1. Overview
When we get the size of a file in Java, usually, we’ll get the value in bytes. However, once a file is large enough, for example, 123456789 bytes, seeing the length expressed in bytes becomes a challenge for us trying to comprehend how big the file is.
In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to convert file size in bytes into a human-readable format in Java.
2. Introduction to the Problem
As we’ve talked about earlier, when the size of a file in bytes is large, it’s not easy to understand for humans. Therefore, when we present an amount of data to humans, we often use a proper SI prefix, such as KB, MB, GB, and so on, to make a large number human-readable. For example, “270GB” is much easier to understand than “282341192 Bytes”.
正如我们前面谈到的,当一个文件的大小以字节为单位时,它对人类来说是不容易理解的。因此,当我们向人类展示一个数据量时,我们通常会使用一个适当的SI前缀,如KB、MB、GB等,以使一个大数字能够被人类理解。例如,”270GB “就比 “282341192字节 “容易理解得多。
However, when we get a file size through the standard Java API, usually, it’s in bytes. So, to have the human-readable format, we need to dynamically convert the value from the byte unit to the corresponding binary prefix, for example, converting “282341192 bytes” to “207MiB”, or converting “2048 bytes” to “2KiB”.
然而,当我们通过标准的Java API获得文件大小时,通常,它的单位是字节。因此,为了拥有人类可读的格式,我们需要动态地将数值从字节单位转换为相应的二进制前缀,例如,将 “282341192字节 “转换为 “207MiB”,或将 “2048字节 “转换为 “2KiB”。
It’s worth mentioning that there are two variants of the unit prefixes:
- Binary Prefixes – They are the powers of 1024; for example, 1MiB = 1024 KiB, 1GiB = 1024 MiB, and so on
- SI (International System of Units) Prefixes – They are the powers of 1000; for example, 1MB = 1000 KB, 1GB = 1000 MB, and so on.
Our tutorial will focus on both binary prefixes and SI prefixes.
3. Solving the Problem
We may have already realized that the key to solving the problem is finding the suitable unit dynamically.
For example, if the input is less than 1024, say 200, then we need to take the byte unit to have “200 Bytes”. However, when the input is greater than 1024 but less than 1024 * 1024, for instance, 4096, we should use the KiB unit, so we have “4 KiB”.
例如,如果输入小于1024,比如说200,那么我们就需要采用字节单位来得到 “200字节”。然而,当输入大于1024但小于1024*1024时,例如4096,我们应该使用KiB单位,所以我们有 “4 KiB”。
But, let’s solve the problem step by step. Before we dive into the unit determination logic, let’s first define all required units and their boundaries.
3.1. Defining Required Units
As we’ve known, one unit multiplied by 1024 will transit to the unit at the next level. Therefore, we can create constants indicating all required units with their base values:
private static long BYTE = 1L;
private static long KiB = BYTE << 10;
private static long MiB = KiB << 10;
private static long GiB = MiB << 10;
private static long TiB = GiB << 10;
private static long PiB = TiB << 10;
private static long EiB = PiB << 10;
As the code above shows, we’ve used the binary left shift operator (<<) to calculate the base values. Here, “x << 10” does the same as “x * 1024” since 1024 is two to the power of 10.
如上面的代码所示,我们使用了二进制左移运算符(<<)来计算基值。这里,“x << 10“的作用与”x * 1024“相同,因为1024是10的2次方。
For SI Prefixes one unit multiplied by 1000 will transit to the unit at the next level. Therefore, we can create constants indicating all required units with their base values:
private static long KB = BYTE * 1000;
private static long MB = KB * 1000;
private static long GB = MB * 1000;
private static long TB = GB * 1000;
private static long PB = TB * 1000;
private static long EB = PB * 1000;
3.1. Defining the Number Format
Assuming that we’ve determined the right unit and we want to express the file size to two decimal places, we can create a method to output the result:
private static DecimalFormat DEC_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
private static String formatSize(long size, long divider, String unitName) {
return DEC_FORMAT.format((double) size / divider) + " " + unitName;
Next, let’s understand quickly what the method does. As we’ve seen in the code above, first, we defined the number format DEC_FORMAT.
接下来,让我们快速了解该方法的作用。正如我们在上面的代码中所看到的,首先,我们定义了数字格式 DEC_FORMAT。
The divider parameter is the base value of the chosen unit, while the String argument unitName is the unit’s name. For example, if we’ve chosen KiB as the suitable unit, divider=1024 and unitName = “KiB”.
This method centralizes the division calculation and the number format conversion.
Now, it’s time to move to the core part of the solution: finding out the right unit.
3.2. Determining the Unit
Let’s first have a look at the implementation of the unit determination method:
public static String toHumanReadableBinaryPrefixes(long size) {
if (size < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid file size: " + size);
if (size >= EiB) return formatSize(size, EiB, "EiB");
if (size >= PiB) return formatSize(size, PiB, "PiB");
if (size >= TiB) return formatSize(size, TiB, "TiB");
if (size >= GiB) return formatSize(size, GiB, "GiB");
if (size >= MiB) return formatSize(size, MiB, "MiB");
if (size >= KiB) return formatSize(size, KiB, "KiB");
return formatSize(size, BYTE, "Bytes");
public static String toHumanReadableSIPrefixes(long size) {
if (size < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid file size: " + size);
if (size >= EB) return formatSize(size, EB, "EB");
if (size >= PB) return formatSize(size, PB, "PB");
if (size >= TB) return formatSize(size, TB, "TB");
if (size >= GB) return formatSize(size, GB, "GB");
if (size >= MB) return formatSize(size, MB, "MB");
if (size >= KB) return formatSize(size, KB, "KB");
return formatSize(size, BYTE, "Bytes");
Now, let’s walk through the method and understand how it works.
First, we want to make sure the input is a positive number.
Then, we check the units in the direction from high (EB) to low (Byte). Once we find the input size is greater than or equal to the current unit’s base value, the current unit will be the right one.
As soon as we find the right unit, we can call the previously created formatSize method to get the final result as a String.
3.3. Testing the Solution
Now, let’s write a unit test method to verify if our solution works as expected. To simplify testing the method, let’s initialize a Map<Long, String> holding inputs and the corresponding expected results:
现在,让我们写一个单元测试方法来验证我们的解决方案是否如预期的那样工作。为了简化测试方法,让我们初始化一个Map<Long, String> 容纳输入和相应的预期结果。
private static Map<Long, String> DATA_MAP_BINARY_PREFIXES = new HashMap<Long, String>() {{
put(0L, "0 Bytes");
put(1023L, "1023 Bytes");
put(1024L, "1 KiB");
put(12_345L, "12.06 KiB");
put(10_123_456L, "9.65 MiB");
put(10_123_456_798L, "9.43 GiB");
put(1_777_777_777_777_777_777L, "1.54 EiB");
private final static Map<Long, String> DATA_MAP_SI_PREFIXES = new HashMap<Long, String>() {{
put(0L, "0 Bytes");
put(999L, "999 Bytes");
put(1000L, "1 KB");
put(12_345L, "12.35 KB");
put(10_123_456L, "10.12 MB");
put(10_123_456_798L, "10.12 GB");
put(1_777_777_777_777_777_777L, "1.78 EB");
Next, let’s go through the Map DATA_MAP, taking each key value as the input and verifying if we can obtain the expected result:
DATA_MAP.forEach((in, expected) -> Assert.assertEquals(expected, FileSizeFormatUtil.toHumanReadable(in)));
When we execute the unit test, it passes.
4. Improving the Solution With an Enum and Loop
So far, we’ve solved the problem. The solution is pretty straightforward. In the toHumanReadable method, we’ve written multiple if statements to determine the unit.
If we think about the solution carefully, a couple of points might be error-prone:
- The order of those if statements must be fixed as they are in the method.
- In each if statement, we’ve hard-coded the unit constant and the corresponding name as a String object.
Next, let’s see how to improve the solution.
4.1. Creating the SizeUnit enum
Actually, we can convert the unit constants into an enum so that we don’t have to hard-code the names in the method:
enum SizeUnitBinaryPrefixes {
KiB(Bytes.unitBase << 10),
MiB(KiB.unitBase << 10),
GiB(MiB.unitBase << 10),
TiB(GiB.unitBase << 10),
PiB(TiB.unitBase << 10),
EiB(PiB.unitBase << 10);
private final Long unitBase;
public static List<SizeUnitBinaryPrefixes> unitsInDescending() {
List<SizeUnitBinaryPrefixes> list = Arrays.asList(values());
return list;
//getter and constructor are omitted
enum SizeUnitSIPrefixes {
KB(Bytes.unitBase * 1000),
MB(KB.unitBase * 1000),
GB(MB.unitBase * 1000),
TB(GB.unitBase * 1000),
PB(TB.unitBase * 1000),
EB(PB.unitBase * 1000);
private final Long unitBase;
public static List<SizeUnitSIPrefixes> unitsInDescending() {
List<SizeUnitSIPrefixes> list = Arrays.asList(values());
return list;
//getter and constructor are omitted
As the enum SizeUnit above shows, a SizeUnit instance holds both unitBase and name.
正如上面的enum SizeUnit所示,一个SizeUnit实例同时持有unitBase和name。
Further, since we want to check the units in “descending” order later, we’ve created a helper method, unitsInDescending, to return all units in the required order.
此外,由于我们希望以后以 “降序 “检查单位,我们创建了一个辅助方法unitsInDescending,来返回所有按要求顺序排列的单位。
With this enum, we don’t have to code the names manually.
Next, let’s see if we can make some improvement on the set of if statements.
4.2. Using a Loop to Determine the Unit
As our SizeUnit enum can provide all units in a List in descending order, we can replace the set of if statements with a for loop:
public static String toHumanReadableWithEnum(long size) {
List<SizeUnit> units = SizeUnit.unitsInDescending();
if (size < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid file size: " + size);
String result = null;
for (SizeUnit unit : units) {
if (size >= unit.getUnitBase()) {
result = formatSize(size, unit.getUnitBase(), unit.name());
return result == null ? formatSize(size, SizeUnit.Bytes.getUnitBase(), SizeUnit.Bytes.name()) : result;
As the code above shows, the method follows the same logic as the first solution. In addition, it avoids those unit constants, multiple if statements, and hard-coded unit names.
To make sure it works as expected, let’s test our solution:
DATA_MAP.forEach((in, expected) -> Assert.assertEquals(expected, FileSizeFormatUtil.toHumanReadableWithEnum(in)));
The test passes when we execute it.
5. Using the Long.numberOfLeadingZeros Method
We’ve solved the problem by checking units one by one and taking the first one that satisfies our condition.
Alternatively, we can use the Long.numberOfLeadingZeros method from the Java standard API to determine which unit the given size value falls in.
Next, let’s take a closer look at this interesting approach.
5.1. Introduction to the Long.numberOfLeadingZeros Method
The Long.numberOfLeadingZeros method returns the number of zero bits preceding the leftmost one-bit in the binary representation of the given Long value.
As Java’s Long type is a 64-bit integer, Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(0L) = 64. A couple of examples may help us understand the method quickly:
由于Java的Long类型是一个64位的整数,Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(0L) = 64。几个例子可能有助于我们快速理解这个方法。
1L = 00... (63 zeros in total) .. 0001 -> Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(1L) = 63
1024L = 00... (53 zeros in total) .. 0100 0000 0000 -> Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(1024L) = 53
Now, we’ve understood the Long.numberOfLeadingZeros method. But why can it help us to determine the unit?
Let’s figure it out.
5.2. The Idea to Solve the Problem
We’ve known the factor between the units is 1024, which is two to the power of ten (2^10). Therefore, if we calculate the number of leading zeros of each unit’s base value, the difference between two adjacent units is always 10:
Index Unit numberOfLeadingZeros(unit.baseValue)
0 Byte 63
1 KiB 53
2 MiB 43
3 GiB 33
4 TiB 23
5 PiB 13
6 EiB 3
Further, we can calculate the number of leading zeros of the input value and see the result falls in which unit’s range to find the suitable unit.
Next, let’s see an example – how to determine the unit and calculate the unit base value for the size 4096:
if 4096 < 1024 (Byte's base value) -> Byte
numberOfLeadingZeros(4096) = 51
unitIdx = (numberOfLeadingZeros(1) - 51) / 10 = (63 - 51) / 10 = 1
unitIdx = 1 -> KB (Found the unit)
unitBase = 1 << (unitIdx * 10) = 1 << 10 = 1024
Next, let’s implement this logic as a method.
5.3. Implementing the Idea
Let’s create a method to implement the idea we’ve discussed just now:
public static String toHumanReadableByNumOfLeadingZeros(long size) {
if (size < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid file size: " + size);
if (size < 1024) return size + " Bytes";
int unitIdx = (63 - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(size)) / 10;
return formatSize(size, 1L << (unitIdx * 10), " KMGTPE".charAt(unitIdx) + "iB");
As we can see, the method above is pretty compact. It doesn’t need unit constants or an enum. Instead, we’ve created a String containing units: ” KMGTPE”. Then, we use the calculated unitIdx to pick the right unit letter and append the “iB” to build the complete unit name.
我们可以看到,上面的方法是相当紧凑的。它不需要单位常量或enum。相反,我们已经创建了一个包含单位的String。” KMGTPE”。然后,我们使用计算出的unitIdx来挑选正确的单位字母,并附加 “iB “来建立完整的单位名称。
It’s worth mentioning that we leave the first character empty on purpose in the String ” KMGTPE”. This is because the unit “Byte” doesn’t follow the pattern “*B“, and we handled it separately: if (size < 1024) return size + ” Bytes”;
值得一提的是,我们在String ” KMGTPE”中故意将第一个字符留空。这是因为单位”Byte“并不遵循”*B“的模式,我们对它进行了单独处理。if (size < 1024) return size + ” Bytes”;
Again, let’s write a test method to make sure it works as expected:
DATA_MAP.forEach((in, expected) -> Assert.assertEquals(expected, FileSizeFormatUtil.toHumanReadableByNumOfLeadingZeros(in)));
6. Using Apache Commons IO
6.使用Apache Commons IO
So far, we’ve implemented two different approaches to converting a file size value into a human-readable format.
Actually, some external library has already provided a method to solve the problem: Apache Commons-IO.
实际上,一些外部库已经提供了一种方法来解决这个问题:Apache Commons-IO。
Apache Commons-IO’s FileUtils allows us to convert byte size to a human-readable format through the byteCountToDisplaySize method.
Apache Commons-IO的FileUtils允许我们通过byteCountToDisplaySize方法将字节大小转换成人类可读的格式。
However, this method rounds the decimal part up automatically.
Finally, let’s test the byteCountToDisplaySize method with our input data and see what it prints:
DATA_MAP.forEach((in, expected) -> System.out.println(in + " bytes -> " + FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(in)));
The test outputs:
0 bytes -> 0 bytes
1024 bytes -> 1 KB
1777777777777777777 bytes -> 1 EB
12345 bytes -> 12 KB
10123456 bytes -> 9 MB
10123456798 bytes -> 9 GB
1023 bytes -> 1023 bytes
7. Conclusion
In this article, we’ve addressed different ways to convert file size in bytes into a human-readable format.
As always, the code presented in this article is available over on GitHub.