Period and Duration in Java – Java中的周期和持续时间

最后修改: 2017年 5月 7日


1. Overview


In this quick tutorial, we’re going to take a look at two new classes for working with dates introduced in Java 8: Period and Duration.

在这个快速教程中,我们将看看Java 8中引入的两个用于处理日期的新类:PeriodDuration

Both classes can be used to represent an amount of time or determine the difference between two dates. The main distinction between the two classes is that Period uses date-based values, while Duration uses time-based values.


2. Period Class


The Period class uses the units year, month and day to represent a period of time.


We can obtain a Period object as the difference between two dates by using the between() method:


LocalDate startDate = LocalDate.of(2015, 2, 20);
LocalDate endDate = LocalDate.of(2017, 1, 15);

Period period = Period.between(startDate, endDate);

Then, we can determine the date units of the period using the methods getYears(), getMonths(), getDays():

然后,我们可以使用getYears(), getMonths(), getDays()方法来确定该时期的日期单位。"Years:" + period.getYears() + 
  " months:" + period.getMonths() + 
  " days:"+period.getDays());

In this case, the isNegative() method, which returns true if any of the units are negative, can be used to determine if the endDate is higher than the startDate:

在这种情况下, isNegative()方法(如果任何单位为负数,则返回true)可以用来确定endDate是否高于startDate


If isNegative() returns false, then the startDate is earlier than the endDate value.


Another way to create a Period object is based on the number of days, months, weeks or years using dedicated methods:


Period fromUnits = Period.of(3, 10, 10);
Period fromDays = Period.ofDays(50);
Period fromMonths = Period.ofMonths(5);
Period fromYears = Period.ofYears(10);
Period fromWeeks = Period.ofWeeks(40);

assertEquals(280, fromWeeks.getDays());

If only one of the values is present, for example by using the ofDays() method, then the value of the other units is 0.


In the case of the ofWeeks() method, the parameter value is used to set the number of days by multiplying it by 7.


We can also create a Period object by parsing a text sequence, which has to have the format “PnYnMnD”:

我们也可以通过解析一个文本序列来创建一个Period对象,其格式必须是 “PnYnMnD”。

Period fromCharYears = Period.parse("P2Y");
assertEquals(2, fromCharYears.getYears());

Period fromCharUnits = Period.parse("P2Y3M5D");
assertEquals(5, fromCharUnits.getDays());

The value of the period can be increased or decreased by using methods of the form plusX() and minusX(), where X represents the date unit:


assertEquals(56, period.plusDays(50).getDays());
assertEquals(9, period.minusMonths(2).getMonths());

3. Duration Class

3.Duration Class

The Duration class represents an interval of time in seconds or nanoseconds and is most suited for handling shorter amounts of time, in cases that require more precision.


We can determine the difference between two instants as a Duration object using the between() method:

我们可以使用 between()方法来确定两个瞬间的差异,作为一个Duration对象。

Instant start = Instant.parse("2017-10-03T10:15:30.00Z");
Instant end = Instant.parse("2017-10-03T10:16:30.00Z");
Duration duration = Duration.between(start, end);

Then we can use the getSeconds() or getNanoseconds() methods to determine the value of the time units:


assertEquals(60, duration.getSeconds());

Alternatively, we can obtain a Duration instance from two LocalDateTime instances:


LocalTime start = LocalTime.of(1, 20, 25, 1024);
LocalTime end = LocalTime.of(3, 22, 27, 1544);

Duration.between(start, end).getSeconds();

The isNegative() method can be used to verify if the end instant is higher than the start instant:



We can also obtain a Duration object based on several time units, using the methods ofDays(), ofHours(), ofMillis(), ofMinutes(), ofNanos(), ofSeconds():

我们还可以使用ofDays(), ofHours(), ofMillis(), ofMinutes(), ofNanos(), ofSeconds()方法,基于多个时间单位获得一个Duration对象。

Duration fromDays = Duration.ofDays(1);
assertEquals(86400, fromDays.getSeconds());
Duration fromMinutes = Duration.ofMinutes(60);

To create a Duration object based on a text sequence, this has to be of the form “PnDTnHnMn.nS”:

要创建一个基于文本序列的Duration对象,它必须是 “PnDTnHnMn.nS “的形式。

Duration fromChar1 = Duration.parse("P1DT1H10M10.5S");
Duration fromChar2 = Duration.parse("PT10M");

A duration can be converted to other time units using toDays(), toHours(), toMillis(), toMinutes():

一个持续时间可以通过toDays(), toHours(), toMillis(), toMinutes()转换为其他时间单位

assertEquals(1, fromMinutes.toHours());

A duration value can be increased or decreased by using methods of the form plusX() or minusX(), where X can stand for days, hours, millis, minutes, nanos or seconds:


assertEquals(120, duration.plusSeconds(60).getSeconds());     
assertEquals(30, duration.minusSeconds(30).getSeconds());

We can also use the plus() and minus() methods with a parameter that specifies the TemporalUnit to add or subtract:

我们还可以使用 plus()minus()方法,该方法的参数指定了要添加或减少的TemporalUnit

assertEquals(120,, ChronoUnit.SECONDS).getSeconds());     
assertEquals(30, duration.minus(30, ChronoUnit.SECONDS).getSeconds());

4. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we’ve shown how we can use the Period and Duration classes.


As always, the full source code of the examples can be found over on GitHub.
