1. Introduction
In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to read JSON data from files and import them into MongoDB using Spring Boot. This can be useful for many reasons: restoring data, bulk inserting new data, or inserting default values. MongoDB uses JSON internally to structure its documents, so naturally, that’s what we’ll use to store importable files. Being plain text, this strategy also has the advantage of being easily compressible.
在本教程中,我们将学习如何从文件中读取 JSON 数据并使用 Spring Boot 将它们导入 MongoDB。这在很多情况下都很有用:恢复数据、批量插入新数据或插入默认值。MongoDB 在内部使用 JSON 来构建其文档,因此,我们自然会使用这种方法来存储可导入的文件。作为纯文本,该策略还具有易于压缩的优势。
Moreover, we’ll learn how to validate our input files against our custom types when necessary. Finally, we’ll expose an API so we can use it during runtime in our web app.
2. Dependencies
Let’s add these Spring Boot dependencies to our pom.xml:
让我们把这些Spring Boot依赖项添加到我们的pom.xml中。
We’re also going to need a running instance of MongoDB, which requires a properly configured application.properties file.
3. Importing JSON Strings
The simplest way to import JSON into MongoDB is to convert it into an “org.bson.Document” object first. This class represents a generic MongoDB document of no specific type. Therefore we don’t have to worry about creating repositories for all the kinds of objects we might import.
将 JSON 导入 MongoDB 的最简单方法是首先将其转换为”org.bson.Document“对象。该类代表没有特定类型的通用 MongoDB 文档。因此,我们不必担心为我们可能导入的所有类型的对象创建存储库。
Our strategy takes JSON (from a file, resource, or string), converts it into Documents, and saves them using MongoTemplate. Batch operations generally perform better since the amount of round trips is reduced compared to inserting each object individually.
我们的策略采用 JSON(来自文件、资源或字符串),将其转换为Documents,并使用MongoTemplate保存它们。批量操作通常表现更好,因为与单独插入每个对象相比,往返的次数减少了。
Most importantly, we’ll consider our input to have only one JSON object per line break. That way, we can easily delimiter our objects. We’ll encapsulate these functionalities into two classes that we’ll create: ImportUtils and ImportJsonService. Let’s start with our service class:
public class ImportJsonService {
private MongoTemplate mongo;
Next, let’s add a method that parses lines of JSON into documents:
private List<Document> generateMongoDocs(List<String> lines) {
List<Document> docs = new ArrayList<>();
for (String json : lines) {
return docs;
Then we add a method that inserts a list of Document objects into the desired collection. Also, it’s possible the batch operation partially fails. In that case, we can return the number of inserted documents by checking the cause of the exception:
private int insertInto(String collection, List<Document> mongoDocs) {
try {
Collection<Document> inserts = mongo.insert(mongoDocs, collection);
return inserts.size();
} catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof MongoBulkWriteException) {
return ((MongoBulkWriteException) e.getCause())
return 0;
Finally, let’s combine those methods. This one takes the input and returns a string showing how many lines were read vs. successfully inserted:
public String importTo(String collection, List<String> jsonLines) {
List<Document> mongoDocs = generateMongoDocs(jsonLines);
int inserts = insertInto(collection, mongoDocs);
return inserts + "/" + jsonLines.size();
4. Use Cases
Now that we’re ready to process input, we can build some use cases. Let’s create the ImportUtils class to help us with that. This class will be responsible for converting input into lines of JSON. It will only contain static methods. Let’s start with the one for reading a simple String:
public static List<String> lines(String json) {
String[] split = json.split("[\\r\\n]+");
return Arrays.asList(split);
Since we’re using line breaks as a delimiter, regex works great to break strings into multiple lines. This regex handles both Unix and Windows line endings. Next, a method to convert a File into a list of strings:
public static List<String> lines(File file) {
return Files.readAllLines(file.toPath());
Similarly, we finish up with a method to convert a classpath resource into a list:
public static List<String> linesFromResource(String resource) {
Resource input = new ClassPathResource(resource);
Path path = input.getFile().toPath();
return Files.readAllLines(path);
4.1. Import File During Startup With a CLI
In our first use case, we’ll implement functionality for importing a file via application arguments. We’ll take advantage of the Spring Boot ApplicationRunner interface to do this at boot time. For instance, we can read command line parameters to define the file to import:
在我们的第一个用例中,我们将实现通过应用程序参数导入文件的功能。我们将利用 Spring Boot ApplicationRunner 接口,在启动时完成这一工作。例如,我们可以读取命令行参数来定义要导入的文件:。
public class SpringBootJsonConvertFileApplication implements ApplicationRunner {
private static final String RESOURCE_PREFIX = "classpath:";
private ImportJsonService importService;
public static void main(String ... args) {
SpringApplication.run(SpringBootPersistenceApplication.class, args);
public void run(ApplicationArguments args) {
if (args.containsOption("import")) {
String collection = args.getOptionValues("collection")
List<String> sources = args.getOptionValues("import");
for (String source : sources) {
List<String> jsonLines = new ArrayList<>();
if (source.startsWith(RESOURCE_PREFIX)) {
String resource = source.substring(RESOURCE_PREFIX.length());
jsonLines = ImportUtils.linesFromResource(resource);
} else {
jsonLines = ImportUtils.lines(new File(source));
String result = importService.importTo(collection, jsonLines);
log.info(source + " - result: " + result);
Using getOptionValues() we can process one or more files. These files can be either from our classpath or from our file system. We differentiate them using the RESOURCE_PREFIX. Every argument starting with “classpath:” will be read from our resources folder instead of from the file system. After that, they will all be imported into the desired collection.
Let’s start using our application by creating a file under src/main/resources/data.json.log:
{"name":"Book A", "genre": "Comedy"}
{"name":"Book B", "genre": "Thriller"}
{"name":"Book C", "genre": "Drama"}
After building, we can use the following example to run it (line breaks added for readability). In our example, two files will be imported, one from the classpath, and one from the file system:
java -cp target/spring-boot-persistence-mongodb/WEB-INF/lib/*:target/spring-boot-persistence-mongodb/WEB-INF/classes \
-Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2 \
com.baeldung.SpringBootPersistenceApplication \
--import=classpath:data.json.log \
--import=/tmp/data.json \
4.2. JSON File From HTTP POST Upload
Additionally, if we create a REST Controller, we’ll have an endpoint to upload and import JSON files. For that, we’ll need a MultipartFile parameter:
public class ImportJsonController {
private ImportJsonService service;
public String postJsonFile(@RequestPart("parts") MultipartFile jsonStringsFile, @PathVariable String collection) {
List<String> jsonLines = ImportUtils.lines(jsonStringsFile);
return service.importTo(collection, jsonLines);
Now we can import files with a POST like this, where “/tmp/data.json” refers to an existing file:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8082/import-json/file/books -F "parts=@/tmp/books.json"
4.3. Mapping JSON to a Specific Java Type
We’ve been using only JSON, not bound to any type, which is one of the advantages of working with MongoDB. Now we want to validate our input. In this case, let’s add an ObjectMapper by making this change to our service:
private <T> List<Document> generateMongoDocs(List<String> lines, Class<T> type) {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
List<Document> docs = new ArrayList<>();
for (String json : lines) {
if (type != null) {
mapper.readValue(json, type);
return docs;
That way, if the type parameter is specified, our mapper will try to parse our JSON string as that type. And, with default configuration, will throw an exception if any unknown properties are present. Here’s our simple bean definition for working with a MongoDB repository:
这样,如果type参数被指定,我们的mapper将尝试将我们的JSON字符串解析为该类型。在默认配置下,如果存在任何未知的属性,将抛出一个异常。以下是我们的简单 Bean 定义,用于与 MongoDB 存储库配合工作。
public class Book {
private String id;
private String name;
private String genre;
// getters and setters
And now, to use the improved version of our Document generator, let’s change this method as well:
public String importTo(Class<?> type, List<String> jsonLines) {
List<Document> mongoDocs = generateMongoDocs(jsonLines, type);
String collection = type.getAnnotation(org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.mapping.Document.class)
int inserts = insertInto(collection, mongoDocs);
return inserts + "/" + jsonLines.size();
Now, instead of passing the name of a collection, we pass a Class. We assume it has the Document annotation as we used in our Book, so it can retrieve the collection name. However, since both the annotation and the Document classes have the same name, we have to specify the whole package.
5. Conclusion
In this article, we went through breaking JSON input from files, resources, or simple strings and importing them into MongoDB. We centralized this functionality in a service class and a utility class so we could reuse it anywhere. Our use cases included a CLI and a REST option, along with example commands on how to use it.
在这篇文章中,我们经历了从文件、资源或简单字符串中破解JSON输入,并将其导入MongoDB。我们将这一功能集中在一个服务类和一个实用类中,因此我们可以在任何地方重新使用它。我们的使用案例包括一个 CLI 和一个 REST 选项,以及关于如何使用它的示例命令。
And as always, the source code is available over on GitHub.