1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’re going to showcase the causes and resolutions of the HTTP response code 415 Unsupported MediaType for POST requests in a Spring Application.
在本教程中,我们将展示Spring应用程序中POST请求的HTTP响应代码415 Unsupported MediaType的原因和解决方案。
2. Backstory
One of our old business customers has asked us to design and develop a new desktop application for their product. The purpose of this application is to manage the users. We’ve never worked on this product before.
Since the timeline is tight, we’ve decided to use their existing set of backend APIs that was written a while ago. The challenge in front of us is that the documentation of these APIs is not very extensive. As a result, we’re only sure about the available API endpoints and their methods. So, we’ve decided not to touch the services – instead, we’ll start working on our application that will be consuming APIs from this service.
3. API Requests
Our application has started consuming the APIs. Let’s exercise the API to get all users:
curl -X GET https://baeldung.service.com/user
Hurrah! The API has responded back with a successful response. After that, let’s request an individual user:
curl -X GET https://baeldung.service.com/user/{user-id}
And let’s check the response:
"id": 1,
"name": "Jason",
"age": 23,
"address": "14th Street"
This seems to be working as well. Therefore, things are looking smooth. As per the response, we’re able to figure out that the user has the following parameters: id, name, age, and address.
这似乎也在发挥作用。因此,事情看起来很顺利。根据响应,我们能够弄清楚,用户有以下参数。id, name, age, and address.
Now, let’s try to add a new user:
curl -X POST -d '{"name":"Abdullah", "age":28, "address":"Apartment 2201"}' https://baeldung.service.com/user/
As a result, we’ve received an error response with HTTP status 415:
"timestamp": "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSS+00:00",
"status": 415,
"error": "Unsupported Media Type",
"path": "/user/"
Before we figure out “Why are we getting this error?”, we need to look into “What is this error?”.
在我们弄清楚 “为什么会出现这个错误?”之前,我们需要研究 “这个错误是什么?”。
4. Status Code 415: Unsupported MediaType
4.状态代码415 不支持的媒体类型
According to the specification RFC 7231 title HTTP/1.1 Semantics and Content section 6.5.13:
根据规范RFC 7231标题HTTP/1.1语义和内容第6.5.13节。
The 415 (Unsupported Media Type) status code indicates that the origin server is refusing to service the request because the payload is in a format not supported by this method on the target resource.
As the specification suggests, our chosen media type isn’t supported by the API. The reason for choosing JSON as the media type was because of the response from the GET requests. The response data format was in JSON. Hence, we assumed that the POST request would accept JSON as well. However, that assumption turned out to be wrong.
In order to find which format is supported by the API, we’ve decided to dig into the server-side backend code, and we find the API definition:
@PostMapping(value = "/", consumes = {"application/xml"})
void AddUser(@RequestBody User user)
This explains pretty clearly that the API will only support XML format. One may question here: What’s the purpose of this “consumes” element in Spring?
According to the Spring framework documentation, the purpose of the “consumes” element is:
Narrows the primary mapping by media types that can be consumed by the mapped handler. Consists of one or more media types one of which must match to the request Content-Type header
通过可以被映射的处理程序消费的媒体类型来缩小主要映射范围。由一个或多个媒体类型组成,其中一个必须与请求的 “内容类型 “头匹配。
5. Resolution
There are two options in front of us to resolve the issue. The first option is to change the request payload format according to what the server expects. The second option is to update the API request so that it starts supporting JSON format.
5.1. Change Request’s Payload to XML
The first option is to send requests in XML format instead of JSON:
curl -X POST -d '<user><name>Abdullah</name><age>28</age><address>Apartment 2201</address></user>' https://baeldung.service.com/user/
Unfortunately, we get the same error as a result of the above request. If we remember, we had asked the question, what is the purpose of that “consumes” element in the API. That points us in the direction that one of our headers (“Content-Type“) is missing. Let’s send the request, this time with the missing header:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d '<user><name>Abdullah</name><age>28</age><address>Apartment 2201</address></user>' https://baeldung.service.com/user/
This time, we received success in the response. However, we may encounter a situation where the client-side application is not able to send the request in the supported format. In that kind of scenario, we have to make changes on the server in order to make things relatively flexible.
5.2. Update the API on the Server
Suppose that our customer has decided to allow us to change the backend services. The second option as mentioned above is to update the API request to start accepting JSON format. There are three further options on how we can update the API request. Let’s explore each, one by one.
The first and most amateur option is to replace XML format with JSON on the API:
@PostMapping(value = "/", consumes = {"application/json"})
void AddUser(@RequestBody User user)
Let’s send the request again from our client-side application in JSON format:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"Abdullah", "age":28, "address":"Apartment 2201"} https://baeldung.service.com/user/'
The response will be a success. However, we’ll face a situation where all of our existing clients, who are sending requests in XML format, will now begin getting 415 Unsupported Media Type errors.
The second and somewhat easier option is to allow every format in the request payload:
@PostMapping(value = "/", consumes = {"*/*"})
void AddUser(@RequestBody User user
Upon request in JSON format, the response will be a success. However, the problem here is that it’s too flexible. We don’t want a wide range of formats to be allowed. This will result in inconsistent behavior in the overall codebase (both client-side and server-side).
The third and recommended option is to add specifically those formats that the client-side applications are currently using. Since the API already supports the XML format, we’ll keep it there as there are existing client-side applications sending XML to the API. To make the API support our application format as well, we’ll make a simple API code change:
第三种也是推荐的方案是专门添加那些客户端应用程序目前正在使用的格式。由于API已经支持XML格式,我们将保留它,因为现有的客户端应用程序正在向API发送XML。为了使 API 也支持我们的应用程序格式,我们将进行简单的 API 代码修改。
@PostMapping(value = "/", consumes = {"application/xml","application/json"})
void AddUser(@RequestBody User user
Upon sending our request in JSON format, the response will be a success. This is the recommended method in this particular scenario.
6. Conclusion
In this article, we’ve learned that the “Content-Type” header must be sent from the client-side application request in order to avoid the 415 Unsupported Media Type error. Also, the RFC explains clearly that the “Content-Type” header of the client-side application and server-side application must be in sync in order to avoid this error while sending a POST request.
在这篇文章中,我们已经了解到”Content-Type“头必须从客户端应用程序请求中发送,以避免415 Unsupported Media Type错误。另外,RFC清楚地解释了客户端应用程序和服务器端应用程序的”Content-Type“头必须是同步的,以避免在发送POST请求时出现这种错误。
All the code of this article is available over on GitHub.