Java Web Weekly, Issue 148 – Java网络周刊》第148期

最后修改: 2016年 10月 27日


1. Spring and Java


>> HTTP headers forwarding in microservices []

>> Tracing Spring Integration Flow with Spring Cloud Sleuth []

Doing a proper microservice implementation is tough – no two ways about it. There are certainly new challenges but also a new class of tools meant to help with these challenges.


Here are two interesting writeups about one of these tools – Spring Cloud Sleuth – and about tracing an HTTP request across multiple services.

这里有两篇关于这些工具之一的有趣文章–Spring Cloud Sleuth–以及关于跨多个服务追踪HTTP请求。

>> JUnit 5 State Of The Union []

A good high level look at JUnit 5 right now, a year and a couple of months into development.

一个很好的高水平的现在看JUnit 5,开发了一年零几个月。

>> 6 Hibernate features that I’m missing in JPA []

Hibernate has been on a roll lately, and JPA is lagging behind even more so than usual. Here’s a list of solid features that should hopefully make it into the next version of JPA.


>> The best way to implement equals, hashCode, and toString with JPA and Hibernate []

An interesting discussing focused on the fundamental.


Also worth reading:


Webinars and presentations:


Time to upgrade:


2. Technical


>> Message Processing Styles []

A quick look at processing JSON data in real-world systems, where things aren’t as neat and tidy as we’d like them to be, and pretty much anything could come over the wire.


>> A service framework for operation-based CRDTs []

If you’re way into Event Sourcing and CQRS, than this will make a good read, for both practical takeaways but also for cross-pollination of architectural ideas.


Also worth reading:


3. Musings


>> Short DNS Record TTL And Centralization Are Serious Risks For The Internet []

No doubt you heard and probably experienced the massive DDOS attack a few days ago.


There are several reports and analysis worth reading online of course, here’s one that actually goes beyond just “what happened”.

当然,网上有几份报告和分析值得一读,这里有一份报告实际上超越了 “发生了什么”

>> 4 Ways Custom Code Metrics Make a Difference []

If you’re using static analysis, semi-custom, tunable rules simply need to be used and evolved. Without these, the defaults likely won’t fit the specifics of your codebase and your needs – which generally leads to either lots of false positives, or turning off useful rules entirely.


As a quick take-away, definitely tweak and keep tweaking your static analysis rules, so that they actually make sense for your codebase.


Also worth reading:


4. Comics


And my favorite Dilberts of the week:


>> Stop being engineers! []

>> Try eating cake []

>> Taking more responsibility []

5. Pick of the Week

5 本周精选

>> Just shut up and let your devs concentrate []