 Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS 属性。
InitialDirContext implements DirContext, the main JNDI directory service interface. Through this interface, we can use our new context to perform various directory service operations on the LDAP server. These include binding names and attributes to objects and searching for directory entries.
It’s worth noting that the objects returned by JNDI will have the same names and attributes as their underlying LDAP entries. Thus, to search for an entry, we can use its name and attributes as criteria to look it up.
Once we have retrieved a directory entry through JNDI, we can look at its attributes using the Attributes interface. Further, we can use the Attribute interface to inspect each of them.
5. What If We Don’t Have the User’s DN?
Sometimes we don’t have the DN of the user immediately available to authenticate with. To get around this, we first need to create an InitialDirContext using administrator credentials. After that, we can use it to search for the relevant user from the directory server and get his DN.
Then once we have the user’s DN, we can authenticate him by creating a new InitialDirContext, this time with his credentials. To do this, we first need to set the user’s DN and password in the environment properties. After that, we need to pass these properties into the InitDirContext‘s constructor when creating it.
Now that we’ve discussed authenticating a user through LDAP using the JNDI API, let’s go through the example code.
现在我们已经讨论了使用JNDI API通过LDAP验证用户的问题,让我们来看看示例代码。
6. Example Code
In our example, we’ll use the embedded version of the ApacheDS directory server. This is an LDAP server built using Java and designed to run in embedded mode within unit tests.
在我们的例子中,我们将使用ApacheDS目录服务器的嵌入式版本。这是一个使用 Java 构建的 LDAP 服务器,设计用于在单元测试中以嵌入式模式运行。
Let’s look at how to set it up.
6.1. Setting up the Embedded ApacheDS Server
To use the embedded ApacheDS server, we need to define the Maven dependency:
要使用嵌入式ApacheDS服务器,我们需要定义Maven 依赖。
Next, we need to create a unit test class using JUnit 4. To use the embedded ApacheDS server in this class, we must declare that it extends AbstractLdapTestUnit from the ApacheDS library. As this library is not compatible with JUnit 5 yet, we need to use JUnit 4.
接下来,我们需要使用JUnit 4创建一个单元测试类。为了在这个类中使用嵌入式ApacheDS服务器,我们必须声明它扩展了ApacheDS库中的AbstractLdapTestUnit。由于这个库与JUnit 5还不兼容,我们需要使用JUnit 4。
Additionally, we need to include Java annotations above our unit test class declaration to configure the server. We can see which values to give them from the full code example, which we will explore later.
Lastly, we’ll also need to add users.ldif to the classpath. This is so the ApacheDS server can load LDIF formatted directory entries from this file when we run our code example. When doing so, the server will load the entry for the user Joe Simms.
最后,我们还需要将users.ldif添加到classpath中。这样,当我们运行我们的代码示例时,ApacheDS服务器可以从这个文件中加载LDIF格式的目录条目。这样做时,服务器将加载用户Joe Simms的条目。
Next, we’ll discuss the example code that will authenticate the user. To run it against the LDAP server, we’ll need to add our code to a method in our unit test class. This will authenticate Joe through LDAP using his DN and password, as defined in the file.
6.2. Authenticating the User
To authenticate the user, Joe Simms, we need to create a new InitialDirContext object. This creates a connection to the directory server and authenticates the user through LDAP using his DN and password.
为了验证用户Joe Simms,我们需要创建一个新的InitialDirContext对象。这将创建一个与目录服务器的连接,并通过LDAP使用他的DN和密码对用户进行认证。
To do this, we first need to add these environment properties into a Hashtable:
Hashtable<String, String> environment = new Hashtable<String, String>();
environment.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
environment.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://localhost:10389");
environment.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
environment.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "cn=Joe Simms,ou=Users,dc=baeldung,dc=com");
environment.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "12345");
Next, inside a new method called authenticateUser, we’ll create the InitialDirContext object by passing the environment properties into its constructor. Then, we’ll close the context to free up resources:
DirContext context = new InitialDirContext(environment);
Lastly, we’ll authenticate the user:
assertThatCode(() -> authenticateUser(environment)).doesNotThrowAnyException();
Now that we’ve covered the case where user authentication succeeds, let’s examine when it fails.
6.3. Handling User Authentication Failure
Applying the same environment properties as previously, let’s make the authentication fail by using the wrong password:
environment.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "wrongpassword");
Then, we’ll check that authenticating the user with this password fails as expected:
assertThatExceptionOfType(AuthenticationException.class).isThrownBy(() -> authenticateUser(environment));
Next, let’s discuss how to authenticate the user when we don’t have his DN.
6.4. Looking up the User’s DN as Administrator
Sometimes when we want to authenticate a user, we don’t have his DN immediately at hand. In this situation, we first need to create a directory context with administrator credentials to look up the user’s DN and then authenticate the user with that.
As before, we first need to add some environment properties in a Hashtable. But this time, we’ll use the administrator’s DN as the Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, together with his default admin password as the Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS property:
和以前一样,我们首先需要在Hashtable中添加一些环境属性。但是这一次,我们将使用管理员的 DN 作为 Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL,以及他的默认管理密码作为 Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS 属性。
Hashtable<String, String> environment = new Hashtable<String, String>();
environment.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
environment.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://localhost:10389");
environment.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
environment.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "uid=admin,ou=system");
environment.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "secret");
Next, we’ll create an InitialDirContext object with those properties:
DirContext adminContext = new InitialDirContext(environment);
This will create a directory context, with the connection to the server authenticated as the administrator. This gives us security rights to search for the user’s DN.
Now we’ll define the filter for our search based on the user’s CN, i.e., his common name.
String filter = "(&(objectClass=person)(cn=Joe Simms))";
Then, using this filter to search for the user, we’ll create a SearchControls object:
String[] attrIDs = { "cn" };
SearchControls searchControls = new SearchControls();
Next, we’ll search for the user with our filter and SearchControls:
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> searchResults
= adminContext.search("dc=baeldung,dc=com", filter, searchControls);
String commonName = null;
String distinguishedName = null;
if (searchResults.hasMore()) {
SearchResult result = (SearchResult) searchResults.next();
Attributes attrs = result.getAttributes();
distinguishedName = result.getNameInNamespace();
assertThat(distinguishedName, isEqualTo("cn=Joe Simms,ou=Users,dc=baeldung,dc=com")));
commonName = attrs.get("cn").toString();
assertThat(commonName, isEqualTo("cn: Joe Simms")));
Let’s authenticate the user now that we have his DN.
6.5. Authenticating with the User’s Looked up DN
6.5.使用用户查询的 DN 进行认证
With the user’s DN now at hand to authenticate with, we’ll replace the administrator’s DN and password in the existing environment properties with the user’s ones:
environment.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, distinguishedName);
environment.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "12345");
Then, with these in place, let’s authenticate the user:
assertThatCode(() -> authenticateUser(environment)).doesNotThrowAnyException();
Lastly, we’ll close the administrator’s context to free up resources:
7. Conclusion
In this article, we discussed how to use JNDI to authenticate a user with LDAP utilizing the user’s DN and password.
Also, we examined how to look up the DN if we don’t have it.
As usual, the complete source code for the examples can be found over on GitHub.