Apache Commons Collections vs Google Guava – Apache Commons Collections vs Google Guava

最后修改: 2020年 11月 1日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll compare two Java-based open source libraries: Apache Commons and Google Guava. Both libraries have a rich feature set with lots of utility APIs majorly in the collections and I/O area.

在本教程中,我们将比较两个基于Java的开源库。Apache CommonsGoogle Guava。这两个库都有丰富的功能集,有很多实用的API,主要是在集合和I/O领域。

For brevity, here we’ll only describe a handful of the most commonly used ones from the collections framework along with code samples. We’ll also see a summary of their differences.


Additionally, we have a collection of articles for a deep dive into various commons and Guava utilities.


2. A Brief History of the Two Libraries


Google Guava is a Google project, mainly developed by the organization’s engineers, although it’s been open-sourced now. The main motivation to start it was to include generics introduced in JDK 1.5 into Java Collections Framework, or JCF, and enhance its capability.

Google Guava是一个Google项目,主要由该组织的工程师开发,尽管它现在已经开源了。启动它的主要动机是将JDK 1.5中引入的泛型纳入Java Collections Framework,即JCF,并增强其能力。

Since its inception, the library has expanded its capabilities and now includes graphs, functional programming, range objects, caching, and String manipulation.


Apache Commons started as a Jakarta project to supplement the core Java collections API and eventually became a project of the Apache Software Foundation. Over the years, it has expanded into a vast repertoire of reusable Java components in various other areas, including (but not limited to) imaging, I/O, cryptography, caching, networking, validation, and object pooling.

Apache Commons最初是一个Jakarta项目,用于补充核心Java集合API,最终成为Apache软件基金会的一个项目。多年来,它已经扩展为一个庞大的可重用的Java组件库,包括(但不限于)成像、I/O、加密、缓存、网络、验证和对象池等其他领域。

As this is an open-source project, developers from the Apache community keep adding to this library to expand its capabilities. However, they take great care to maintain backward compatibility.


3. Maven Dependency


To include Guava, we need to add its dependency to our pom.xml:



It’s latest version information can be found on Maven.


For Apache Commons, it’s a bit different. Depending on the utility we want to use, we have to add that particular one. For example, for collections, we need to add:

对于Apache Commons,情况有点不同。根据我们想要使用的工具,我们必须添加那个特定的工具。例如,对于集合,我们需要添加。


In our code samples, we’ll be using commons-collections4.


Let’s jump into the fun part now!


4. Bi-directional Maps


Maps that can be accessed by their keys, as well as values, are known as bi-directional maps. JCF does not have this feature.


Let’s see how our two technologies offer them. In both cases, we’ll take an example of days of the week to get the name of the day given its number and vice-versa.


4.1. Guava’s BiMap


Guava offers an interface – BiMap, as a bi-directional map. It can be instantiated with one of its implementations EnumBiMap, EnumHashBiMap, HashBiMap, or ImmutableBiMap.


Here we’re using HashBiMap:


BiMap<Integer, String> daysOfWeek = HashBiMap.create();

Populating it is similar to any map in Java:


daysOfWeek.put(1, "Monday");
daysOfWeek.put(2, "Tuesday");
daysOfWeek.put(3, "Wednesday");
daysOfWeek.put(4, "Thursday");
daysOfWeek.put(5, "Friday");
daysOfWeek.put(6, "Saturday");
daysOfWeek.put(7, "Sunday");

And here are some JUnit tests to prove the concept:


public void givenBiMap_whenValue_thenKeyReturned() {
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(7), daysOfWeek.inverse().get("Sunday"));

public void givenBiMap_whenKey_thenValueReturned() {
    assertEquals("Tuesday", daysOfWeek.get(2));

4.2. Apache’s BidiMap


Similarly, Apache provides us with its BidiMap interface:


BidiMap<Integer, String> daysOfWeek = new TreeBidiMap<Integer, String>();

Here we’re using TreeBidiMap. However, there’re other implementations, such as DualHashBidiMap and DualTreeBidiMap as well.


To populate it, we can put the values as we did for BiMap above.


Its usage is also pretty similar:


public void givenBidiMap_whenValue_thenKeyReturned() {
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(7), daysOfWeek.inverseBidiMap().get("Sunday"));

public void givenBidiMap_whenKey_thenValueReturned() {
    assertEquals("Tuesday", daysOfWeek.get(2));

In a few simple performance tests, this bi-directional map lagged behind its Guava counterpart only in insertions. It was much faster in fetching keys as well as values.

在一些简单的性能测试中,这种双向地图 仅在插入方面落后于其Guava 对应程序。它在获取键和值方面要快得多

5. Map Keys to Multiple Values


For a use case where we’d want to map multiple keys to different values, such as a grocery cart collection for fruits and vegetables, the two libraries offer us unique solutions.


5.1. Guava’s MultiMap


First, let’s see how to instantiate and initialize MultiMap:


Multimap<String, String> groceryCart = ArrayListMultimap.create();

groceryCart.put("Fruits", "Apple");
groceryCart.put("Fruits", "Grapes");
groceryCart.put("Fruits", "Strawberries");
groceryCart.put("Vegetables", "Spinach");
groceryCart.put("Vegetables", "Cabbage");

Then, we’ll use a couple of JUnit tests to see it in action:


public void givenMultiValuedMap_whenFruitsFetched_thenFruitsReturned() {
    List<String> fruits = Arrays.asList("Apple", "Grapes", "Strawberries");
    assertEquals(fruits, groceryCart.get("Fruits"));

public void givenMultiValuedMap_whenVeggiesFetched_thenVeggiesReturned() {
    List<String> veggies = Arrays.asList("Spinach", "Cabbage");
    assertEquals(veggies, groceryCart.get("Vegetables"));

Additionally, MultiMap gives us the ability to remove a given entry or an entire set of values from the map:


public void givenMultiValuedMap_whenFuitsRemoved_thenVeggiesPreserved() {
    assertEquals(5, groceryCart.size());

    groceryCart.remove("Fruits", "Apple");
    assertEquals(4, groceryCart.size());

    assertEquals(2, groceryCart.size());

As we can see, here we first removed Apple from the Fruits set and then removed the entire Fruits set.


5.2. Apache’s MultiValuedMap


Again, let’s begin with instantiating a MultiValuedMap:


MultiValuedMap<String, String> groceryCart = new ArrayListValuedHashMap<>();

Since populating it is the same as we saw in the previous section, let’s quickly look at the usage:


public void givenMultiValuedMap_whenFruitsFetched_thenFruitsReturned() {
    List<String> fruits = Arrays.asList("Apple", "Grapes", "Strawberries");
    assertEquals(fruits, groceryCart.get("Fruits"));

public void givenMultiValuedMap_whenVeggiesFetched_thenVeggiesReturned() {
    List<String> veggies = Arrays.asList("Spinach", "Cabbage");
    assertEquals(veggies, groceryCart.get("Vegetables"));

As we can see, its usage is also the same!


However, in this case, we don’t have the flexibility to remove a single entry, such as Apple from Fruits. We can only remove the entire set of Fruits:

然而,在这种情况下,我们不能灵活地删除单个条目,如苹果水果中删除。 我们只能删除整个水果的集合:

public void givenMultiValuedMap_whenFuitsRemoved_thenVeggiesPreserved() {
    assertEquals(5, groceryCart.size());

    assertEquals(2, groceryCart.size());

6. Map Multiple Keys to One Value


Here, we’ll take an example of latitudes and longitudes to be mapped to respective cities:


cityCoordinates.put("40.7128° N", "74.0060° W", "New York");
cityCoordinates.put("48.8566° N", "2.3522° E", "Paris");
cityCoordinates.put("19.0760° N", "72.8777° E", "Mumbai");

Now, we’ll see how to achieve this.


6.1. Guava’s Table


Guava offers its Table that satisfies the above use case:


Table<String, String, String> cityCoordinates = HashBasedTable.create();

And here are some usages we can derive out of it:


public void givenCoordinatesTable_whenFetched_thenOK() {
    List expectedLongitudes = Arrays.asList("74.0060° W", "2.3522° E", "72.8777° E");
    assertArrayEquals(expectedLongitudes.toArray(), cityCoordinates.columnKeySet().toArray());

    List expectedCities = Arrays.asList("New York", "Paris", "Mumbai");
    assertArrayEquals(expectedCities.toArray(), cityCoordinates.values().toArray());
    assertTrue(cityCoordinates.rowKeySet().contains("48.8566° N"));

As we can see, we can get a Set view of the rows, columns, and values.


Table also offers us the ability to query its rows or columns.


Let’s consider a movie table to demonstrate this:


Table<String, String, String> movies = HashBasedTable.create();

movies.put("Tom Hanks", "Meg Ryan", "You've Got Mail");
movies.put("Tom Hanks", "Catherine Zeta-Jones", "The Terminal");
movies.put("Bradley Cooper", "Lady Gaga", "A Star is Born");
movies.put("Keenu Reaves", "Sandra Bullock", "Speed");
movies.put("Tom Hanks", "Sandra Bullock", "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close");

And here are some sample, self-explanatory searches that we can do on our movies Table:

这里有一些不言自明的搜索样本,我们可以在我们的movies Table上进行搜索。

public void givenMoviesTable_whenFetched_thenOK() {
    assertEquals(3, movies.row("Tom Hanks").size());
    assertEquals(2, movies.column("Sandra Bullock").size());
    assertEquals("A Star is Born", movies.get("Bradley Cooper", "Lady Gaga"));

However, Table limits us to map only two keys to a value. We don’t have an alternative as yet in Guava to map more than two keys to a single value.


6.2. Apache’s MultiKeyMap


Coming back to our cityCoordinates example, here’s how we can manipulate it using MultiKeyMap:


public void givenCoordinatesMultiKeyMap_whenQueried_thenOK() {
    MultiKeyMap<String, String> cityCoordinates = new MultiKeyMap<String, String>();

    // populate with keys and values as shown previously

    List expectedLongitudes = Arrays.asList("72.8777° E", "2.3522° E", "74.0060° W");
    List longitudes = new ArrayList<>();

    cityCoordinates.forEach((key, value) -> {
    assertArrayEquals(expectedLongitudes.toArray(), longitudes.toArray());

    List expectedCities = Arrays.asList("Mumbai", "Paris", "New York");
    List cities = new ArrayList<>();

    cityCoordinates.forEach((key, value) -> {
    assertArrayEquals(expectedCities.toArray(), cities.toArray());

As we can see from the above code snippet, to arrive at the same assertions as for Guava’s Table, we had to iterate over the MultiKeyMap.


However, MultiKeyMap also offers the possibility to map more than two keys to a value. For example, it gives us the ability to map days of the week as weekdays or weekends:


public void givenDaysMultiKeyMap_whenFetched_thenOK() {
    days = new MultiKeyMap<String, String>();
    days.put("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Weekday");
    days.put("Saturday", "Sunday", "Weekend");

    assertFalse(days.get("Saturday", "Sunday").equals("Weekday"));

7. Apache Commons Collections vs. Google Guava

7.Apache Commons Collections vs. Google Guava

As per its engineers, Google Guava was born out of the need to use generics in the library, which Apache Commons didn’t offer. It also follows the collections API requirements to the tee. Another major advantage is that it’s in active development with new releases coming out frequently.

按照其工程师的说法Google Guava的诞生是由于需要在库中使用Apache Commons没有提供的泛型。它也完全遵循集合API的要求。另一个主要优势是,它正处于积极的开发阶段,新的版本会经常出现。

However, Apache offers an edge when it comes to performance while fetching a value from a collection. Guava still takes the cake though, in terms of insertion times.


Although we compared only the collections APIs in our code samples, Apache Commons as a whole offers a much bigger gamut of features as compared to Guava.

虽然我们在代码样本中只比较了集合API,但Apache Commons作为一个整体,与Guava相比,提供了更多的功能

8. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we compared some of the functionality offered by Apache Commons and Google Guava, specifically in the area of the collections framework.

在本教程中,我们比较了Apache Commons和Google Guava提供的一些功能,特别是在集合框架方面。

Here, we merely scratched the surface of what the two libraries have to offer.


Moreover, it’s not an either-or comparison. As our code samples demonstrated, there’re features unique to each of the two, and there can be situations where both can coexist.


As always, the source code is available over on GitHub.
