1. Overview
MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database that is publicly available. We can update the documents in a collection using various methods like update, replace and save. In order to change a specific field of the document, we’ll use different operators like $set, $inc, etc.
In this tutorial, we’ll learn to modify the multiple fields of a document using the update and the replace query. For demonstration purposes, we’ll first discuss the mongo shell query and then its corresponding implementation in Java.
在本教程中,我们将学习使用update和replace查询来修改一个文档的多个字段。出于演示目的,我们将首先讨论mongo shell查询,然后讨论其在Java中的相应实现。
Let’s now look into the various methods to achieve the purpose.
2. Shell Query to Update Different Fields
Before we start, let us first create a new database, baeldung, and a sample collection, employee. We’ll use this collection in all the examples:
use baeldung;
Let’s now add a few documents into this collection using the insertMany query:
"employee_id": 794875,
"employee_name": "David Smith",
"job": "Sales Representative",
"department_id": 2,
"salary": 20000,
"hire_date": NumberLong("1643969311817")
"employee_id": 794876,
"employee_name": "Joe Butler",
"job": "Sales Manager",
"department_id": 3,
"salary": 30000,
"hire_date": NumberLong("1645338658000")
As a result, we’ll get a JSON with ObjectId for both the documents as shown below:
"acknowledged": true,
"insertedIds": [
So far, we have set up the required environment. Let’s now update the documents that we just inserted.
2.1. Update Multiple Fields of a Single Document
We can use $set and $inc operators to update any field in MongoDB. The $set operator will set the newly specified value while the $inc operator will increase the value by a specified value.
Let’s first look into the MongoDB query to update two fields of the employee collection using the $set operator:
"employee_id": 794875,
"employee_name": "David Smith"
job:"Sales Manager"
In the above query, the employee_id and employee_name field is used to filter the document and the $set operator is used to update the job and department_id fields.
We can also use the $set and $inc operators together in a single update query:
"employee_id": 794875
$inc: {
department_id: 1
$set: {
job: "Sales Manager"
This will update the job field to Sales Manager and increase the department_id by 1.
2.2. Update Multiple Fields of Multiple Documents
In addition, we can also update multiple fields of more than one document in MongoDB. We simply need to include the option multi:true to modify all documents that match the filter query criteria:
"job": "Sales Representative"
$inc: {
salary: 10000
$set: {
department_id: 5
multi: true
Alternatively, we’ll get the same results using the updateMany query:
"job": "Sales Representative"
$inc: {
salary: 10000
$set: {
department_id: 5
In the above query, we used the updateMany method to update more than 1 document of the collection.
2.3. Common Problem While Updating Multiple Fields
So far, we have learned to update multiple fields using the update query by providing two different operators or using a single operator on multiple fields.
Now, if we use an operator multiple times with different fields in a single query, MongoDB will only update the last statement of the update query and ignore the rest:
"employee_id": 794875
$set: {
department_id: 3
$set: {
job:"Sales Manager"
The above query will return a similar output to this:
In this case, the only job will be updated to “Sales Manager”. The department_id value will not be updated to 3.
在这种情况下,唯一的job将被更新为 “销售经理”。department_id值将不会被更新为3。
3. Update Fields with Java Driver
So far, we have discussed the raw MongoDB queries. Let’s now perform the same operations using Java. MongoDB Java driver supports two classes to represent a MongoDB document, com.mongodb.BasicDBObject and org.bson.Document. We’ll look into both methods to update fields in a document.
到目前为止,我们已经讨论了原始 MongoDB 查询。现在我们来执行同样的操作使用Java。MongoDB Java 驱动程序支持两个类来表示 MongoDB 文档,com.mongodb.BasicDBObject 和 org.bson.Document. 我们将研究这两种方法来更新文档中的字段。
Before we proceed, let’s first connect to the employee collection inside the baeldung DB:
在我们继续之前,让我们首先连接到employee DB里面的baeldung集合。
MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(new MongoClientURI("localhost", 27017);
MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("baeldung");
MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("employee");
Here we’ve assumed that the MongoDB is running locally at the default port of 27017.
3.1. Using DBObject
In order to create the document in MongoDB, we’ll use the com.mongodb.DBObject interface and its implementation class com.mongodb.BasicDBObject.
The implementation of the DBObject is based on key-value pairs. The BasicDBObject is inherited from the LinkedHashMap class which is in the util package.
Let’s now use the com.mongodb.BasicDBObject to perform the update operation on multiple fields:
BasicDBObject searchQuery = new BasicDBObject("employee_id", 794875);
BasicDBObject updateFields = new BasicDBObject();
updateFields.append("department_id", 3);
updateFields.append("job", "Sales Manager");
BasicDBObject setQuery = new BasicDBObject();
setQuery.append("$set", updateFields);
UpdateResult updateResult = collection.updateMany(searchQuery, setQuery);
Here, first, we created a filter query on the basis of the employee_id. This operation will return a set of documents. Further, we’ve updated the value of the department_id and job according to the set query.
3.2. Using bson Document
We can perform all the MongoDB operations using the bson document. For that, first, we need the collection object and then perform the update operation using the updateMany method with the filter and set functions.
UpdateResult updateQueryResult = collection.updateMany(Filters.eq("employee_id", 794875),
Updates.combine(Updates.set("department_id", 3), Updates.set("job", "Sales Manager")));
Here, we are passing a query filter to the updateMany method. The eq filter matches employee_id with the exact matching text ‘794875′. Then, we update the department_id and the job using the set operator.
4. Using Replace Query
The naive approach to update the multiple fields of a document is to replace it with a new document that has updated values.
For example, if we wish to replace a document with employee_id 794875, we can execute the following query:
例如,如果我们希望用employee_id 794875替换一个文件,我们可以执行以下查询。
"employee_id": 794875
"employee_id": 794875,
"employee_name": "David Smith",
"job": "Sales Manager",
"department_id": 3,
"salary": 30000,
"hire_date": NumberLong("1643969311817")
The above command will print an acknowledgment JSON in the output:
Here, the employee_id field is used to filter the document. The second argument of the update query denotes the document from which the existing document will be replaced.
In the above query, we are performing replaceOne, hence, it will replace only a single document with that filter. Alternatively, if we want to replace all the documents with that filter query, then we would need to use the updateMany method.
5. Conclusion
In this article, we explored various ways to update multiple fields of a document in MongoDB. We broadly discussed two implementations, using MongoDB shell and using Java driver.
在这篇文章中,我们探讨了在MongoDB中更新一个文档的多个字段的各种方法。我们大致讨论了两种实现方式,使用MongoDB shell和使用Java驱动。
There are various options to update the multiple fields of a document including $inc and $set operators.
The implementation of all these examples and code snippets can be found over on GitHub.