Java Primitive Conversions – Java原形转换

最后修改: 2017年 3月 7日


1. Introduction


Java is a typed language which means it utilizes the concept of types. There are two distinct type groups:


  1. primitive data types
  2. abstract data types.

In this article, we will focus on conversions of primitive types.


2. Overview of Primitives


The first thing we have to know is what kind of values may be used with primitive types. There are eight primitive types which are:


  • byte – 8 bits and signed

    byte – 8位,有符号的

  • short – 16 bits and signed

    short – 16位,有符号的

  • char – 16 bits and unsigned, so that it may represent Unicode characters

    char – 16位,无符号,因此它可以代表Unicode字符。

  • int – 32 bits and signed

    int – 32位,有符号。

  • long – 64 bits and signed

    long – 64位且有签名的

  • float – 32 bits and signed

    float – 32位,有符号。

  • double – 64 bits and signed

    double – 64位,有符号。

  • boolean – it’s not numeric, may only have true or false values

    boolean – 它不是数字,可能只有truefalse值。

This is not intended to be an extensive discussion about primitives and we will talk a little more about their details as needed during the conversions.


3. Widening Primitive Conversions


When we need to convert from a primitive that is simpler or smaller than the destination type, we don’t have to use any special notation for that:


int myInt = 127;
long myLong = myInt;

During widening conversion, the smaller primitive value is placed over a larger container, which means that all the extra space, on the left of the value, is filled with zeros. This may also be used to go from the integer group to the floating point:


float myFloat = myLong;
double myDouble = myLong;

This is possible because the moving to a wider primitive does not lose any information.


4. Narrowing Primitive Conversion


Sometimes we need to fit a value that is larger than the type used in the variable declaration. This may result in information loss since some bytes will have to be discarded.


In this case, we have to explicitly express that we are aware of the situation and we agree with that, by using a cast:


int myInt = (int) myDouble;
byte myByte = (byte) myInt;

5. Widening and Narrowing Primitive Conversion


This situation happens in a very specific case when we want to convert from a byte to a char. The first conversion is the widening of the byte to int and then from the int it is narrowed down to char.


An example will clarify this point:


byte myLargeValueByte = (byte) 130;   //0b10000010 -126

The binary representation of 130 is the same for -126, the difference is the interpretation of the signal bit. Let’s now convert from byte to char:


char myLargeValueChar = (char) myLargeValueByte;
  //0b11111111 10000010 unsigned value
int myLargeValueInt = myLargeValueChar; //0b11111111 10000010 65410

The char representation is a Unicode value, but converting to an int showed us a very large value which has the lower 8 bits exactly the same as -126.


If we convert it again to byte we get:


byte myOtherByte = (byte) myLargeValueInt; //0b10000010 -126

The original value that we used. If the whole code was starting with a char the values will be different:


char myLargeValueChar2 = 130; //This is an int not a byte! 
  //0b 00000000 10000010 unsigned value
int myLargeValueInt2 = myLargeValueChar2; //0b00000000 10000010  130
byte myOtherByte2 = (byte) myLargeValueInt2; //0b10000010 -126

Although the byte representation is the same, which is -126, the char representation gives us two different characters.


6. Boxing/Unboxing Conversion


In Java, we have a Wrapper Class for each primitive type, this is a clever way of providing programmers with useful processing methods, without the overhead of having everything as a heavyweight object reference. Since Java 1.5 the ability to automatically convert to/from a primitive to an object and back was included and its achieved by simple attribution:

在Java中,我们为每个原始类型都有一个封装类,这是一种为程序员提供有用的处理方法的聪明方法,而不需要把所有东西都作为一个重量级的对象引用。自Java 1.5以来,自动转换到/从基元到对象并返回的能力被包括在内,其通过简单的归属实现。

Integer myIntegerReference = myInt;
int myOtherInt = myIntegerReference;

7. String Conversions


All the primitive types may be converted to String through their Wrapper Classes, which override the toString() method:


String myString = myIntegerReference.toString();

If we need to go back to a primitive type, we need to use a parse method defined by the corresponding Wrapper Class:


byte  myNewByte   = Byte.parseByte(myString);
short myNewShort  = Short.parseShort(myString);
int   myNewInt    = Integer.parseInt(myString);
long  myNewLong   = Long.parseLong(myString);

float  myNewFloat  = Float.parseFloat(myString);
double myNewDouble = Double.parseDouble(myString);
boolean myNewBoolean = Boolean.parseBoolean(myString);

The only exception here is the Character Class because a String is made of chars anyway, this way, considering that probably the String is made of a single char, we can use the charAt() method of the String class:


char myNewChar = myString.charAt(0);

8. Numeric Promotions


To execute a binary operation, it is necessary that both operands are compatible in terms of size.


There is a set of simple rules that apply:


  1. If one of the operands is a double, the other is promoted to double
  2. Otherwise, if one of the operands is a float, the other is promoted to float
  3. Otherwise, if one of the operands is a long, the other is promoted to long
  4. Otherwise, both are considered int

Let’s see an example:


byte op1 = 4;
byte op2 = 5;
byte myResultingByte = (byte) (op1 + op2);

Both operands were promoted to int and the result must be downcast to byte again.


9. Conclusion


Conversion between types is a very common task on daily programming activities. There is a set of rules that govern the ways in which statically typed languages operate those conversions. Knowing this rules may save a lot of time when trying to figure out why a certain code is compiling or not.


The code used in this article can be found over on GitHub.
