Introduction to Akka HTTP – Akka HTTP简介

最后修改: 2018年 12月 27日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, with the help of Akka’s Actor & Stream models, we’ll learn how to set up Akka to create an HTTP API that provides basic CRUD operations.

在本教程中,在Akka的ActorStream模型的帮助下,我们将学习如何设置Akka以创建一个提供基本CRUD操作的 HTTP API。

2. Maven Dependencies


To start, let’s take a look at the dependencies required to start working with Akka HTTP:

首先,让我们看一下开始使用Akka HTTP所需的依赖性。


We can, of course, find the latest version of these Akka libraries on Maven Central.

当然,我们可以在Maven Central上找到这些Akka库的最新版本。

3. Creating an Actor


As an example, we’ll build an HTTP API that allows us to manage user resources. The API will support two operations:

作为一个例子,我们将建立一个HTTP API,使我们能够管理用户资源。该API将支持两种操作。

  • creating a new user
  • loading an existing user

Before we can provide an HTTP API, we’ll need to implement an actor that provides the operations we need:

在我们提供HTTP API之前,我们需要实现一个提供我们所需操作的角色:

class UserActor extends AbstractActor {

  private UserService userService = new UserService();

  static Props props() {
    return Props.create(UserActor.class);

  public Receive createReceive() {
    return receiveBuilder()
      .match(CreateUserMessage.class, handleCreateUser())
      .match(GetUserMessage.class, handleGetUser())

  private FI.UnitApply<CreateUserMessage> handleCreateUser() {
    return createUserMessage -> {
        .tell(new ActionPerformed(
           String.format("User %s created.", createUserMessage.getUser().getName())), getSelf());

  private FI.UnitApply<GetUserMessage> handleGetUser() {
    return getUserMessage -> {
      sender().tell(userService.getUser(getUserMessage.getUserId()), getSelf());

Basically, we’re extending the AbstractActor class and implementing its createReceive() method.


Within createReceive(), we’re mapping incoming message types to methods that handle messages of the respective type.


The message types are simple serializable container classes with some fields that describe a certain operation. GetUserMessage and has a single field userId to identify the user to load. CreateUserMessage contains a User object with the user data we need to create a new user.


Later, we’ll see how to translate incoming HTTP requests into these messages.


Ultimately, we delegate all messages to a UserService instance, which provides the business logic necessary for managing persistent user objects.


Also, note the props() method. While the props() method isn’t necessary for extending AbstractActor, it will come in handy later when creating the ActorSystem.


For a more in-depth discussion about actors, have a look at our introduction to Akka Actors.


4. Defining HTTP Routes


Having an actor that does the actual work for us, all we have left to do is to provide an HTTP API that delegates incoming HTTP requests to our actor.

有了一个为我们做实际工作的角色,我们剩下要做的就是提供一个HTTP API,将传入的HTTP请求委托给我们的角色。

Akka uses the concept of routes to describe an HTTP API. For each operation, we need a route.

Akka使用路由的概念来描述一个HTTP API。对于每个操作,我们都需要一个路由。

To create an HTTP server, we extend the framework class HttpApp and implement the routes method:


class UserServer extends HttpApp {

  private final ActorRef userActor;

  Timeout timeout = new Timeout(Duration.create(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

  UserServer(ActorRef userActor) {
    this.userActor = userActor;

  public Route routes() {
    return path("users", this::postUser)
      .orElse(path(segment("users").slash(longSegment()), id -> route(getUser(id))));

  private Route getUser(Long id) {
    return get(() -> {
      CompletionStage<Optional<User>> user = 
        PatternsCS.ask(userActor, new GetUserMessage(id), timeout)
          .thenApply(obj -> (Optional<User>) obj);

      return onSuccess(() -> user, performed -> {
        if (performed.isPresent())
          return complete(StatusCodes.OK, performed.get(), Jackson.marshaller());
          return complete(StatusCodes.NOT_FOUND);

  private Route postUser() {
    return route(post(() -> entity(Jackson.unmarshaller(User.class), user -> {
      CompletionStage<ActionPerformed> userCreated = 
        PatternsCS.ask(userActor, new CreateUserMessage(user), timeout)
          .thenApply(obj -> (ActionPerformed) obj);

      return onSuccess(() -> userCreated, performed -> {
        return complete(StatusCodes.CREATED, performed, Jackson.marshaller());

Now, there is a fair amount of boilerplate here, but note that we follow the same pattern as before of mapping operations, this time as routes. Let’s break it down a bit.


Within getUser(), we simply wrap the incoming user id in a message of type GetUserMessage and forward that message to our userActor.


Once the actor has processed the message, the onSuccess handler is called, in which we complete the HTTP request by sending a response with a certain HTTP status and a certain JSON body. We use the Jackson marshaller to serialize the answer given by the actor into a JSON string.


Within postUser(), we do things a little differently, since we’re expecting a JSON body in the HTTP request. We use the entity() method to map the incoming JSON body into a User object before wrapping it into a CreateUserMessage and passing it on to our actor. Again, we use Jackson to map between Java and JSON and vice versa.


Since HttpApp expects us to provide a single Route object, we combine both routes to a single one within the routes method. Here, we use the path directive to finally provide the URL path at which our API should be available.


We bind the route provided by postUser() to the path /users. If the incoming request is not a POST request, Akka will automatically go into the orElse branch and expect the path to be /users/<id> and the HTTP method to be GET.

我们将postUser()提供的路由绑定到路径/users。如果传入的请求不是POST请求,Akka会自动进入orElse分支,并期望路径为/users/<id> ,HTTP方法为GET。

If the HTTP method is GET, the request will be forwarded to the getUser() route. If the user does not exist, Akka will return HTTP status 404 (Not Found). If the method is nor a POST nor a GET, Akka will return HTTP status 405 (Method Not Allowed).

如果HTTP方法是GET,请求将被转发到getUser()路由。如果用户不存在,Akka将返回HTTP状态404(未找到)。如果该方法既不是POST也不是GET,Akka将返回HTTP状态405(Method Not Allowed)。

For more information about how to define HTTP routes with Akka, have a look at the Akka docs.


5. Starting the Server


Once we have created an HttpApp implementation like above, we can start up our HTTP server with a couple lines of code:


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create("userServer");
  ActorRef userActor = system.actorOf(UserActor.props(), "userActor");
  UserServer server = new UserServer(userActor);
  server.startServer("localhost", 8080, system);

We simply create an ActorSystem with a single actor of type UserActor and start the server on localhost.


6. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve learned about the basics of Akka HTTP with an example showing how to set up an HTTP server and expose endpoints to create and load resources, similar to a REST API.

在这篇文章中,我们已经了解了Akka HTTP的基础知识,通过一个例子展示了如何建立一个HTTP服务器并暴露出端点来创建和加载资源,类似于REST API。

As usual, the source code presented here can be found over on GitHub.
