1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to configure Spring Security to use different security configurations for different URL patterns.
在本教程中,我们将看看如何配置Spring Security,以便对不同的URL模式使用不同的安全配置。
This is helpful when an application requires more security for certain operations while others are permitted for all users.
2. Setup
Let’s start by setting up the application.
We’ll need the Web and Security dependencies to create this service. Let’s start by adding the following dependencies to the pom.xml
3. Create the APIs
We’ll create a RESTful web service with two APIs: a Product API and a Customer API. To achieve this, we’re going to set up two controllers.
3.1. Product API
Let’s create the ProductController. It contains a single method, getProducts, which returns a list of products:
public class ProductController {
public List<Product> getProducts() {
return new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(
new Product("Product 1", "Description 1", 1.0),
new Product("Product 2", "Description 2", 2.0)
3.2. Customer API
Similarly, let’s define the CustomerController:
public class CustomerController {
public Customer getCustomerById(@PathVariable("id") String id) {
return new Customer("Customer 1", "Address 1", "Phone 1");
In a typical web application, all users, including guest users can get a list of products.
However, getting a customer’s detail by their ID seems like something only an admin can do. So we’ll define our security configuration in a way that can enable this.
4. Set Up the Security Configuration
When we add Spring Security to the project, it will disable access to all APIs by default. So we’ll need to configure Spring Security to allow access to the APIs.
当我们在项目中添加Spring Security时,它将默认禁止对所有API的访问。所以我们需要配置Spring Security以允许对API的访问。
Let’s create the SecurityConfiguration class:
public class SecurityConfiguration {
public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
return http.build();
Here we’ve created a SecurityFilterChain bean to configure the security for the application.
在这里,我们创建了一个SecurityFilterChain bean来配置应用程序的安全性。
Additionally, to prepare for basic authentication, we need to configure users for our application.
We’ll read each part of the code to understand it better.
4.1. Allowing Requests to the Products API
- authorizeRequests(): This method tells Spring to use the following rules while authorizing requests.
- antMatchers(“/products/**”): This specifies the URL patterns for which the security configuration applies. We are chaining it with a permitAll() action. If a request contains “/products” in its path, it is allowed to go to the controller.
- We can add more rules to our configuration using the and() method.
This marks the end of one chain of rules. The other rules which follow will also be applied to the requests. So we need to make sure our rules do not conflict with each other. A good practice is to define generic rules at the top and more specific rules at the bottom.
4.2. Allow Only Admin Access to the Customer API
Now let’s look at the second part of the configuration:
- To start a new rule, we can once again use the authorizeRequests() method.
- antMatchers(“/customers/**”).hasRole(“ADMIN”): If the URL contains “/customers” in the path, we check that the user making the request has the role ADMIN.
If the user is not authenticated, this will lead to a “401 Unauthorized” error. If the user does not have the correct role, this will lead to a “403 Forbidden” error.
如果用户没有经过认证,这将导致一个 “401未授权 “的错误。如果用户没有正确的角色,这将导致一个 “403禁止 “的错误。
4.3. Default Rule
We have added matches to match certain requests. Now we need to define some default behavior for the rest of the requests.
anyRequest().authenticated() – anyRequest() defines a rule chain for any request which did not match the previous rules. In our case, such requests will be passed as long as they are authenticated.
anyRequest().authenticated() – anyRequest()为任何不符合先前规则的请求定义了一个规则链。在我们的案例中,只要这些请求经过认证,就会被通过。
Please note that there can be only one default rule in the configuration, and it needs to be at the end. If we try to add a rule after adding a default rule, we get an error – “Can’t configure antMatchers after anyRequest”.
5. Testing
Let’s test both APIs using cURL.
5.1. Test the Product API
$ curl -i http://localhost:8080/products
"name": "Product 1",
"description": "Description 1",
"price": 1.0
"name": "Product 2",
"description": "Description 2",
"price": 2.0
We get the two products in response as expected.
5.2. Test the Customer API
$ curl -i http://localhost:8080/customers/1
The response body is empty.
If we check the header, we’ll see “401 Unauthorized” status. This is because access to the Customer API is only allowed for authenticated users with the role ADMIN.
如果我们检查标头,我们会看到 “401未授权 “的状态。这是因为只有具有ADMIN角色的认证用户才可以访问客户API。
Now let’s try again after adding authentication information to the request:
$ curl -u admin:password -i http://localhost:8080/customers/1
"name": "Customer 1",
"address": "Address 1",
"phone": "Phone 1"
Great! We can now access the Customer API.
6. Conclusion
In this tutorial, we learned how to set up Spring Security in a Spring Boot application. We also covered configuring access specific to a URL pattern using the antMatchers() method.
在本教程中,我们学习了如何在Spring Boot应用程序中设置Spring Security。我们还介绍了使用antMatchers()方法配置特定于URL模式的访问。
As usual, the code for this tutorial can be found over on GitHub.