Build a REST API with Spring and Java Config – 用Spring和Java配置构建REST API

最后修改: 2014年 11月 4日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to set up REST in Spring, including the Controller and HTTP response codes, configuration of payload marshalling, and content negotiation.


2. Understanding REST in Spring


The Spring framework supports two ways of creating RESTful services:


  • using MVC with ModelAndView
  • using HTTP message converters

The ModelAndView approach is older and much better documented, but also more verbose and configuration heavy. It tries to shoehorn the REST paradigm into the old model, which isn’t without problems. The Spring team understood this, and provided first-class REST support starting with Spring 3.0.

ModelAndView方法更古老,有更好的文档,但也更啰嗦,配置也更重。它试图将REST范式塞进旧的模型中,这并非没有问题。Spring团队了解这一点,并从Spring 3.0开始提供一流的REST支持。

The new approach, based on HttpMessageConverter and annotations, is much more lightweight and easy to implement. Configuration is minimal, and it provides sensible defaults for what we would expect from a RESTful service.

基于HttpMessageConverter 和注解的新方法更加轻量级且易于实现。配置是最小的,它为我们从RESTful服务中期望的东西提供了合理的默认值。

3. The Java Configuration


public class WebConfig{

The new @EnableWebMvc annotation does some useful things; specifically, in the case of REST, it detects the existence of Jackson and JAXB 2 on the classpath, and automatically creates and registers default JSON and XML converters. The functionality of the annotation is equivalent to the XML version:

新的@EnableWebMvc注解做了一些有用的事情;具体而言,在REST的情况下,它检测到classpath上存在Jackson和JAXB 2,并自动创建和注册默认的JSON和XML转换器。该注解的功能与XML版本相当。

<mvc:annotation-driven />

<mvc:注释驱动 />

This is a shortcut, and though it may be useful in many situations, it’s not perfect. When we need a more complex configuration, we can remove the annotation and extend WebMvcConfigurationSupport directly.


3.1. Using Spring Boot

3.1.使用Spring Boot

If we’re using the @SpringBootApplication annotation, and the spring-webmvc library is on the classpath, then the @EnableWebMvc annotation is added automatically with a default autoconfiguration.


We can still add MVC functionality to this configuration by implementing the WebMvcConfigurer interface on a @Configuration annotated class. We can also use a WebMvcRegistrationsAdapter instance to provide our own RequestMappingHandlerMapping, RequestMappingHandlerAdapter, or ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver implementations.

我们仍然可以通过在@Configuration 注释的类上实现WebMvcConfigurer 接口来为该配置添加 MVC 功能。我们还可以使用WebMvcRegistrationsAdapter实例来提供我们自己的RequestMappingHandlerMappingRequestMappingHandlerAdapterExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver的实现。

Finally, if we want to discard Spring Boot’s MVC features and declare a custom configuration, we can do so by using the @EnableWebMvc annotation.

最后,如果我们想摒弃Spring Boot的MVC功能,并声明一个自定义配置,我们可以通过使用@EnableWebMvc注解来实现。

4. Testing the Spring Context


Starting with Spring 3.1, we get first-class testing support for @Configuration classes:

从Spring 3.1开始,我们得到了对@Configuration类的一流测试支持。

  classes = {WebConfig.class, PersistenceConfig.class},
  loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class)
public class SpringContextIntegrationTest {

   public void contextLoads(){
      // When

We’re specifying the Java configuration classes with the @ContextConfiguration annotation. The new AnnotationConfigContextLoader loads the bean definitions from the @Configuration classes.


Notice that the WebConfig configuration class isn’t included in the test because it needs to run in a Servlet context, which isn’t provided.


4.1. Using Spring Boot

4.1.使用Spring Boot

Spring Boot provides several annotations to set up the Spring ApplicationContext for our tests in a more intuitive way.

Spring Boot提供了几个注解,以更直观的方式为我们的测试设置Spring ApplicationContext

We can load only a particular slice of the application configuration, or we can simulate the whole context startup process.


For instance, we can use the @SpringBootTest annotation if we want to create the entire context without starting the server.


With that in place, we can then add the @AutoConfigureMockMvc to inject a MockMvc instance and send HTTP requests:


public class FooControllerAppIntegrationTest {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    public void whenTestApp_thenEmptyResponse() throws Exception {


To avoid creating the whole context and test only our MVC Controllers, we can use @WebMvcTest:


public class FooControllerWebLayerIntegrationTest {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    private IFooService service;

    public void whenTestMvcController_thenRetrieveExpectedResult() throws Exception {
        // ...


We can find detailed information on this subject in our ‘Testing in Spring Boot’ article.

我们可以在我们的 “Spring Boot中的测试 “文章中找到关于这一主题的详细信息。

5. The Controller


The @RestController is the central artifact in the entire Web Tier of the RESTful API. For the purpose of this article, the controller is modeling a simple REST resource, Foo:

@RestController是RESTful API整个Web层中的核心工件。在本文中,控制器为一个简单的REST资源建模,Foo

class FooController {

    private IFooService service;

    public List<Foo> findAll() {
        return service.findAll();

    @GetMapping(value = "/{id}")
    public Foo findById(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {
        return RestPreconditions.checkFound(service.findById(id));

    public Long create(@RequestBody Foo resource) {
        return service.create(resource);

    @PutMapping(value = "/{id}")
    public void update(@PathVariable( "id" ) Long id, @RequestBody Foo resource) {

    @DeleteMapping(value = "/{id}")
    public void delete(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {


As we can see, we’re using a straightforward, Guava style RestPreconditions utility:


public class RestPreconditions {
    public static <T> T checkFound(T resource) {
        if (resource == null) {
            throw new MyResourceNotFoundException();
        return resource;

The Controller implementation is non-public because it doesn’t need to be.


Usually, the controller is the last in the chain of dependencies. It receives HTTP requests from the Spring front controller (the DispatcherServlet), and simply delegates them forward to a service layer. If there’s no use case where the controller has to be injected or manipulated through a direct reference, then we may prefer not to declare it as public.


The request mappings are straightforward. As with any controller, the actual value of the mapping, as well as the HTTP method, determine the target method for the request. @RequestBody will bind the parameters of the method to the body of the HTTP request, whereas @ResponseBody does the same for the response and return type.


The @RestController is a shorthand to include both the @ResponseBody and the @Controller annotations in our class.

@RestController 是一个速记,在我们的类中包含@ResponseBody@Controller 注释

They also ensure that the resource will be marshalled and unmarshalled using the correct HTTP converter. Content negotiation will take place to choose which one of the active converters will be used, based mostly on the Accept header, although other HTTP headers may be used to determine the representation as well.


6. Mapping the HTTP Response Codes


The status codes of the HTTP response are one of the most important parts of the REST service, and the subject can quickly become very complicated. Getting these right can be what makes or breaks the service.


6.1. Unmapped Requests


If Spring MVC receives a request which doesn’t have a mapping, it considers the request not allowed, and returns a 405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED back to the client.

如果Spring MVC收到一个没有映射的请求,它认为这个请求是不允许的,并向客户端返回405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED。

It’s also good practice to include the Allow HTTP header when returning a 405 to the client to specify which operations are allowed. This is the standard behavior of Spring MVC, and doesn’t require any additional configuration.

在向客户端返回405时,包含Allow HTTP头也是很好的做法,以指定允许哪些操作。这是Spring MVC的标准行为,不需要任何额外的配置。

6.2. Valid Mapped Requests


For any request that does have a mapping, Spring MVC considers the request valid and responds with 200 OK, if no other status code is otherwise specified.

对于任何确实有映射的请求,Spring MVC认为该请求是有效的,如果没有指定其他状态代码,则以200 OK回应。

It’s because of this that the controller declares different @ResponseStatus for the create, update and delete actions, but not for get, which should indeed return the default 200 OK.

正因为如此,控制器为创建更新删除动作声明了不同的@ResponseStatus,但没有为获取声明,后者确实应该返回默认的200 OK。

6.3. Client Error


In the case of a client error, custom exceptions are defined and mapped to the appropriate error codes.


Simply throwing these exceptions from any of the layers of the web tier will ensure Spring maps the corresponding status code on the HTTP response:


public class BadRequestException extends RuntimeException {
public class ResourceNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {

These exceptions are part of the REST API, and as such, we should only use them in the appropriate layers corresponding to REST; for instance, if a DAO/DAL layer exists, it shouldn’t use the exceptions directly.

这些异常是REST API的一部分,因此,我们应该只在与REST相对应的适当层中使用它们;例如,如果存在一个DAO/DAL层,它不应该直接使用这些异常。

Note also that these aren’t checked exceptions, but runtime exceptions in line with Spring practices and idioms.


6.4. Using @ExceptionHandler


Another option to map custom exceptions on specific status codes is to use the @ExceptionHandler annotation in the controller. The problem with that approach is that the annotation only applies to the controller in which it’s defined. This means that we need to declare them in each controller individually.


Of course, there are more ways to handle errors in both Spring and Spring Boot that offer more flexibility.

当然,在Spring和Spring Boot中还有更多的处理错误的方法,提供更多的灵活性。

7. Additional Maven Dependencies


In addition to the spring-webmvc dependency required for the standard web application, we’ll need to set up content marshalling and unmarshalling for the REST API:

除了spring-webmvc依赖性标准Web应用程序所需的之外,我们还需要为REST API设置内容编排和解除编排。


These are the libraries we’ll use to convert the representation of the REST resource to either JSON or XML.


7.1. Using Spring Boot

7.1.使用Spring Boot

If we want to retrieve JSON-formatted resources, Spring Boot provides support for different libraries, namely Jackson, Gson, and JSON-B.

如果我们想检索JSON格式的资源,Spring Boot提供了对不同库的支持,即Jackson、Gson和JSON-B。

We can carry out auto-configuration by simply including any of the mapping libraries in the classpath.


Usually, if we’re developing a web application, we’ll just add the spring-boot-starter-web dependency and rely on it to include all the necessary artifacts to our project:



Spring Boot uses Jackson by default.

Spring Boot默认使用Jackson。

If we want to serialize our resources in an XML format, we’ll have to add the Jackson XML extension (jackson-dataformat-xml) to our dependencies, or fallback to the JAXB implementation (provided by default in the JDK) by using the @XmlRootElement annotation on our resource.

如果我们想以XML格式序列化我们的资源,我们必须在我们的依赖中添加Jackson XML扩展(jackson-dataformat-xml),或者通过在我们的资源上使用@XmlRootElement注解而退回到JAXB实现(在JDK中默认提供)。

8. Conclusion


This article illustrated how to implement and configure a REST Service using Spring and Java-based configuration.


In the next articles in the series, we’ll focus on Discoverability of the API, advanced content negotiation, and working with additional representations of a Resource.

在该系列的下一篇文章中,我们将重点讨论API 的可识别性、高级内容协商以及使用资源的额外表示法。

All of the code in this article is available over on Github. This is a Maven-based project, so it should be easy to import and run as it is.
