Introduction to Apache Pulsar – 阿帕奇-脉冲星简介

最后修改: 2018年 10月 22日


1. Introduction


Apache Pulsar is a distributed open source Publication/Subscription based messaging system developed at Yahoo.

Apache Pulsar是Yahoo开发的一个分布式开源的基于出版/订阅的消息传递系统

It was created to power Yahoo’s critical applications like Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo Sports etc. Then, in 2016, it was open sourced under the Apache Software Foundation.


2. Architecture


Pulsar is a multi-tenant, high-performance solution for server-to-server messaging. It’s composed of a set of brokers and bookies along with an inbuilt Apache ZooKeeper for configuration and management. The bookies are from Apache BookKeeper which provide storage for the messages until they are consumed.

Pulsar是一个多用户、高性能的服务器到服务器的消息传输解决方案。它由一组经纪人和簿记员以及一个内置的Apache ZooKeeper组成,用于配置和管理。簿记员来自Apache BookKeeper,为消息提供存储,直到它们被消耗。

In a cluster we’ll have:


  • Multiple cluster brokers to handle the incoming message from producers and dispatch the message to consumers
  • Apache BookKeeper to support message persistence
  • Apache ZooKeeper to store the cluster configuration

To better understand this, let’s have a look at the architecture diagram from the documentation:


pulsar system architecture

3. Key Features


Let’s start with a quick look at some of the key features:


  • Inbuilt support for multiple clusters
  • Support for Geo-replication of messages across multiple clusters
  • Multiple subscription modes
  • Scalable to millions of topics
  • Uses Apache BookKeeper to guarantee message delivery.
  • Low latency

Now, let’s discuss some of the key features in detail.


3.1. Messaging Model


The framework provides a flexible messaging model. In general messaging architectures have two messaging models i.e. queuing and publisher/subscriber. Publisher/Subscriber is a broadcast messaging system in which the message is sent to all consumers. On the other hand, queuing is a point to point communication.


Pulsar combines both concepts in one generalized API. The publisher publishes the messages to different topics. Then these messages are broadcasted to all subscriptions.


The consumers subscribe to get messages. The library allows consumers to choose the different ways to consume messages in the same subscription which includes exclusive, shared and failover. We’ll discuss these subscription types in detail in the later sections.


3.2. Deployment Modes


Pulsar has inbuilt support for deployment in different environments. This means we can use it on standard on-premise machines, or deploy it in a Kubernetes cluster, Google or AWS Cloud.


It can be executed as a single node for development and testing purposes. In this case, all the components (broker, BookKeeper, and ZooKeeper) run in a single process.


3.3. Geo-Replication


The library provides out of the box support for geo-replication of data. We can enable replication of messages between multiple clusters by configuring different geographical regions.


Message data is replicated in near real time. In case of network failure across clusters, the data is always safe and stored in the BookKeeper. The replication system continues to retry until the replication is successful.


The geo-replication feature also allows the organization to deploy Pulsar across different cloud providers and replicate the data. This helps them to avoid the use of proprietary cloud provider APIs.


3.4. Permanence


After Pulsar reads and acknowledges the data, it guarantees no data loss. Data durability is related to the number of disks configured to store the data.


Pulsar ensures durability by using bookies (Apache BookKeeper instance) running in storage nodes. Whenever a bookie receives a message, it saves a copy in memory and also writes the data to a WAL (Write Ahead Log). This log works in the same way as a database WAL. Bookies operate on database transaction principle and ensure that data is not lost even in case of machine failure.

Pulsar通过使用在存储节点中运行的bookies(Apache BookKeeper实例)来确保耐久性。每当簿记员收到一条消息,它就会在内存中保存一份副本,同时将数据写入WAL(提前写入日志)。这个日志的工作方式与数据库的WAL相同。赌徒根据数据库交易原则运作,确保即使在机器故障的情况下,数据也不会丢失。

Apart from the above, Pulsar can also withstand multiple node failures. The library replicates data to multiple bookies, then sends an acknowledgment message to the producer. This mechanism guarantees that zero data loss even in case of multiple hardware failures.


4. Single Node Setup


Now let’s see how to set up a single node cluster of Apache Pulsar.

现在让我们来看看如何建立一个Apache Pulsar的单节点集群。

Apache also provides a simple client API with bindings for Java, Python, and C++. We’ll later create a simple Java producer and subscription example.


4.1. Installation


Apache Pulsar is available as a binary distribution. Let’s start by downloading it:

Apache Pulsar是以二进制发行版的形式提供的。让我们开始下载它吧。


When the download is complete, we can unarchive the zip file. The unarchived distribution will contain bin, conf, example, licenses and lib folder.

当下载完成后,我们可以解压缩文件。解压缩后的分发文件将包含bin, conf, example, licenseslib文件夹。

After that, we need to download the inbuilt connectors. These now ship as a separate package:



Let’s unarchive the connectors and copy the Connectors folder in the Pulsar folder.


4.2. Starting an Instance


To start a standalone instance we can execute:


bin/pulsar standalone

5. Java Client


Now we’ll create a Java project to produce and consume messages. We’ll also create examples for different subscription types.


5.1. Setting up the Project


We’ll start by adding the pulsar-client dependency to our project:



5.2. Producer


Let’s continue by creating a Producer example. Here, we’ll create a topic and a producer.


First, we need to create a PulsarClient which will connect to a Pulsar service on a specific host and port, using its own protocol. Many producers and consumers can share a single client object.


Now, we’ll create a Producer with the specific topic name:


private static final String SERVICE_URL = "pulsar://localhost:6650";
private static final String TOPIC_NAME = "test-topic";
PulsarClient client = PulsarClient.builder()

Producer<byte[]> producer = client.newProducer()

The producer will send 5 messages:


IntStream.range(1, 5).forEach(i -> {
    String content = String.format("hi-pulsar-%d", i);

    Message<byte[]> msg = MessageBuilder.create()
    MessageId msgId = producer.send(msg);

5.3. Consumer


Next, we’ll create the consumer to get the messages created by the producer. The consumer also requires the same PulsarClient  to connect with our server:


Consumer<byte[]> consumer = client.newConsumer()

Here we’ve created the client with a Shared subscription typeThis allows multiple consumers to attach to the same subscription and get messages.


5.4. Subscription Types for Consumer


In the above example of the consumer, we have created a subscription with shared type. We can also create exclusive and failover subscriptions.


The exclusive subscription allows only one consumer to be subscribed.

独家 订阅只允许一个消费者被订阅。

On the other hand, a failover subscription allows the user to define the fallback consumer, in case one consumer fails, as shown in this Apache diagram:

另一方面,failover subscription允许用户定义后备消费者,以防一个消费者失败,如这个Apache图所示。

pulsar subscription modes

6. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve highlighted the features of the Pulsar messaging system such as the messaging model, geo-replication and strong durability guarantees.


We also learned how to set up a single node and how to use the Java client.


As always, the full implementation of this tutorial can be found over on Github.
