1. Introduction
In this article, we’ll implement a custom AOP annotation using the AOP support in Spring.
First, we’ll give a high-level overview of AOP, explaining what it is and its advantages. Following this, we’ll implement our annotation step by step, gradually building up a more in-depth understanding of AOP concepts as we go.
The outcome will be a better understanding of AOP and the ability to create our custom Spring annotations in the future.
2. What Is an AOP Annotation?
To quickly summarize, AOP stands for aspect orientated programming. Essentially, it is a way for adding behavior to existing code without modifying that code.
For a detailed introduction to AOP, there are articles on AOP pointcuts and advice. This article assumes we have a basic knowledge already.
The type of AOP that we will be implementing in this article is annotation driven. We may be familiar with this already if we’ve used the Spring @Transactional annotation:
public void orderGoods(Order order) {
// A series of database calls to be performed in a transaction
The key here is non-invasiveness. By using annotation meta-data, our core business logic isn’t polluted with our transaction code. This makes it easier to reason about, refactor, and to test in isolation.
Sometimes, people developing Spring applications can see this as ‘Spring Magic’, without thinking in much detail about how it’s working. In reality, what’s happening isn’t particularly complicated. However, once we’ve completed the steps in this article, we will be able to create our own custom annotation in order to understand and leverage AOP.
3. Maven Dependency
First, let’s add our Maven dependencies.
首先,让我们添加我们的Maven dependencies.
For this example, we’ll be using Spring Boot, as its convention over configuration approach lets us get up and running as quickly as possible:
在这个例子中,我们将使用Spring Boot,因为其约定俗成的配置方式可以让我们尽快启动和运行。
Note that we’ve included the AOP starter, which pulls in the libraries we need to start implementing aspects.
4. Creating Our Custom Annotation
The annotation we are going to create is one which will be used to log the amount of time it takes a method to execute. Let’s create our annotation:
public @interface LogExecutionTime {
Although a relatively simple implementation, it’s worth noting what the two meta-annotations are used for.
The @Target annotation tells us where our annotation will be applicable. Here we are using ElementType.Method, which means it will only work on methods. If we tried to use the annotation anywhere else, then our code would fail to compile. This behavior makes sense, as our annotation will be used for logging method execution time.
And @Retention just states whether the annotation will be available to the JVM at runtime or not. By default it is not, so Spring AOP would not be able to see the annotation. This is why it’s been reconfigured.
而@Retention只是说明注解在运行时是否会被JVM使用。默认情况下,它不是,所以Spring AOP将无法看到该注解。这就是它被重新配置的原因。
5. Creating Our Aspect
Now we have our annotation, let’s create our aspect. This is just the module that will encapsulate our cross-cutting concern, which is our case is method execution time logging. All it is is a class, annotated with @Aspect:
public class ExampleAspect {
We’ve also included the @Component annotation, as our class also needs to be a Spring bean to be detected. Essentially, this is the class where we will implement the logic that we want our custom annotation to inject.
我们还包含了@Component注解,因为我们的类也需要是一个Spring Bean才能被检测到。从本质上讲,这是我们将实现我们希望自定义注解注入的逻辑的类。
6. Creating Our Pointcut and Advice
Now, let’s create our pointcut and advice. This will be an annotated method that lives in our aspect:
public Object logExecutionTime(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
return joinPoint.proceed();
Technically this doesn’t change the behavior of anything yet, but there’s still quite a lot going on that needs analysis.
First, we have annotated our method with @Around. This is our advice, and around advice means we are adding extra code both before and after method execution. There are other types of advice, such as before and after but they will be left out of scope for this article.
首先,我们用@Around注释了我们的方法。这是我们的建议,环绕建议意味着我们在方法执行之前和之后都要添加额外的代码。还有其他类型的建议,如before 和after,但它们将被排除在本文的范围之外。
Next, our @Around annotation has a point cut argument. Our pointcut just says, ‘Apply this advice any method which is annotated with @LogExecutionTime.’ There are lots of other types of pointcuts, but they will again be left out if scope.
The method logExecutionTime() itself is our advice. There is a single argument, ProceedingJoinPoint. In our case, this will be an executing method which has been annotated with @LogExecutionTime.
Finally, when our annotated method ends up being called, what will happen is our advice will be called first. Then it’s up to our advice to decide what to do next. In our case, our advice is doing nothing other than calling proceed(), which is the just calling the original annotated method.
7. Logging Our Execution Time
Now we have our skeleton in place, all we need to do is add some extra logic to our advice. This will be what logs the execution time in addition to calling the original method. Let’s add this extra behavior to our advice:
public Object logExecutionTime(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Object proceed = joinPoint.proceed();
long executionTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
System.out.println(joinPoint.getSignature() + " executed in " + executionTime + "ms");
return proceed;
Again, we’ve not done anything that’s particularly complicated here. We’ve just recorded the current time, executed the method, then printed the amount of time it took to the console. We’re also logging the method signature, which is provided to use the joinpoint instance. We would also be able to gain access to other bits of information if we wanted to, such as method arguments.
同样,我们在这里没有做任何特别复杂的事情。我们只是记录了当前的时间,执行了这个方法,然后把它所花费的时间打印到控制台。我们还记录了方法的签名,这个签名是为使用joinpoint instance而提供的。如果我们想的话,我们也能获得其他的信息,比如方法参数。
Now, let’s try annotating a method with @LogExecutionTime, and then executing it to see what happens. Note that this must be a Spring Bean to work correctly:
现在,让我们试着用@LogExecutionTime, 来注释一个方法,然后执行它,看看会发生什么。请注意,这必须是一个Spring Bean才能正确工作。
public void serve() throws InterruptedException {
After execution, we should see the following logged to the console:
void org.baeldung.Service.serve() executed in 2030ms
8. Conclusion
In this article, we’ve leveraged Spring Boot AOP to create our custom annotation, which we can apply to Spring beans to inject extra behavior to them at runtime.
在本文中,我们利用Spring Boot AOP创建了我们的自定义注解,我们可以将其应用于Spring Bean,以便在运行时向其注入额外的行为。
The source code for our application is available on over on GitHub; this is a Maven project which should be able to run as is.