1. Overview
This quick tutorial will be an intro to using the synchronized block in Java.
Simply put, in a multi-threaded environment, a race condition occurs when two or more threads attempt to update mutable shared data at the same time. Java offers a mechanism to avoid race conditions by synchronizing thread access to shared data.
简单地说,在多线程环境中,当两个或多个线程试图同时更新易变的共享数据时,就会出现race condition。Java提供了一种机制,通过同步线程对共享数据的访问来避免竞赛条件。
A piece of logic marked with synchronized becomes a synchronized block, allowing only one thread to execute at any given time.
2. Why Synchronization?
Let’s consider a typical race condition where we calculate the sum, and multiple threads execute the calculate() method:
让我们考虑一个典型的竞赛条件,我们计算总和,多个线程执行calculate() 方法。
public class BaeldungSynchronizedMethods {
private int sum = 0;
public void calculate() {
setSum(getSum() + 1);
// standard setters and getters
Then let’s write a simple test:
public void givenMultiThread_whenNonSyncMethod() {
ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
BaeldungSynchronizedMethods summation = new BaeldungSynchronizedMethods();
IntStream.range(0, 1000)
.forEach(count -> service.submit(summation::calculate));
service.awaitTermination(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertEquals(1000, summation.getSum());
We’re using an ExecutorService with a 3-threads pool to execute the calculate() 1000 times.
我们正在使用一个有3个线程池的ExecutorService 来执行calculate() 1000次。
If we executed this serially, the expected output would be 1000, but our multi-threaded execution fails almost every time with an inconsistent actual output:
java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<1000> but was:<965>
at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:88)
at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals(Assert.java:834)
Of course, we don’t find this result unexpected.
A simple way to avoid the race condition is to make the operation thread-safe by using the synchronized keyword.
3. The Synchronized Keyword
We can use the synchronized keyword on different levels:
- Instance methods
- Static methods
- Code blocks
When we use a synchronized block, Java internally uses a monitor, also known as monitor lock or intrinsic lock, to provide synchronization. These monitors are bound to an object; therefore, all synchronized blocks of the same object can have only one thread executing them at the same time.
3.1. Synchronized Instance Methods
We can add the synchronized keyword in the method declaration to make the method synchronized:
public synchronized void synchronisedCalculate() {
setSum(getSum() + 1);
Notice that once we synchronize the method, the test case passes with the actual output as 1000:
public void givenMultiThread_whenMethodSync() {
ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
SynchronizedMethods method = new SynchronizedMethods();
IntStream.range(0, 1000)
.forEach(count -> service.submit(method::synchronisedCalculate));
service.awaitTermination(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertEquals(1000, method.getSum());
Instance methods are synchronized over the instance of the class owning the method, which means only one thread per instance of the class can execute this method.
3.2. Synchronized Static Methods
Static methods are synchronized just like instance methods:
public static synchronized void syncStaticCalculate() {
staticSum = staticSum + 1;
These methods are synchronized on the Class object associated with the class. Since only one Class object exists per JVM per class, only one thread can execute inside a static synchronized method per class, irrespective of the number of instances it has.
这些方法是在与该类相关的Class对象上同步的。由于每个JVM的每个类只存在一个Class对象,所以每个类只有一个线程可以在static synchronized 方法内执行,而不管它有多少实例。
Let’s test it:
public void givenMultiThread_whenStaticSyncMethod() {
ExecutorService service = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
IntStream.range(0, 1000)
.forEach(count ->
service.awaitTermination(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertEquals(1000, BaeldungSynchronizedMethods.staticSum);
3.3. Synchronized Blocks Within Methods
Sometimes we don’t want to synchronize the entire method, only some instructions within it. We can achieve this by applying synchronized to a block:
public void performSynchronisedTask() {
synchronized (this) {
Then we can test the change:
public void givenMultiThread_whenBlockSync() {
ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
BaeldungSynchronizedBlocks synchronizedBlocks = new BaeldungSynchronizedBlocks();
IntStream.range(0, 1000)
.forEach(count ->
service.awaitTermination(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertEquals(1000, synchronizedBlocks.getCount());
Notice that we passed a parameter this to the synchronized block. This is the monitor object. The code inside the block gets synchronized on the monitor object. Simply put, only one thread per monitor object can execute inside that block of code.
If the method was static, we would pass the class name in place of the object reference, and the class would be a monitor for synchronization of the block:
public static void performStaticSyncTask(){
synchronized (SynchronisedBlocks.class) {
setStaticCount(getStaticCount() + 1);
Let’s test the block inside the static method:
让我们测试一下static 方法里面的块。
public void givenMultiThread_whenStaticSyncBlock() {
ExecutorService service = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
IntStream.range(0, 1000)
.forEach(count ->
service.awaitTermination(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertEquals(1000, BaeldungSynchronizedBlocks.getStaticCount());
3.4. Reentrancy
The lock behind the synchronized methods and blocks is reentrant. This means the current thread can acquire the same synchronized lock over and over again while holding it:
Object lock = new Object();
synchronized (lock) {
System.out.println("First time acquiring it");
synchronized (lock) {
System.out.println("Entering again");
synchronized (lock) {
System.out.println("And again");
As shown above, while we’re in a synchronized block, we can acquire the same monitor lock repeatedly.
4. Conclusion
In this brief article, we explored different ways of using the synchronized keyword to achieve thread synchronization.
We also learned how a race condition can impact our application, and how synchronization helps us avoid that. For more about thread safety using locks in Java, refer to our java.util.concurrent.Locks article.
我们还学习了竞赛条件如何影响我们的应用程序,以及同步化如何帮助我们避免这种情况。关于在Java中使用锁的线程安全的更多信息,请参考我们的java.util.concurrent.Locks 文章。
The complete code for this article is available over on GitHub.