1. Introduction
In this article, we will take a look at the Apache BVal library’s implementation of the Java Bean Validation specification (JSR 349).
在这篇文章中,我们将看看Apache BVal库对Java Bean验证规范(JSR 349)的实现。
2. Maven Dependencies
In order to use Apache BVal, we first need to add the following dependencies to our pom.xml file:
为了使用Apache BVal,我们首先需要在pom.xml文件中添加以下依赖项。
Custom BVal constraints can be found in the optional bval-extras dependency:
The latest versions of bval-jsr, bval-extras, and validation-api can be downloaded from Maven Central.
3. Applying Constraints
Apache BVal provides implementations for all the constraints defined in the javax.validation package. In order to apply a constraint to a property of a bean, we can add the constraint annotation to the property declaration.
Apache BVal为javax.validation包中定义的所有约束提供实现。为了将约束条件应用于Bean的某个属性,我们可以在属性声明中添加约束条件注释。
Let’s create a User class which has four attributes, then apply the @NotNull, @Size, and @Min annotations:
public class User {
private String email;
private String password;
@Size(min=1, max=20)
private String name;
private int age;
// standard constructor, getters, setters
4. Validating Beans
To validate the constraints applied on the User class, we need to obtain a ValidatorFactory instance and one or more Validator instances.
4.1. Obtaining a ValidatorFactory
It is recommended by the Apache BVal documentation to obtain a single instance of this class, as factory creation is a demanding process:
Apache BVal文档建议获得该类的单个实例,因为工厂创建是一个苛刻的过程。
ValidatorFactory validatorFactory
= Validation.byProvider(ApacheValidationProvider.class)
4.2. Obtaining a Validator
Next, we need to get a Validator instance from the validatorFactory defined above:
Validator validator = validatorFactory.getValidator();
This is a thread-safe implementation, so we can safely reuse already created instances.
The Validator class offers three methods for determining the validity of a bean: validate(), validateProperty() and validateValue().
Each of these methods returns a set of ConstraintViolation objects that contain information about the constraint that was not obeyed.
4.3. validate() API
4.3.validate() API
The validate() method checks the validity of the whole bean which means that it verifies all the constraints applied to properties of an object that is passed as a parameter.
Let’s create a JUnit test where we define a User object and use the validate() method to test its properties:
public void givenUser_whenValidate_thenValidationViolations() {
User user
= new User("ana@yahoo.com", "pass", "nameTooLong_______________", 15);
Set<ConstraintViolation<User>> violations = validator.validate(user);
assertTrue("no violations", violations.size() > 0);
4.4. validateProperty() API
4.4.validateProperty() API
The validateProperty() method can be used to validate a single property of a bean.
Let’s create a JUnit test in which we will define a User object with an age property less than the required minimum value of 18 and verify that validating this property results in one violation:
public void givenInvalidAge_whenValidateProperty_thenConstraintViolation() {
User user = new User("ana@yahoo.com", "pass", "Ana", 12);
Set<ConstraintViolation<User>> propertyViolations
= validator.validateProperty(user, "age");
assertEquals("size is not 1", 1, propertyViolations.size());
4.5. validateValue() API
4.5.validateValue() API
The validateValue() method can be used to check if some value would be a valid value for a property of a bean before setting it on the bean.
Let’s create a JUnit test with a User object, then verify that the value 20 is a valid value for the age property:
public void givenValidAge_whenValidateValue_thenNoConstraintViolation() {
User user = new User("ana@yahoo.com", "pass", "Ana", 18);
Set<ConstraintViolation<User>> valueViolations
= validator.validateValue(User.class, "age", 20);
assertEquals("size is not 0", 0, valueViolations.size());
4.6. Closing the ValidatorFactory
After using the ValidatorFactory, we must remember to close it at the end:
if (validatorFactory != null) {
5. Non-JSR Constraints
The Apache BVal library also provides a series of constraints that are not a part of the JSR specification and provide additional and more powerful validation capabilities.
Apache BVal库还提供了一系列不属于JSR规范的约束条件,并提供了额外和更强大的验证能力。
The bval-jsr package contains two additional constraints: @Email for validating a valid email address, and @NotEmpty for ensuring that a value is not empty.
The rest of the custom BVal constraints are provided in the optional package bval-extras.
This package contains constraints for verifying various number formats such as the @IBAN annotation that ensures a number is a valid International Bank Account Number, the @Isbn annotation that verifies a valid Standard Book Number, and the @EAN13 annotation for verifying an International Article Number.
The library also provides annotations for ensuring the validity of various types of credit card numbers: @AmericanExpress, @Diners, @Discover, @Mastercard, and @Visa.
该库还提供注释,以确保各种类型的信用卡号码的有效性。@AmericanExpress, @Diners, @Discover, @Mastercard, 和@Visa。
You can determine if a value contains a valid domain or Internet Address by using the @Domain and @InetAddress annotations.
And finally, the package contains the @Directory and @NotDirectory annotations for verifying whether a File object is a directory or not.
Let’s define additional properties on our User class and apply some of the non-JSR annotations to them:
public class User {
private String email;
private String password;
@Size(min=1, max=20)
private String name;
private int age;
private String cardNumber = "";
private String iban = "";
private String website = "";
private File mainDirectory = new File(".");
// standard constructor, getters, setters
The constraints can be tested in a similar manner to the JSR constraints:
public void whenValidateNonJSR_thenCorrect() {
User user = new User("ana@yahoo.com", "pass", "Ana", 20);
user.setMainDirectory(new File("."));
Set<ConstraintViolation<User>> violations
= validator.validateProperty(user,"iban");
assertEquals("size is not 1", 1, violations.size());
violations = validator.validateProperty(user,"website");
assertEquals("size is not 0", 0, violations.size());
violations = validator.validateProperty(user, "mainDirectory");
assertEquals("size is not 0", 0, violations.size());
While these additional annotations are convenient for potential validation needs, the one disadvantage of using annotations which are not part of the JSR specification is that you cannot easily switch to a different JSR implementation should that become necessary later on.
6. Custom Constraints
In order to define our own constraints, we first need to create an annotation following the standard syntax.
Let’s create a Password annotation that will define the conditions that a user’s password must satisfy:
@Constraint(validatedBy = { PasswordValidator.class })
public @interface Password {
String message() default "Invalid password";
Class<?>[] groups() default {};
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
int length() default 6;
int nonAlpha() default 1;
The actual validation of the password value is done in a class that implements the ConstraintValidator interface — in our case, the PasswordValidator class. This class overrides the isValid() method and verifies if the length of the password is less than the length attribute, and if it contains fewer than the specified number of non-alphanumeric characters in the nonAlpha attribute:
对password值的实际验证是在一个实现ConstraintValidator接口的类中完成的 – 在我们的例子中,是PasswordValidator类。这个类重写了isValid()方法,并验证password的长度是否小于length属性,以及nonAlpha属性中是否包含少于指定数量的非字母数字字符。
public class PasswordValidator
implements ConstraintValidator<Password, String> {
private int length;
private int nonAlpha;
public void initialize(Password password) {
this.length = password.length();
this.nonAlpha = password.nonAlpha();
public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext ctx) {
if (value.length() < length) {
return false;
int nonAlphaNr = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) {
if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(value.charAt(i))) {
if (nonAlphaNr < nonAlpha) {
return false;
return true;
Let’s apply our custom constraint to the password property of User class:
@Password(length = 8)
private String password;
We can create a JUnit test to verify that an invalid password value results in a constraint violation:
public void givenValidPassword_whenValidatePassword_thenNoConstraintViolation() {
User user = new User("ana@yahoo.com", "password", "Ana", 20);
Set<ConstraintViolation<User>> violations
= validator.validateProperty(user, "password");
"message incorrect",
"Invalid password",
Now let’s create a JUnit test in which we verify a valid password value:
public void givenValidPassword_whenValidatePassword_thenNoConstraintViolation() {
User user = new User("ana@yahoo.com", "password#", "Ana", 20);
Set<ConstraintViolation<User>> violations
= validator.validateProperty(user, "password");
assertEquals("size is not 0", 0, violations.size());
7. Conclusion
In this article, we have exemplified the use of the Apache BVal bean validation implementation.
在这篇文章中,我们举例说明了Apache BValBean验证实现的使用。
The complete source code for this article can be found over on GitHub.