Building IoT Applications Using Fauna and Spring – 使用Fauna和Spring构建物联网应用

最后修改: 2022年 8月 22日


1. Introduction


In this article, we’ll build an IoT application powered by Fauna and Spring.


2. IoT Applications – Fast Edges and Distributed Databases


IoT applications work close to the users. They are responsible for consuming and processing large volumes of real-time data with low latency. They need fast Edge Computing servers and distributed databases to achieve low latency and maximum performance.


Also, IoT applications process unstructured data, mainly because of the varied source from which they consume them. IoT applications need databases that can process these unstructured data efficiently.


In this article, we’ll build the backend of an IoT application responsible for processing and storing the health vitals of individuals, such as temperature, heart rate, blood oxygen level, etc. This IoT application can consume health vitals from cameras, infra-red scanners, or sensors via wearables such as smartwatches.


3. Using Fauna for IoT Applications


In the previous section, we learned the features of a typical IoT application, and we also understand the expectation one has from a database to be used for the IoT space.


Fauna, due to its below features, can be best suited to be used as a database in an IoT application:


Distributed: When we create an application in Fauna, it automatically distributes across multiple cloud regions. It is hugely beneficial for Edge Computing applications using technologies like Cloudflare Workers or Fastly Compute @ Edge. For our use case, this feature can help us quickly access, process, and store the health vitals of individuals distributed across the globe with minimum latency.

分布式: 当我们在 Fauna 中创建应用程序时,它会自动分布在多个云区域。这对使用 Cloudflare Workers 或 Fastly Compute @ Edge 等技术的边缘计算应用程序大有裨益。对于我们的用例,该功能可以帮助我们以最小的延迟快速访问、处理和存储分布在全球各地的个人的健康体征。

Document-relational: Fauna combines the flexibility and familiarity of JSON documents with the relationships and querying power of a traditional relational database. This capability helps in processing unstructured IoT data at scale.

文档-关系型: Fauna将JSON文档的灵活性和熟悉性与传统关系型数据库的关系和查询能力相结合。这种能力有助于大规模地处理非结构化的物联网数据。

Serverless: With Fauna – we can purely focus on building our application, not the administrative and infrastructure overhead associated with databases.

无服务器:使用Fauna – 我们可以纯粹地专注于构建我们的应用程序,而不是与数据库相关的管理和基础设施开销

4. High-Level Request Flow of the Application


On a high level, this is what the request flow of our application will look like:


request flow

Here Aggregator is a simple application that aggregates the data received from various sensors. In this article, we will not focus on building the Aggregator, but we can solve its purpose by a simple Lambda function deployed on the cloud.


Next, we will build the Edge Service using Spring Boot and set up the Fauna database with different region groups to handle requests from different regions.

接下来,我们将使用Spring Boot构建Edge服务,并将Fauna数据库设置为不同的区域组以处理来自不同区域的请求。

5. Creating Edge Service – Using Spring Boot

5.创建边缘服务–使用Spring Boot

Let’s create the Edge Service using Spring Boot that will consume the data from the health sensors and push it to the appropriate Fauna region.

让我们使用Spring Boot创建Edge服务,它将消费来自健康传感器的数据,并将其推送到适当的Fauna区域。

In our previous tutorials on Fauna, Introduction to FaunaDB with Spring and Building a web app Using Fauna and Spring for Your First web Agency Client, we explored how to create a Spring Boot application that connects with Fauna. Feel free to dive into these articles for more details.

在我们之前关于Fauna的教程中,用Spring介绍FaunaDB使用Fauna和Spring为您的第一个Web Agency客户端构建一个Web应用程序,我们探讨了如何创建一个与Fauna连接的Spring Boot应用。请随时深入阅读这些文章,了解更多细节。

5.1. Domain


Let’s first understand the domain for our Edge Service.


As mentioned previously, our Edge Service will consume and process health vitals, let’s create a record having basic health vitals of an individual:


public record HealthData(
    String userId,
    float temperature, 
    float pulseRate,
    int bpSystolic,
    int bpDiastolic,
    double latitude, 
    double longitude, 
    ZonedDateTime timestamp) {

5.2. Health Service


Out health service will be responsible for processing the health data, identifying the region from the request, and routing it to the appropriate Fauna region:


public interface HealthService {
    void process(HealthData healthData);

Let’s start building the implementation:


public class DefaultHealthService implements HealthService {

    public void process(HealthData healthData) {
        // ...

Next, let’s add the code for identifying the request region, i.e. from where the request is triggered.


There are several libraries in Java to identify geolocation. But, for this article, we will add a simple implementation that returns the region “US” for all the requests.

在Java中有几个库可以识别地理位置。但是,在这篇文章中,我们将添加一个简单的实现,为所有的请求返回区域 “美国”。

Let’s add the interface:


public interface GeoLocationService {
    String getRegion(double latitude, double longitude);

And the implementation that returns the “US” region for all requests:

以及为所有请求返回 “美国 “地区的实现。

public class DefaultGeoLocationService implements GeoLocationService {

    public String getRegion(double latitude, double longitude) {
        return "US";

Next, let’s use this GeoLocationService in our HealthService; let’s inject it:


private GeoLocationService geoLocationService;

And use it in the process method to extract the region:


public void process(HealthData healthData) {

    String region = geoLocationService.getRegion(
    // ...

Once we have the region, we have to query the appropriate Fauna region group to store the data, but before we get to it, let’s set up the Fauna databases with Region Groups. We will resume our integration after that.


6. Fauna with Region Groups – Setup

6.带有区域组的动物群 – 设置

Let’s start with creating new databases in the Fauna. We need to create an account if we don’t already have one.


6.1. Creating Databases


Once we’ve logged in, let’s create a new database:


fauna create db

Here, we’re creating this database in the Europe (EU) region; let’s create the same database in the US region to handle our requests from the United States:


fauna db us

Next, we need a security key to access our database from outside, in our case, from the edge service we have created. We’ll create the keys separately for both databases:


fauna key

Similarly, we’ll create the key for accessing the healthapp-us database. For more detailed instructions on creating databases and security keys in Fauna, head to our Introduction to FaunaDB with Spring article.

同样地,我们将创建用于访问healthapp-us数据库的密钥。有关在Fauna中创建数据库和安全密钥的更多详细说明,请访问我们的Introduction to FaunaDB with Spring文章。

Once keys are created, let’s store the region-specific Fauna connection URLs and security keys in the of our Spring Boot service:

一旦创建了密钥,让我们在Spring Boot服务的application.properties中存储特定区域的Fauna连接URL和安全密钥。


We’ll need these properties when we use them to configure the Fauna client to connect with  Fauna databases.


6.2. Creating a HealthData Collection


Next, let’s create the HealthData collection in Fauna to store the health vitals of an individual.


Let’s add the collection by navigating to the Collections tab in our database dashboard and clicking on the “New Collection” button:

让我们通过导航到数据库仪表板中的 “收藏 “选项卡并点击 “新收藏 “按钮来添加该收藏。

fauna collection

Next, let’s click on the “New Document” button on the next screen to insert one sample document and add the below JSON in the JavaScript console:

接下来,让我们点击下一个屏幕上的 “新文档 “按钮,插入一个样本文档,并在JavaScript控制台中添加以下JSON。

  "userId": "baeldung-user",
  "temperature": "37.2",
  "pulseRate": "90",
  "bpSystolic": "120",
  "bpDiastolic": "80",
  "latitude": "40.758896",
  "longitude": "-73.985130",
  "timestamp": Now()

The Now() function will insert the current timestamp in the timestamp field.

Now() 函数将在timestamp字段中插入当前时间戳。

As we hit save, the above data is inserted, and we can view all inserted documents in the Collection tab within our healthdata collection:


fauna collection view

Now that we have the databases, secret keys, and collections created, let’s go forward and integrate our Edge Service with our Fauna databases and perform operations on them.


7. Integrating Edge Service with Fauna


To integrate our Spring Boot application with Fauna, we need to add the Fauna driver for Java to our project. Let’s add the dependency:

为了将我们的Spring Boot应用程序与Fauna集成,我们需要在我们的项目中添加Fauna的Java驱动。让我们来添加这个依赖关系。


We can always find the latest version for faunadb-java here.


7.1. Creating Region-Specific Fauna Clients


This driver provides us FaunaClient that we can configure easily with a given connection endpoint and secret:


FaunaClient client = FaunaClient.builder()

In our application, depending on where the request comes from, we need to connect with Fauna’s EU and US regions. We can solve this by either pre-configuring different FaunaClient instances for both regions separately or dynamically configuring the client on runtime. Let’s work on the second approach.


Let’s create a new class, FaunaClients, that accepts a region and returns the correctly configured FaunaClient:


public class FaunaClients {

    public FaunaClient getFaunaClient(String region) {
        // ...

We have already stored the Fauna’s region-specific endpoints and secrets in the; we can inject the endpoints and secrets as a map:


public class FaunaClients {

    private final Map<String, String> faunaConnections = new HashMap<>();
    private final Map<String, String> faunaSecrets = new HashMap<>();

    public Map<String, String> getFaunaConnections() {
        return faunaConnections;

    public Map<String, String> getFaunaSecrets() {
        return faunaSecrets;

Here, we have used @ConfigurationProperties, which injects the configuration properties in our class. To enable this annotation, we will also need to add:



Finally, we need to pull the correct connection endpoint and secret from the respective maps and use them accordingly to create FaunaClient:


public FaunaClient getFaunaClient(String region) {

    String faunaUrl = faunaConnections.get(region);
    String faunaSecret = faunaSecrets.get(region);"Creating Fauna Client for Region: {} with URL: {}", region, faunaUrl);
    return FaunaClient.builder()

We have also added a log to check that the correct Fauna URL was picked while creating the client.

我们还加入了一个日志,以检查在创建客户端时是否选择了正确的Fauna URL。

7.2. Using Region-Specific Fauna Clients in Health Service


Once our clients are ready, let’s use them in our Health Service to send health data to Fauna.


Let’s inject the FaunaClients:


public class DefaultHealthService implements HealthService {
    private FaunaClients faunaClients;
    // ...

Next, let’s get the region-specific FaunaClient by passing in the region extracted previously from the GeoLocationService:


public void process(HealthData healthData) {

    String region = geoLocationService.getRegion(
    FaunaClient faunaClient = faunaClients.getFaunaClient(region);

Once we have the region-specific FaunaClient, let’s use it to insert the Health data into the specific database.


We’ll base this on our existing Faunadb Spring Web App article, where we have written several CRUD queries in FQL (Fauna Query Language) to integrate with Fauna.

我们将以现有的Faunadb Spring Web App文章为基础,其中我们用FQL(Fauna查询语言)编写了几个CRUD查询,以与Fauna集成。

Let’s add the query to create the Health data in Fauna; we will start with the keyword Create and mention the collection name for which we are inserting the data:

让我们添加查询,在Fauna中创建健康数据;我们将以关键词Create 开始,并提及我们要插入数据的集合名称。

Value queryResponse = faunaClient.query(
    Create(Collection("healthdata"), //)

Next, we will create the actual data object to be inserted. We will define the attributes of the object and its values as entries of a Map and wrap it using the FQL’s Value keyword:


            "userId", Value(healthData.userId())))))

Here, we are reading the userId from the Health Data record and mapping it to the userId field in the document we are inserting.


Similarly, we can do for all the remaining attributes:


            "userId", Value(healthData.userId()), 
            "temperature", Value(healthData.temperature()),
            "pulseRate", Value(healthData.pulseRate()),
            "bpSystolic", Value(healthData.bpSystolic()),
            "bpDiastolic", Value(healthData.bpDiastolic()),
            "latitude", Value(healthData.latitude()),
            "longitude", Value(healthData.longitude()),
            "timestamp", Now()))))

Finally, let’s log the response of the query so that we are aware of any issues during query execution:

最后,让我们记录下查询的响应,这样我们就能意识到查询执行过程中的任何问题。"Query response received from Fauna: {}", queryResponse);

Note: For the purpose of this article, we have built the Edge services as a Spring Boot application. In production, these services can be built in any language and deployed across the global network by Edge providers such as Fastly, Cloudflare Workers, Lambda@Edge etc.

注意。为了本文的目的,我们将Edge服务构建为Spring Boot应用程序。在生产中,这些服务可以用任何语言构建,并由Edge提供商在全球网络中部署,例如FastlyCloudflare WorkersLambda@Edge等等。

Our integration is complete; let’s test the entire flow with an integration test.


8. Testing End-to-End Integration


Let’s add a test to verify that our integration is working end-to-end and our requests are going to the correct Fauna regions. We’ll mock the GeoLocationService to toggle the region for our tests:


class DefaultHealthServiceTest {

    private DefaultHealthService defaultHealthService;

    private GeoLocationService geoLocationService;
    // ...

Let’s add a test for the EU region:


void givenEURegion_whenProcess_thenRequestSentToEURegion() {

    HealthData healthData = new HealthData("user-1-eu",
        120, 80,
        51.50, -0.07,;

    // ...

Next, let’s mock the region and call the process method:


when(geoLocationService.getRegion(51.50, -0.07)).thenReturn("EU");


When we run the test, we can check in the logs that the correct URL was fetched to create the FaunaClient:


Creating Fauna Client for Region:EU with URL:

And we can also check the response returned from the Fauna server that confirms the record was created correctly:


Query response received from Fauna: 
ref: ref(id = "338686945465991375", 
collection = ref(id = "healthdata", collection = ref(id = "collections"))), 
ts: 1659255891215000, 
data: {bpDiastolic: 80, 
userId: "user-1-eu", 
temperature: 37.5, 
longitude: -0.07, latitude: 51.5, 
bpSystolic: 120, 
pulseRate: 99.0, 
timestamp: 2022-07-31T08:24:51.164033Z}}

We can also verify the same record in our Fauna dashboard under the HealthData collection for the EU database:


fauna dashboard collection

Similarly, we can add the test for the US region:


void givenUSRegion_whenProcess_thenRequestSentToUSRegion() {

    HealthData healthData = new HealthData("user-1-us", //
        38.0f, //
        100f, //
        115, 85, //
        40.75, -74.30, //;

    when(geoLocationService.getRegion(40.75, -74.30)).thenReturn("US");


9. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve explored how we can leverage Fauna’s Distributed, Document-relational and serverless features to use it as a database for IoT applications. Fauna’s Region groups infrastructure addresses locality concerns and mitigates the Edge servers’ latency issues.


You can also check Fauna’s on-demand webinar on how Fauna reduces latency in edge apps.


All the code shown here is available over on Github.
