Using @JsonComponent in Spring Boot – 在Spring Boot中使用@JsonComponent

最后修改: 2017年 4月 13日


1. Overview


This quick article is focused on how to use the @JsonComponent annotation in Spring Boot.

这篇快速文章主要介绍如何在Spring Boot中使用@JsonComponent注解。

The annotation allows us to expose an annotated class to be a Jackson serializer and/or deserializer without the need to add it to the ObjectMapper manually.


This is part of the core Spring Boot module, so there are no additional dependencies required in a plain Spring Boot application.

这是Spring Boot核心模块的一部分,所以在普通的Spring Boot应用程序中不需要额外的依赖。

2. Serialization


Let’s start with the following User object containing a favorite color:


public class User {
    private Color favoriteColor;

    // standard getters/constructors

If we serialize this object using Jackson with default settings we get:


  "favoriteColor": {
    "red": 0.9411764740943909,
    "green": 0.9725490212440491,
    "blue": 1.0,
    "opacity": 1.0,
    "opaque": true,
    "hue": 208.00000000000003,
    "saturation": 0.05882352590560913,
    "brightness": 1.0

We can make the JSON a lot more condensed and readable by just printing the RGB values – for example, to be used in CSS.


To this extent, we just have to create a class that implements JsonSerializer:


public class UserJsonSerializer extends JsonSerializer<User> {

    public void serialize(User user, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, 
      SerializerProvider serializerProvider) throws IOException, 
      JsonProcessingException {

    private static String getColorAsWebColor(Color color) {
        int r = (int) Math.round(color.getRed() * 255.0);
        int g = (int) Math.round(color.getGreen() * 255.0);
        int b = (int) Math.round(color.getBlue() * 255.0);
        return String.format("#%02x%02x%02x", r, g, b);

With this serializer, the resulting JSON has been reduced to:



Due to the @JsonComponent annotation, the serializer is registered in the Jackson ObjectMapper in the Spring Boot application. We can test this with the following JUnit test:

由于@JsonComponent注解,序列化器被注册在Spring Boot应用程序的Jackson ObjectMapper中。我们可以通过以下JUnit测试来测试。

public class UserJsonSerializerTest {

    private ObjectMapper objectMapper;

    public void testSerialization() throws JsonProcessingException {
        User user = new User(Color.ALICEBLUE);
        String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(user);
        assertEquals("{\"favoriteColor\":\"#f0f8ff\"}", json);

3. Deserialization


Continuing with the same example, we can write a deserializer that will turn the web color String into a JavaFX Color object:


public class UserJsonDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<User> {
    public User deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, 
      DeserializationContext deserializationContext) throws IOException, 
      JsonProcessingException {
        TreeNode treeNode = jsonParser.getCodec().readTree(jsonParser);
        TextNode favoriteColor
          = (TextNode) treeNode.get("favoriteColor");
        return new User(Color.web(favoriteColor.asText()));

Let’s test the new deserializer and make sure everything works as expected:


public class UserJsonDeserializerTest {

    private ObjectMapper objectMapper;

    public void testDeserialize() throws IOException {
        String json = "{\"favoriteColor\":\"#f0f8ff\"}"
        User user = objectMapper.readValue(json, User.class);
        assertEquals(Color.ALICEBLUE, user.getFavoriteColor());

4. Serializer and Deserializer in One Class


When desired, we can connect the serializer and the deserializer in one class by using two inner classes and adding the @JsonComponent on the enclosing class:


public class UserCombinedSerializer {
    public static class UserJsonSerializer 
      extends JsonSerializer<User> {

        public void serialize(User user, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, 
          SerializerProvider serializerProvider) throws IOException, 
          JsonProcessingException {
              "favoriteColor", getColorAsWebColor(user.getFavoriteColor()));

        private static String getColorAsWebColor(Color color) {
            int r = (int) Math.round(color.getRed() * 255.0);
            int g = (int) Math.round(color.getGreen() * 255.0);
            int b = (int) Math.round(color.getBlue() * 255.0);
            return String.format("#%02x%02x%02x", r, g, b);

    public static class UserJsonDeserializer 
      extends JsonDeserializer<User> {
        public User deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, 
          DeserializationContext deserializationContext)
          throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
            TreeNode treeNode = jsonParser.getCodec().readTree(jsonParser);
            TextNode favoriteColor = (TextNode) treeNode.get(
            return new User(Color.web(favoriteColor.asText()));

5. Conclusion


This quick tutorial showed how to quickly add a Jackson serializer/deserializer in a Spring Boot application by leveraging component scanning with the @JsonComponent annotation.

这个快速教程展示了如何通过利用带有@JsonComponent注解的组件扫描,在Spring Boot应用程序中快速添加Jackson序列化器/解串器。

The code snippets can be found over on GitHub.
