Lombok Using @With Annotations – 使用@With注释的Lombok

最后修改: 2021年 12月 14日


1. Introduction


Lombok is a library that helps us significantly reduce boilerplate code when writing Java applications.


In this tutorial, we’ll see how we can make copies of immutable objects with changes to only a single property using this library.


2. Usage


When working with immutable objects, which by design don’t allow setters, we may need a similar object to the current one, but with only one property different. This can be achieved using Lombok’s @With annotation:


public class User {
    private final String username;
    private final String emailAddress;
    private final boolean isAuthenticated;

    //getters, constructors

The above annotation generates the following under the hood:


public class User {
    private final String username;
    private final String emailAddress;
    private final boolean isAuthenticated;

    //getters, constructors

    public User withAuthenticated(boolean isAuthenticated) {
        return this.isAuthenticated == isAuthenticated ? this : new User(this.username, this.emailAddress, isAuthenticated);

We can then use the above-generated method to create mutated copies of the original object:


User immutableUser = new User("testuser", "test@mail.com", false);
User authenticatedUser = immutableUser.withAuthenticated(true);

assertNotSame(immutableUser, authenticatedUser);

Additionally, we have the option of annotating the whole class, which will generate withX() methods for all the properties.


3. Requirements


To use the @With annotation correctly, we need to provide an all-arguments constructor. As we can see from the above example, the generated method requires this to create a clone of the original object.


We can use either Lombok’s own @AllArgsConstructor or @Value annotation to satisfy this requirement. Alternatively, we can manually provide this constructor as well while ensuring that the order of the non-static properties in the class matches that of the constructor.


We should remember that the @With annotation does nothing if used on static fields. This is because static properties are not considered part of an object’s state. Also, Lombok skips the method generation for fields that start with the $ sign.


4. Advanced Usage


Let’s investigate some advanced scenarios when using this annotation.


4.1. Abstract Classes


We can use the @With annotation on a field of an abstract class:


public abstract class Device {
    private final String serial;
    private final boolean isInspected;

    //getters, constructor

However, we will need to provide an implementation for the generated withInspected() method. This is because Lombok will have no idea about the concrete implementations of our abstract class to create clones of it:


public class KioskDevice extends Device {

    public Device withInspected(boolean isInspected) {
        return new KioskDevice(getSerial(), isInspected);

    //getters, constructor

4.2. Naming Conventions


As we identified above, Lombok will skip fields that start with the $ sign. However, if the field starts with a character, then it is title-cased, and finally, with is prefixed to the generated method.


Alternatively, if the field starts with an underscore, then with is simply prefixed to the generated method:


public class Holder {
    private String variableA;
    private String _variableB;
    private String $variableC;

    //getters, constructor excluding $variableC

According to the above code, we see that only the first two variables will have withX() methods generated for them:


Holder value = new Holder("a", "b");

Holder valueModifiedA = value.withVariableA("mod-a");
Holder valueModifiedB = value.with_variableB("mod-b");
// Holder valueModifiedC = value.with$VariableC("mod-c"); not possible

4.3. Exceptions to Method Generation


We should be mindful that in addition to fields that start with the $ sign, Lombok will not generate a withX() method if it already exists in our class:


public class Stock {
    private String sku;
    private int stockCount;

    //prevents another withSku() method from being generated
    public Stock withSku(String sku) {
        return new Stock("mod-" + sku, stockCount);


In the above scenario, no new withSku() method will be generated.


Additionally, Lombok skips method generation in the following scenario:


public class Stock {
    private String sku;
    private int stockCount;

    //also prevents another withSku() method from being generated
    public Stock withSKU(String... sku) {
        return sku == null || sku.length == 0 ?
          new Stock("unknown", stockCount) :
          new Stock("mod-" + sku[0], stockCount);


We can notice the different naming of the withSKU() method above.


Basically, Lombok will skip method generation if:


  • The same method exists as the generated method name (ignoring case)
  • The existing method has the same number of arguments as the generated method (including var-args)

4.4. Null Validations on Generated Methods


Similar to other Lombok annotations, we can include null checks to the methods generated using the @With annotation:


public class ImprovedUser {
    private final String username;
    private final String emailAddress;

Lombok will generate the following code for us along with the required null checks:


public ImprovedUser withUsername(@NonNull String username) {
    if (username == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("username is marked non-null but is null");
    } else {
        return this.username == username ? this : new ImprovedUser(username, this.emailAddress);

public ImprovedUser withEmailAddress(@NonNull String emailAddress) {
    if (emailAddress == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("emailAddress is marked non-null but is null");
    } else {
        return this.emailAddress == emailAddress ? this : new ImprovedUser(this.username, emailAddress);

5. Conclusion


In this article, we have seen how to use Lombok’s @With annotations to generate clones of a particular object with a change in a single field.


We also learned how and when this method generation actually works, along with how to augment it with additional validations such as null checks.


As always, the code examples are available over on GitHub.
