1. Overview
In our previous articles (based on Activiti API with Java and Spring), we saw how to manage processes programmatically. If we want to set up a demo, along with the UI for Activiti, we have two webapps which will allow us to do so in just a few minutes.
在我们以前的文章中(基于Activiti API与Java和Spring),我们看到如何以编程方式管理流程。如果我们想建立一个演示,连同Activiti的用户界面,我们有两个webapps,可以让我们在短短几分钟内完成。
activiti-app offers a user interface through which a user can perform any identity management and task management related operations, create users and groups.
Similarly, activiti-rest is a webapp that provides the REST API for performing any operation on a process, task, process, etc.
同样,activiti-rest是一个提供REST API的webapp,用于对进程、任务、流程等执行任何操作。
In this article, we’ll look into how to use these webapps, and what functionalities they provide.
We can download the war files for both webapps from Activiti Website itself.
For v6.0.0, we can just download the activiti-6.0.0.zip, extract it, and the war files can be found in activiti-6.0.0/wars directory.
3. Activiti Kickstart App
3.Activiti Kickstart应用程序
We’ll need a working Java runtime and an Apache Tomcat installation to deploy the app. Any web container would work, but Activiti is tested on Tomcat primarily.
我们需要一个有效的Java运行时和Apache Tomcat安装来部署该应用程序。任何网络容器都可以使用,但Activiti主要在Tomcat上进行测试。
Now, we need just to deploy the war on Tomcat and access it using http://localhost:8080/activiti-app.
The home page should look like this:
3.1. Database
By default, it uses the H2 in-memory database. If we want to change the DB configuration, we can check out the code and modify the activiti-app.properties file.
After doing this, we need to re-generate the war file, which can be done by running the start.sh script. This will build the activiti-app along with the required dependencies.
3.2. Kickstart App
When we click on the Kickstart App, we get the options for working with a Process. We can create/import processes and run them from here.
Let’s create a small process that has a single User Task, which receives a message from a user. Once in the Kickstart App, to create a process select the Processes tab, and click on Create Process:
Process editor will open where we can drag and drop various symbols for start events, various types of tasks and end events to define a Process.
As we’re adding a User Task to our process, we need to assign it to someone. We can do it by clicking on assignments from the options for this task and selecting an Assignee.
For simplicity, let’s assign the task to the process initiator:
We also want this User Task to get an input message from the user. To achieve this, we need to associate a Form, with a single text field, with this task.
Select the User Task and select Referenced Form. Currently, there’s no Form associated with the task, so click on New Form, and add the required details:
After this, it’ll take us to the Forms section where we can drag and drop various fields that we want in our form and also set labels for them:
Notice that we’ve ticked the Required, which means the User task cannot complete without entering the Message.
Once done, we’ll save it and go to Apps tab. To be able to run the process we created, we need to create a Process App.
In the Process App, we can add one or more Process Definitions. After doing this, we need to publish this App, so that the Processes are made available to other users:
3.3. Task App
In the Task App, there’re two tabs: Tasks – for currently running tasks, and Processes – for currently running Processes.
在任务应用程序中,有两个标签。任务 – 当前正在运行的任务,以及进程 – 当前正在运行的进程。
Once we click on the Start Process in Processes tab, we get the list of available processes that we can run. From this list, we’ll select our process and click on the start button:
一旦我们点击Processes标签中的Start Process,我们就会得到我们可以运行的可用进程列表。从这个列表中,我们将选择我们的进程并点击启动按钮。
Our process contains only a single task, and it is a User Task. Hence, the process is waiting for a user to complete this task. When we click on the task that the process is waiting on, we can see the form that we created:
If we click on Show Diagram, it’ll not only show us the Process diagram but also highlight the tasks that are completed and the one which is pending. In our case, the User Task is still pending, which is highlighted:
To complete this task, we can click on the Complete button. As mentioned earlier we’ll need to enter the Message, as we have kept it mandatory. Hence, after entering the Message, we can Complete the task.
要完成这项任务,我们可以点击Complete button.如前所述,我们需要输入Message,,因为我们保留了它的强制性。因此,在输入Message,后,我们可以Complete任务。
3.4. Identity Management App
Apart from managing a process, we’ve got an Identity Management App, that allows us to add users and groups. We can also define roles for the users.
4. Activiti REST
4.Activiti REST
Activiti provides a REST API for the Activiti Engine that can be installed by deploying the activiti-rest.war file to a servlet container like Apache Tomcat.
Activiti为Activiti引擎提供了一个REST API,可以通过将activiti-rest.war文件部署到Apache Tomcat等servlet容器中来安装。
By default, the Activiti Engine will connect to an in-memory H2 database. Just like we saw in activiti-app, here we can change the database settings in the db.properties file in the WEB-INF/classes folder and recreate the war file.
With the app up and running, we can use this base URL for all the requests:
By default, all REST resources require a valid Activiti user to be authenticated. Basic HTTP access authentication should be used for every REST call.
4.1. Creating and Running a Process
To create a process, first, we need the BPMN file for our process. We can either create the file as described in our previous articles based on Activiti with Java, or it can be downloaded from the Kickstart App’s Process section.
要创建一个流程,首先,我们需要流程的BPMN文件。我们可以按照以前的文章中描述的方式,基于Activiti with Java创建该文件,或者从Kickstart App的流程部分下载。
We need to make a POST request, along with the contentType: multipart/form-data, where we’ll upload the BPMN file for our new process:
我们需要发出一个POST请求,以及contentType: multipart/form-data,在这里我们将为我们的新流程上传BPMN文件。
POST repository/deployments
When we make this call by passing the BPMN file for the process we created, it’ll give the following output:
"id": "40",
"name": "user_msg.bpmn20.xml",
"deploymentTime": "2017-10-04T17:28:07.963+05:30",
"category": null,
"url": "http://localhost:8080/activiti-rest/service/repository/deployments/40",
"tenantId": ""
Now, we can see our process definition listed, if we get all the process definitions:
GET repository/process-definitions
Next, we can run this process using the processKey that we have mentioned in the BPMN file:
POST /runtime/process-instances
With this request body:
The response will be:
"id": "44",
"url": "http://localhost:8080/activiti-rest/service/runtime/process-instances/44",
"businessKey": null,
"suspended": false,
"ended": false,
"processDefinitionId": "user_msg:1:43",
"processDefinitionUrl": "http://localhost:8080/activiti-rest/service/repository/process-definitions/user_msg:1:43",
"processDefinitionKey": "user_msg",
//other details...
We can see the diagram of our running process using the id of the process instance returned with the previous response:
GET runtime/process-instances/44/diagram
As mentioned earlier, the process is waiting for the User Task to finish, and hence it is highlighted in the diagram:
4.2. Completing a Task
Let’s now take a look at our pending task using:
GET runtime/tasks
The response will have a list of pending tasks. Currently, there’s only one task – our User Task:
响应将有一个待办任务的列表。目前,只有一个任务–我们的User Task。
"data": [
"id": "49",
"url": "http://localhost:8080/activiti-rest/service/runtime/tasks/49",
"owner": null,
"assignee": "$INITIATOR",
"delegationState": null,
"name": "User Input Message",
"description": "User Task to take user input",
"createTime": "2017-10-04T17:33:07.205+05:30",
"dueDate": null,
// other details...
At last, let’s complete this task using the task id 49:
最后,让我们使用任务id 49完成这项任务。
POST runtime/tasks/49
This is a POST request, and we need to send the action field indicating what we want to do with the task. We can “resolve”, “complete” or “delete” a task. Also, we can pass an array of variables, required by the task to complete.
这是一个POST请求,我们需要发送action字段,表明我们要对该任务做什么。我们可以 “解决”、”完成 “或 “删除 “一项任务。此外,我们还可以传递一个变量数组,这是任务完成所需的。
In our case, we’ve to pass a field “message”, which is the is of out User Message text field. So our request body is:
在我们的例子中,我们必须传递一个字段 “message”,它是用户信息文本字段。所以我们的请求体是。
"action": "complete",
"variables": [{
"name": "message",
"value": "This is a User Input Message"
5. Conclusion
In this article, we discussed how we could use the Activiti Kickstart App and the provided REST API.
在这篇文章中,我们讨论了如何使用Activiti Kickstart App和提供的REST API。
More information about activiti-rest can be found in the User Guide, and activiti-app details can be found in the documentation by Alfresco.