WildFly with Eclipse – Installation and Setup – WildFly与Eclipse – 安装和设置

最后修改: 2018年 10月 7日


1. Overview


In this article, we’re going to run and debug applications on WildFly directly from the Eclipse IDE.

在这篇文章中,我们将直接从 Eclipse IDE 中运行和调试 WildFly 上的应用程序。

We can use the WildFly application server and Eclipse independently to build and run applications. As a first step, we could start and stop the application server on its own. However, when we integrate them both, development will be quicker. For instance, when we change the code in the debug mode the changes are automatically deployed.

我们可以独立使用 WildFly 应用程序服务器和 Eclipse 来构建和运行应用程序。作为第一步,我们可以单独启动和停止应用服务器。然而,当我们将它们两者整合在一起时,开发就会变得更快。例如,当我们在调试模式下修改代码时,所做的修改会自动部署。

Note the screenshots are taken with Eclipse Photon and they might be different in other versions or operating systems.

注意这些截图是用Eclipse Photon拍摄的,在其他版本或操作系统中可能会有所不同。

2. Requirements


First, we start by installing the following software:


Then we verify if everything is properly configured. If both, Eclipse and WildFly, work correctly, then we can continue with our configuration.


3. Installing the JBoss Tools Plugin


We’re going to use the JBoss Tools Plugin for Eclipse. JBoss Tools provides, among others, integration between Eclipse and WildFly.

我们将使用Eclipse的JBoss Tools Plugin。除其他外,JBoss Tools提供了Eclipse和WildFly之间的集成。

There are two ways to install the plugin:


  • We can install it through the website
  • We can install it through the Eclipse Marketplace
    • Open Eclipse
    • Click on Help and then on Eclipse Marketplace
    • Search for JBoss Tools
    • Click Install next to the JBoss Tools solution
    • Follow the rest of the wizard

Eclipse Marketplace

4. Configuring the Application Server in Eclipse


We start by adding the WildFly server to Eclipse.

我们首先将 WildFly 服务器添加到 Eclipse 中。

First, we add a new View in Eclipse. Please click on the Window/Show View/Other:

首先,我们在Eclipse中添加一个新的View。请点击Window/Show View/Other


Next, please click Server/Servers. Now Eclipse shows a Servers tab:


Show Servers View

After that we can add a server by clicking on No servers are available. Click this link to create a new server… in the Servers tab:



In the next step, we expand the JBoss Community category and select the WildFly version that matches with the WildFly installation. For the rest we simply follow the wizard:

在下一步,我们展开JBoss Community类别,选择与WildFly安装相匹配的WildFly版本。其余的,我们只需按照向导的提示进行操作。


Select the newest version when your installed version isn’t available. But make sure to upgrade JBoss Tools when they have a new release with support for that specific version:

当你安装的版本不可用时,选择最新的版本。但要确保在他们有新的版本支持该特定版本时,升级JBoss Tools

Servers view without application

5. Add an Application to WildFly


After configuring the application server we’re going to add an application to the server:


  • Right click on the WildFly instance in the Servers tab
  • Click Add and Remove
    Right click on empty application server
  • Select the application to deploy
  • Click Add
  • Click Finish

The message ‘There are no resources that can be added or removed from the server’ is shown if there is a Servlet API version mismatch.

如果存在Servlet API版本不匹配,则会显示’没有可以从服务器上添加或删除的资源’信息。

So first we make sure the Servlet API version matches Servlet API version packaged with the WildFly installation:

因此,首先我们要确保Servlet API版本与WildFly安装包中的Servlet API版本一致。

  • Right click on the project
  • Click on Properties
  • Click on Project Facets
  • If the project is not yet in the faceted form
    • Click on Convert to faceted form…
    • Enable ‘Dynamic Web Module’

After the configuration, we can see the application under the WildFly server instance:


6. Running the Application


We can finally start WildFly and the application from Eclipse. Right click on the WildFly instance and click on Start. The application is starting and we can use it:


We could have achieved the same result by manually deploying the application or using a build tool. However, starting the application server from within the IDE has some advantages such as the possibility to debug the application.


7. Debugging the Application


First, we hit the ‘Stop the server’ button (red square) on the Servers or Console tab to stop the server:

首先,我们在ServersConsole标签上点击’Stop the server’按钮(红色方块)来停止服务器。

Then we start the application in debugging mode by right-clicking on the WildFly instance and then clicking Debug.

然后我们在调试模式下启动应用程序,右键单击 WildFly 实例,然后单击Debug

When we change the code it’s deployed automatically. If we make bigger changes then we get a message from Eclipse telling us to restart. We can also restart the application server manually by right-clicking on the instance and then on Restart in Debug.


Often the source code isn’t yet available for the debugger. Resulting in the following message: Source not found. If that’s the case we can simply make the source available:


  • Click Edit Source Lookup Path
  • Click Add

  • Select Java Project

  • Select the project
  • Follow the wizard

8. Conclusion


In this article, we used the JBoss Tools plugin to integrate WildFly and Eclipse. By combining these tools we can deploy our applications easier.


However, the biggest advantage is that with this setup we can start the application in debug mode and code changes are immediately visible. That way we made our development process faster and more efficient.
