AWS AppSync With Spring Boot – 使用Spring Boot的AWS AppSync

最后修改: 2020年 5月 12日


1. Introduction


In this article, we’ll explore AWS AppSync with Spring Boot. AWS AppSync is a fully-managed, enterprise-level GraphQL service with real-time data synchronization and offline programming features.

在本文中,我们将探讨AWS AppSync与Spring Boot。AWS AppSync 是一个完全受管理的企业级GraphQL服务,具有实时数据同步和离线编程功能

2. Setup AWS AppSync

2.设置AWS AppSync

First, we need to have an active AWS account. Once that is taken care of, we can search for AppSync from the AWS console. Then we’ll click the Getting Started with AppSync link.

首先,我们需要有一个活跃的AWS 账户。一旦解决了这个问题,我们就可以从AWS控制台中搜索到AppSync。然后我们将点击开始使用AppSync链接。

2.1. Create AppSync API

2.1.创建AppSync API

Following the quick start instructions to create our API, we’ll use the Event App sample project. Then click Start to name and create the app:

按照快速启动说明来创建我们的API,我们将使用Event App示例项目。然后点击Start来命名和创建该应用程序。

This will bring us to our AppSync app console. Now let’s take a look at our GraphQL model.


2.2. GraphQL Event Model


GraphQL uses a schema to define what data is available to clients and how to interact with the GraphQL server. The schema contains queries, mutations, and a variety of declared types.


For simplicity, let’s take a look at part of the default AWS AppSync GraphQL schema, our Event model:

为了简单起见,让我们看看默认的AWS AppSync GraphQL模式的一部分,即我们的Event model。

type Event {
  id: ID!
  name: String
  where: String
  when: String
  description: String
  # Paginate through all comments belonging to an individual post.
  comments(limit: Int, nextToken: String): CommentConnection

Event is a declared type with some String fields and a CommentConnection type. Notice the exclamation point on the ID field. This means it is a required/non-null field.


This should be enough to understand the basics of our schema. However, for more information, head over to the GraphQL site.


3. Spring Boot


Now that we’ve set up everything on the AWS side, let’s look at our Spring Boot client application.

现在我们已经在AWS方面设置好了一切,让我们看看我们的Spring Boot客户端应用程序。

3.1. Maven Dependencies


To access our API, we will be using the Spring Boot Starter WebFlux library for access to WebClient, Spring’s new alternative to RestTemplate:

为了访问我们的API,我们将使用Spring Boot Starter WebFlux库来访问WebClient,Spring对RestTemplate的新替代。


Check out our article on WebClient for more information.


3.2. GraphQL Client

3.2 GraphQL客户端

To make a request to our API, we’ll start by creating our RequestBodySpec using the WebClient builder, providing the AWS AppSync API URL and API key:

为了向我们的API发出请求,我们将首先使用WebClient构建器创建我们的RequestBodySpec,提供AWS AppSync API URL和API密钥。

WebClient.RequestBodySpec requestBodySpec = WebClient
    .defaultHeader("x-api-key", apiKey)

Don’t forget the API key header, x-api-key. The API key authenticates to our AppSync app.


4. Working With GraphQL Types


4.1. Queries

4.1. 查询

Setting up our query involves adding it to a query element in the message body:


Map<String, Object> requestBody = new HashMap<>();
requestBody.put("query", "query ListEvents {" 
  + " listEvents {"
  + "   items {"
  + "     id"
  + "     name"
  + "     where"
  + "     when"
  + "     description"
  + "   }"
  + " }"
  + "}");

Using our requestBody, let’s invoke our WebClient to retrieve the response body:


WebClient.ResponseSpec response = requestBodySpec
    .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML)

Finally, we can get the body as a String:


String bodyString = response.bodyToMono(String.class).block();
assertTrue(bodyString.contains("My First Event"));

4.2. Mutations


GraphQL allows for updating and deleting data through the use of mutations. Mutations modify the server-side data as needed and follow a similar syntax to queries.


Let’s add a new event with an add mutation query:


String queryString = "mutation add {"
  + "    createEvent("
  + "        name:\"My added GraphQL event\""
  + "        where:\"Day 2\""
  + "        when:\"Saturday night\""
  + "        description:\"Studying GraphQL\""
  + "    ){"
  + "        id"
  + "        name"
  + "        description"
  + "    }"
  + "}";
requestBody.put("query", queryString);

One of the greatest advantages of AppSync, and of GraphQL in general, is that one endpoint URL provides all CRUD functionality across the entire schema.


We can reuse the same WebClient to add, update, and delete data.  We will simply get a new response based on the callback in the query or mutation.

我们可以重复使用同一个WebClient来添加、更新和删除数据。 我们将简单地根据查询或突变中的回调获得一个新的响应。

assertTrue(bodyString.contains("My added GraphQL event"));

5. Conclusion


In this article, we looked at how quickly we can set up a GraphQL app with AWS AppSync and access it with a Spring Boot client.

在这篇文章中,我们看了如何快速地用AWS AppSync设置GraphQL应用,并使用Spring Boot客户端访问它。

AppSync provides developers with a powerful GraphQL API through a single endpoint. For more information, have a look at our tutorial on creating a GraphQL Spring Boot server.

AppSync通过一个端点为开发人员提供了强大的GraphQL API。欲了解更多信息,请查看我们关于创建GraphQL Spring Boot服务器的教程。

And, as always, the code is available over on GitHub.
