Cucumber Java 8 Support – Cucumber Java 8支持

最后修改: 2017年 7月 25日


1. Overview


In this quick tutorial, we’ll learn how to use Java 8 lambda expressions with Cucumber.

在这个快速教程中,我们将学习如何在Cucumber中使用Java 8 lambda表达式。

2. Maven Configuration


First, we will need to add the following dependency to our pom.xml:



The cucumber-java8 dependency can be found on Maven Central.

cucumber-java8依赖性可以在Maven Central上找到。

3. Step Definitions Using Lambda


Next, we will discuss how to write our Step Definitions using Java 8 lambda expressions:

接下来,我们将讨论如何使用Java 8 lambda表达式编写我们的步骤定义。

public class ShoppingStepsDef implements En {

    private int budget = 0;

    public ShoppingStepsDef() {
        Given("I have (\\d+) in my wallet", (Integer money) -> budget = money);

        When("I buy .* with (\\d+)", (Integer price) -> budget -= price);

        Then("I should have (\\d+) in my wallet", (Integer finalBudget) -> 
          assertEquals(budget, finalBudget.intValue()));

We used a simple shopping feature as an example:


Given("I have (\\d+) in my wallet", (Integer money) -> budget = money);

Notice how:


  • In this step we set the initial budget, we have one parameter money with type Integer
  • As we are using one statement we didn’t need curly braces

4. Test Scenario


Finally, let’s take a look at our test scenarios:


Feature: Shopping

    Scenario: Track my budget 
        Given I have 100 in my wallet
        When I buy milk with 10
        Then I should have 90 in my wallet
    Scenario: Track my budget 
        Given I have 200 in my wallet
        When I buy rice with 20
        Then I should have 180 in my wallet

And the test configuration:


@CucumberOptions(features = { "classpath:features/shopping.feature" })
public class ShoppingIntegrationTest {

For more details on the Cucumber Configuration, check Cucumber and Scenario Outline tutorial.

有关Cucumber配置的更多细节,请查看Cucumber和Scenario Outline 教程。

5. Conclusion


We learned how to use Java 8 lambda expressions with Cucumber.

我们学习了如何用Cucumber使用Java 8 lambda表达式。

As always, the full source code is available over on GitHub.
