Compare Strings While Ignoring Whitespace in Java – 在Java中比较字符串,同时忽略空白处

最后修改: 2021年 11月 18日


1. Overview


In this short tutorial, we’ll see how to compare strings while ignoring whitespace in Java.


2. Use replaceAll() Method


Suppose we have two strings – one containing spaces in it and the other containing only non-space characters:


String normalString = "ABCDEF";
String stringWithSpaces = " AB  CD EF ";

We can simply compare them while ignoring the spaces using the built-in replaceAll() method of the String class:


assertEquals(normalString.replaceAll("\\s+",""), stringWithSpaces.replaceAll("\\s+",""));

Using the replaceAll() method above will remove all spaces in our string, including non-visible characters like tab, \n, etc.


In addition to \s+, we can use \s.

除此之外,我们还可以使用 `s+ `s

3. Use Apache Commons Lang

3.使用Apache Commons Lang

Next, we can use the StringUtils class from the Apache Commons Lang library to achieve the same goal.

接下来,我们可以使用Apache Commons Lang库中的StringUtils类来实现同样的目标。

This class has a method deleteWhitespace(), which is used to delete all spaces in a String:


assertEquals(StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(normalString), StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(stringWithSpaces));

4. Use the StringUtils Class of Spring Framework


Finally, if our project is already using Spring Framework, we can use the StringUtils class from the org.springframework.util package.


The method to use this time is trimAllWhitespace():


assertEquals(StringUtils.trimAllWhitespace(normalString), StringUtils.trimAllWhitespace(stringWithSpaces));

We should keep in mind that if we want to compare strings where spaces have a meaning, like people’s names, we shouldn’t use the methods in this article. For example, the following two strings will be considered equal: “JACKIE CHAN” and “JAC KIE CHAN” and this may not be what we actually want.

我们应该记住,如果我们想比较空格有意义的字符串,比如人名,我们不应该使用本文中的方法。例如,以下两个字符串将被视为相等:”JACKIE CHAN “和 “JAC KIE CHAN”,这可能不是我们实际想要的。

5. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve seen different ways to compare strings while ignoring whitespace in Java.


As always, the example code from this article can be found over on GitHub.
