Introduction to FaunaDB with Spring – 用Spring介绍FaunaDB

最后修改: 2022年 1月 9日


1. Introduction


In this article, we’re going to explore the Fauna distributed database. We’ll see what features it brings to our applications, what we can do with it, and how to interact with it.

在本文中,我们将探讨Fauna 分布式数据库我们将看到它为我们的应用程序带来了哪些功能,我们可以用它做什么,以及如何与它互动。

2. What Is Fauna?


Fauna is a multi-protocol, multi-model, multi-tenant, distributed, transactional Database as a Service (DBaaS) offering. This sounds complicated, so let’s break it down a bit.


2.1. Database as a Service


A “Database as a Service” means that the database is hosted by a cloud provider, who takes care of all of the infrastructure and maintenance so that we’re left to deal only with our domain-specific details — collections, indices, queries, etc. This helps to remove a lot of the complexity of managing such a system while still benefiting from its features.

“数据库即服务 “意味着数据库由云提供商托管,该提供商负责所有的基础设施和维护,这样我们就只需要处理我们特定领域的细节问题–集合、索引、查询等等。这有助于消除管理这种系统的许多复杂性,同时还能从其功能中获益。

2.2. Distributed Transactional Database


Being distributed means that the database is running across multiple servers. This helps to make it more efficient and more fault-tolerant at the same time. If one server fails, then the entire database is still able to continue working correctly.


Being transactional means that the database offers strong guarantees about the validity of the data. Data updates performed within a single transaction either succeed or fail as a whole, without the risk of leaving the data in a partial state.


As a further measure, Fauna offers isolation levels that will ensure that the result of playing multiple transactions across multiple distributed nodes is always correct. This is an important consideration for distributed databases — otherwise, it is possible that different transactions can be played differently on the different nodes and end up with different results.


For example, let’s consider the following transactions applying to the same record:


  1. Set the value to “15”
  2. Increment the value by “3”

If they’re played in the order shown, the end result will be “18”. However, if they’re played in the opposite order, the end result will be “15”. This is even more confusing if the result is different on different nodes in the same system, as it means our data will be inconsistent across the nodes.

如果它们按所示顺序出牌,最终结果将是 “18”。然而,如果它们以相反的顺序播放,最终结果将是 “15”。如果同一系统的不同节点上的结果不同,这就更令人困惑了,因为这意味着我们的数据在不同的节点上是不一致的。

2.3. Multi-Model Database


A multi-model database means that it allows us to model different types of data in different ways, all within the same database engine and accessible from the same connections.


Internally, Fauna is a document database. This means that it stores each record as a structured document, with an arbitrary shape represented in JSON. This allows Fauna to act as a key-value store — the document simply has one field, value — or as a tabular store — the document has as many fields as are needed but they’re all flat. However, we can also store more complex documents, with nested fields, arrays, and so on:


// Key-Value document
  "value": "Baeldung"

// Tabular document
  "name": "Baeldung",
  "url": ""

// Structured document
  "name": "Baeldung",
  "sites": [
      "id": "cs",
      "name": "Computer Science",
      "url": ""
      "id": "linux",
      "name": "Linux",
      "url": ""
      "id": "scala",
      "name": "Scala",
      "url": ""
      "id": "kotlin",
      "name": "Kotlin",
      "url": ""

On top of this, we also have access to some features that are common in relational databases. Specifically, we can create indexes on our documents to make querying more efficient, apply constraints across multiple collections to ensure that the data remains consistent, and perform queries that span multiple collections in one go.


Fauna’s query engine also has support for graph queries, allowing us to build complex data structures spanning multiple collections and access them all as if they were a single graph of data.


Finally, Fauna has temporal modeling facilities that can allow us to interact with our database at any point in its life. This means that not only can we see all of the changes that have happened to records over time, but we can directly access the data as it was at a given point in time.


2.4. Multi-Tenant Database


A multi-tenant database server means that it supports multiple different databases used by different users. This is very common with database engines used for cloud hosting since it means that one server can support many different customers.


Fauna takes this in a slightly different direction. Instead of different tenants representing different customers within a single installed database engine, Fauna uses tenants to represent different subsets of data for a single customer.


It is possible to create databases that are themselves children of other databases. We can then create credentials for accessing these child databases. However, where Fauna is different is that we can perform read-only queries against data from child databases of the one we’re connected to. However, it isn’t possible to access data in parent or sibling databases.


This allows for us to create child databases for different services within the same parent database, and then have admin users query across all of the data in one go — this can be handy for analytics purposes.


2.5. Multi-Protocol Database


This means that we have multiple different ways to access the same data.


The standard way to access our data is using the Fauna Query Language (FQL) via one of the provided drivers. This gives us access to the full abilities of the database engine, allowing us to access all of the data in any way we need.


Alternatively, Fauna also exposes a GraphQL endpoint that we can use. The advantage of this is that we can use it from any application regardless of the programming language, rather than depending on dedicated drivers for our language. However, not all features are available over this interface. In particular, we’re required to create a GraphQL schema that describes the shape of our data ahead of time, which means that we’re not able to have different records in the same collection that have different shapes.


3. Creating a Fauna Database


Now that we know what Fauna can do for us, let’s actually create a database for us to use.


If we don’t already have an account, we need to create one.


Once we’ve logged in, on the dashboard, we simply click the “Create Database” link:

一旦我们登录,在仪表板上,我们只需点击 “创建数据库 “链接。

fauna create db

This then opens up a pane for the name and region of the database. We also have the option of pre-populating the database with some example data to see how it can work, to help us to get used to the system:


fauna db region

On this screen, the choice for “Region Group” is important, both for the amount that we’ll have to pay for anything past the free limits, but also for the endpoints that we need to use to connect to the database from outside.

在这个屏幕上,”区域组 “的选择很重要,这既是为了我们必须为超过免费限制的东西支付的金额,也是为了我们需要用来从外部连接到数据库的端点。

Once we’ve done this, we have a full database that we can use as needed. If we selected the demo data, then it comes complete with some populated collections, indexes, custom functions, and a GraphQL schema. If not, then the database is completely empty and ready for us to create our desired structure:


fauna db structure

Finally, in order to connect to the database from outside, we need an authentication key. We can create one from the Security tab on the sidebar:


fauna auth key

When creating a new key, make sure to copy it down because, for security reasons, there’s no way to get it back again after leaving the screen.


4. Interacting with Fauna


Now that we have a database, we can start working with it.


Fauna offers two distinct ways to read and write data in our database from outside: the FQL drivers and the GraphQL API. We also have access to the Fauna Shell, which allows us to execute arbitrary commands from within the web UI.

Fauna提供了两种不同的方式来从外部读写我们数据库中的数据:FQL驱动程序和GraphQL API。我们还可以访问Fauna Shell,它允许我们从Web UI中执行任意的命令。

4.1. Fauna Shell


The Fauna Shell allows us to execute any commands from within the web UI. We can do this using any of our configured keys — acting exactly the same as if we’d connected from outside with that key — or else as certain special admin connections:

Fauna Shell允许我们从Web UI中执行任何命令。我们可以使用我们配置的任何一个键来做这件事–就像我们从外面用该键连接一样–或者作为某些特殊的管理连接。

fauna shell

This allows us to explore our data and test out queries that we want to be using from our application in a very low-friction manner.


4.2. Connecting with FQL


If we want to instead connect our application to Fauna and use FQL, we need to use one of the provided drivers — including ones for Java and Scala.


The Java drivers require us to be running on Java 11 or higher.

Java驱动程序要求我们运行在Java 11或更高的版本上

The first thing we need to do is add in the dependency. If we’re using Maven, we’ll simply add it to our pom.xml file:



We then need to create a client connection that we can use to communicate with the database:


FaunaClient client = FaunaClient.builder()

Note that we’ll need to provide the correct values for the database endpoint — which varies based on the region group that was selected when the database was created — and the secret key that we created earlier.


This client will act as a connection pool, opening new connections to the database as needed for different queries. This means that we can create it once at the start of our application and re-use it as much as we need.


If we have a need to connect with different secrets, this will need to be different clients. For example, if we want to interact with multiple different child databases within the same parent database.


Now that we have a client, we can use it to send queries to the database:


    language.Get(language.Ref(language.Collection("customers"), 101))

4.3. Connecting with GraphQL


Fauna offers a complete GraphQL API for interacting with our database. This can allow us to use the database without any special drivers, needing nothing more than an HTTP client.

Fauna提供了一个完整的GraphQL API,用于与我们的数据库进行交互。这可以让我们在没有任何特殊驱动的情况下使用数据库,只需要一个HTTP客户端。

In order to use GraphQL support, we need to first create a GraphQL schema. This will define the schema itself and how it maps onto our pre-existing Fauna database constructs — such as collections, indexes, and functions. Once done, any GraphQL-aware client — or even just an HTTP client such as RestTemplate — can be used to call our database.

为了使用 GraphQL 支持,我们需要首先创建一个 GraphQL 模式。这将定义模式本身,以及它如何映射到我们预先存在的 Fauna 数据库结构中,例如集合、索引和函数。一旦完成,任何GraphQL感知的客户端–甚至只是一个HTTP客户端,如RestTemplate–都可以用来调用我们的数据库。

Note that this will only allow us to interact with the data in our database. If we wish to use any administrative commands — such as creating new collections or indexes — then this requires either an FQL command or else the web admin UI.


Connecting to Fauna via GraphQL requires us to use the correct URL — for the US region — and to provide our authentication key as a bearer token within the Authorization header. At this point, we can use it as any normal GraphQL endpoint, by making POST requests to the URL and providing the query or mutation in the body, optionally with any variables to use with them.


5. Using Fauna from Spring


Now that we understand what Fauna is and how to use it, we can see how to integrate it into our Spring applications.


Fauna doesn’t have any native Spring drivers. Instead, we’ll be configuring the normal Java drivers as Spring beans to use within our application.

Fauna没有任何本地的Spring驱动。相反,我们将把普通的Java驱动配置成Spring Bean,在我们的应用程序中使用。

5.1. Fauna Configuration


Before we can make use of Fauna, we need some configuration. Specifically, we need to know the region that our Fauna database is in — from which we can then derive the appropriate URLs — and we need to know a secret that we can use to connect to the database.


For this, we will add properties for fauna.region and fauna.secret to our file — or any other supported Spring configuration method:



Note that we’re defining the Fauna region here instead of the URLs. This allows us to correctly derive the URL for both FQL and GraphQL from the same setting. This avoids the risk that we might configure the two URLs differently.


5.2. FQL Client


If we’re planning on using FQL from our application, we can add a FaunaClient bean to the Spring context. This will involve creating a Spring configuration object to consume the appropriate properties and construct the FaunaClient object:

如果我们计划从我们的应用程序中使用FQL,我们可以在Spring上下文中添加一个FaunaClient Bean。这将涉及创建一个Spring配置对象,以消耗适当的属性并构建FaunaClient对象。

class FaunaClientConfiguration {
    private String faunaUrl;

    private String faunaSecret;

    FaunaClient getFaunaClient() throws MalformedURLException {
        return FaunaClient.builder()

This lets us use the FaunaClient directly from anywhere in our application, the same way that we would use JdbcTemplate for access to a JDBC database. We also have the opportunity to wrap this in a higher-level object to work in domain-specific terms if we so wish.


5.3. GraphQL Client


If we’re planning on using GraphQL to access Fauna, there is a little more work involved. There’s no standard client for calling GraphQL APIs. Instead, we’ll use the Spring RestTemplate to make standard HTTP requests to the GraphQL endpoint. The newer WebClient would work equally well if we were building a WebFlux-based application.

如果我们打算使用GraphQL来访问Fauna,就会涉及更多的工作。没有用于调用GraphQL API的标准客户端。相反,我们将使用Spring RestTemplate来向GraphQL端点发出标准的HTTP请求。如果我们正在构建一个基于WebFlux的应用程序,较新的WebClient也同样适用。

To achieve this, we’ll write a class that wraps the RestTemplate and can make appropriate HTTP calls to Fauna:


public class GraphqlClient {
    private String faunaUrl;

    private String faunaSecret;

    private RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();

    public <T> T query(String query, Class<T> cls) {
        return query(query, Collections.emptyMap(), cls);

    public <T, V> T query(String query, V variables, Class<T> cls) {
        var body = Map.of("query", query, "variables", variables);

        var request =
            .header("Authorization", "Bearer " + faunaSecret)
        var response =, cls);

        return response.getBody();

This client allows us to make GraphQL calls to Fauna from other components of our application. We have two methods, one that just takes a GraphQL query string and another that additionally takes some variables to use with it.


They also both take the type to deserialize the query result into. Using this will handle all of the details of talking to Fauna, allowing us to concentrate on our application needs instead.


6. Summary


In this article, we have had a brief introduction to the Fauna database, seeing some of the features that it offers that can make it a highly compelling choice for our next project, as well as seeing how we can interact with it from our application.


Why not explore some of the features we’ve mentioned here in your next project?
