1. Introduction
After our introduction to Spring Data Couchbase, in this second tutorial we focus on the support for entity validation (JSR-303), optimistic locking, and different levels of query consistency for a Couchbase document database.
在我们的介绍了Spring Data Couchbase之后,在第二个教程中,我们将重点介绍对实体验证(JSR-303)、乐观锁定以及Couchbase文档数据库的不同级别的查询一致性的支持。
2. Entity Validation
Spring Data Couchbase provides support for JSR-303 entity validation annotations. In order to take advantage of this feature, first we add the JSR-303 library to the dependencies section of our Maven project:
Spring Data Couchbase提供了对JSR-303实体验证注释的支持。为了利用这一特性,首先我们将JSR-303库添加到Maven项目的依赖项中。
Then we add an implementation of JSR-303. We will use the Hibernate implementation:
Finally, we add a validator factory bean and corresponding Couchbase event listener to our Couchbase configuration:
public LocalValidatorFactoryBean localValidatorFactoryBean() {
return new LocalValidatorFactoryBean();
public ValidatingCouchbaseEventListener validatingCouchbaseEventListener() {
return new ValidatingCouchbaseEventListener(localValidatorFactoryBean());
The equivalent XML configuration looks like this:
<bean id="validator"
<bean id="validatingEventListener"
Now we add JSR-303 annotations to our entity classes. When a constraint violation is encountered during a persistence operation, the operation will fail, throwing a ConstraintViolationException.
Here is a sample of the constraints that we can enforce involving our Student entities:
@Size(min=1, max=20)
@Pattern(regexp="^[a-zA-Z .'-]+$")
private String firstName;
private DateTime dateOfBirth;
3. Optimistic Locking
Spring Data Couchbase does not support multi-document transactions similar to those you can achieve in other Spring Data modules such as Spring Data JPA (via the @Transactional annotation), nor does it provide a rollback feature.
Spring Data Couchbase不支持多文档事务,类似于你可以在其他Spring Data模块(如Spring Data JPA)中实现的事务(通过@Transactional注解),它也不提供回滚功能。
However it does support optimistic locking in much the same way as other Spring Data modules through the use of the @Version annotation:
然而,通过使用@Version注解,它确实以与其他Spring Data模块相同的方式支持乐观的锁定。
private long version;
Under the covers, Couchbase uses what is known as a “compare and swap” (CAS) mechanism to achieve optimistic locking at the datastore level.
Couchbase使用所谓的 “比较和交换”(CAS)机制来实现数据存储层面的乐观锁定。
Each document in Couchbase has an associated CAS value that is modified automatically any time the document’s metadata or contents are altered. The use of the @Version annotation on a field causes that field to be populated with the current CAS value whenever a document is retrieved from Couchbase.
When you attempt to save the document back to Couchbase, this field is checked against the current CAS value in Couchbase. If the values do not match, the persistence operation will fail with an OptimisticLockingException.
It is extremely important to note that you should never attempt to access or modify this field in your code.
4. Query Consistency
When implementing a persistence layer over Couchbase, you have to consider the possibility of stale reads and writes. This is because when documents are inserted, updated, or deleted, it may take some time before the backing views and indexes are updated to reflect these changes.
And if you have a large dataset backed by a cluster of Couchbase nodes, this can become a significant problem, especially for a OLTP system.
Spring Data provides a robust level of consistency for some repository and template operations, plus a couple of options that let you determine the level of read and write consistency that is acceptable for your application.
Spring Data为一些存储库和模板操作提供了强大的一致性水平,另外还有几个选项,让你决定你的应用程序可以接受的读写一致性水平。
4.1. Levels of Consistency
Spring Data allows you to specify various levels of query consistency and staleness for your application via the Consistency enum found in the org.springframework.data.couchbase.core.query package.
Spring Data允许你通过在org.springframework.data.couchbase.core.query包中找到的Consistency枚举,为你的应用程序指定各种级别的查询一致性和恒定性。
This enum defines the following levels of query consistency and staleness, from least to most strict:
- stale reads are allowed
- indexes are updated according to Couchbase standard algorithm
- stale reads are allowed
- indexes are updated after each request
- stale reads are not allowed
- indexes are updated after each request
- stale reads are not allowed
- indexes are updated after each statement
4.2. Default Behavior
Consider the case where you have documents that have been deleted from Couchbase, and the backing views and indexes have not been fully updated.
The CouchbaseRepository built-in method deleteAll() safely ignores documents that were found by the backing view but whose deletion is not yet reflected by the view.
Likewise, the CouchbaseTemplate built-in methods findByView and findBySpatialView offer a similar level of consistency by not returning documents that were initially found by the backing view but which have since been deleted.
For all other template methods, built-in repository methods, and derived repository query methods, according to the official Spring Data Couchbase 2.1.x documentation as of this writing, Spring Data uses a default consistency level of Consistency.READ_YOUR_OWN_WRITES.
对于所有其他的模板方法、内置的存储库方法和派生的存储库查询方法,根据本文写作时的官方Spring Data Couchbase 2.1.x文档,Spring Data使用的默认一致性级别为Consistency.READ_YOUR_OWN_WRITES.。
It is worth noting that earlier versions of the library used a default of Consistency.UPDATE_AFTER.
Whichever version you are using, if you have any reservations about blindly accepting the default consistency level being provided, Spring offers two methods by which you can declaratively control the consistency level(s) being used, as the following subsections will describe.
4.3. Global Consistency Setting
If you are using Couchbase repositories and your application calls for a stronger level of consistency, or if it can tolerate a weaker level, then you may override the default consistency setting for all repositories by overriding the getDefaultConsistency() method in your Couchbase configuration.
Here is how you can override global consistency level in your Couchbase configuration class:
public Consistency getDefaultConsistency() {
return Consistency.STRONGLY_CONSISTENT;
Here is the equivalent XML configuration:
<couchbase:template consistency="STRONGLY_CONSISTENT"/>
Note that the price of stricter levels of consistency is increased latency at query time, so be sure to tailor this setting based on the needs of your application.
For example, a data warehouse or reporting application in which data is often appended or updated only in a batch would be a good candidate for EVENTUALLY_CONSISTENT, whereas an OLTP application should probably tend towards the more strict levels such as READ_YOUR_OWN_WRITES or STRONGLY_CONSISTENT.
4.4. Custom Consistency Implementation
If you need more finely tuned consistency settings, you can override the default consistency level on a query-by-query basis by providing your own repository implementation for any queries whose consistency level you want to control independently and making use of the queryView and/or queryN1QL methods provided by CouchbaseTemplate.
Let’s implement a custom repository method called findByFirstNameStartsWith for our Student entity for which we do not want to allow stale reads.
First, create an interface containing the custom method declaration:
public interface CustomStudentRepository {
List<Student> findByFirstNameStartsWith(String s);
Next, implement the interface, setting the Stale setting from the underlying Couchbase Java SDK to the desired level:
接下来,实现这个接口,将底层Couchbase Java SDK的Stale设置到所需的水平。
public class CustomStudentRepositoryImpl implements CustomStudentRepository {
private CouchbaseTemplate template;
public List<Student> findByFirstNameStartsWith(String s) {
return template.findByView(ViewQuery.from("student", "byFirstName")
Finally, by having your standard repository interface extend both the generic CrudRepository interface and your custom repository interface, clients will have access to all the built-in and derived methods of your standard repository interface, plus any custom methods you implemented in your custom repository class:
public interface StudentRepository extends CrudRepository<Student, String>,
CustomStudentRepository {
5. Conclusion
In this tutorial, we showed how to implement JSR-303 entity validation and achieve optimistic locking capability when using the Spring Data Couchbase community project.
在本教程中,我们展示了在使用Spring Data Couchbase社区项目时,如何实现JSR-303实体验证并实现乐观的锁定能力。
We also discussed the need for understanding query consistency in Couchbase, and we introduced the different levels of consistency provided by Spring Data Couchbase.
我们还讨论了了解Couchbase中查询一致性的必要性,我们介绍了Spring Data Couchbase提供的不同级别的一致性。
Finally, we explained the default consistency levels used by Spring Data Couchbase globally and for a few specific methods, and we demonstrated ways to override the global default consistency setting as well as how to override consistency settings on a query-by-query basis by providing your own custom repository implementations.
最后,我们解释了Spring Data Couchbase在全局和一些特定方法中使用的默认一致性级别,我们还演示了覆盖全局默认一致性设置的方法,以及如何通过提供你自己的自定义存储库实现,在逐个查询的基础上覆盖一致性设置。
You can view the complete source code for this tutorial in the GitHub project.
To learn more about Spring Data Couchbase, visit the official Spring Data Couchbase project site.
要了解有关Spring Data Couchbase的更多信息,请访问官方的Spring Data Couchbase项目网站。