Guide to Guava’s Reflection Utilities – Guava’的反思工具指南

最后修改: 2017年 3月 5日


1. Overview


In this article, we’ll be looking at the Guava reflection API – which is definitely more versatile compared to the standard Java reflection API.

在这篇文章中,我们将看看Guava反射 API–与标准的Java反射API相比,它绝对是更通用的。

We’ll be using Guava to capture generic types at runtime, and we’ll making good use of Invokable as well.


2. Capturing Generic Type at Runtime


In Java, generics are implemented with type erasure. That means that the generic type information is only available at compile time and, at runtime – it’s no longer available.


For example, List<String>, the information about generic type gets erased at runtime. Due to that fact, it is not safe to pass around generic Class objects at runtime.


We might end up assigning two lists that have different generic types to the same reference, which is clearly not a good idea:


List<String> stringList = Lists.newArrayList();
List<Integer> intList = Lists.newArrayList();

boolean result = stringList.getClass()


Because of type erasure, the method isAssignableFrom() can not know the actual generic type of the lists. It basically compares two types that are just a List without any information about the actual type.

由于类型擦除,方法isAssignableFrom() 不能知道列表的实际通用类型。它基本上是在没有任何关于实际类型的信息的情况下比较两个只是一个List的类型。

By using the standard Java reflection API we can detect the generic types of methods and classes. If we have a method that returns a List<String>, we can use reflection to obtain the return type of that method – a ParameterizedType representing List<String>.


The TypeToken class uses this workaround to allow the manipulation of generic types. We can use the TypeToken class to capture an actual type of generic list and check if they really can be referenced by the same reference:


TypeToken<List<String>> stringListToken
  = new TypeToken<List<String>>() {};
TypeToken<List<Integer>> integerListToken
  = new TypeToken<List<Integer>>() {};
TypeToken<List<? extends Number>> numberTypeToken
  = new TypeToken<List<? extends Number>>() {};


Only the integerListToken can be assigned to a reference of type nubmerTypeToken because an Integer class extends a Number class.


3. Capturing Complex Types Using TypeToken


Let’s say that we want to create a generic parameterized class, and we want to have information about a generic type at runtime. We can create a class that has a TypeToken as a field to capture that information:


abstract class ParametrizedClass<T> {
    TypeToken<T> type = new TypeToken<T>(getClass()) {};

Then, when creating an instance of that class, the generic type will be available at runtime:


ParametrizedClass<String> parametrizedClass = new ParametrizedClass<String>() {};

assertEquals(parametrizedClass.type, TypeToken.of(String.class));

We can also create a TypeToken of a complex type that has more than one generic type, and retrieve information about each of those types at runtime:


TypeToken<Function<Integer, String>> funToken
  = new TypeToken<Function<Integer, String>>() {};

TypeToken<?> funResultToken = funToken

assertEquals(funResultToken, TypeToken.of(String.class));

We get an actual return type for Function, that is a String. We can even get a type of the entry in the map:


TypeToken<Map<String, Integer>> mapToken
  = new TypeToken<Map<String, Integer>>() {};

TypeToken<?> entrySetToken = mapToken

  new TypeToken<Set<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>>() {});

Here we use a reflection method getMethod() from Java standard library to capture the return type of a method.


4. Invokable


The Invokable is a fluent wrapper of java.lang.reflect.Method and java.lang.reflect.Constructor. It provides a simpler API on top of a standard Java reflection API. Let’s say that we have a class that has two public methods and one of them is final:

Invokablejava.lang.reflect.Methodjava.lang.reflect.Constructor的一个流畅的包装器。它在标准的Java 反射 API之上提供了一个更简单的API。假设我们有一个类,它有两个公共方法,其中一个是final。

class CustomClass {
    public void somePublicMethod() {}

    public final void notOverridablePublicMethod() {}

Now let’s examine the somePublicMethod() using Guava API and Java standard reflection API:

现在让我们使用Guava API和Java标准reflection API来检查somePublicMethod()

Method method = CustomClass.class.getMethod("somePublicMethod");
Invokable<CustomClass, ?> invokable 
  = new TypeToken<CustomClass>() {}

boolean isPublicStandradJava = Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers());
boolean isPublicGuava = invokable.isPublic();


There is not much difference between these two variants, but checking if a method is overridable is a really non-trivial task in Java. Fortunately, the isOverridable() method from the Invokable class makes it easier:


Method method = CustomClass.class.getMethod("notOverridablePublicMethod");
Invokable<CustomClass, ?> invokable
 = new TypeToken<CustomClass>() {}.method(method);

boolean isOverridableStandardJava = (!(Modifier.isFinal(method.getModifiers()) 
  || Modifier.isPrivate(method.getModifiers())
  || Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())
  || Modifier.isFinal(method.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())));
boolean isOverridableFinalGauava = invokable.isOverridable();


We see that even such a simple operation needs a lot of checks using standard reflection API. The Invokable class hides this behind the API that is simple to use and very concise.

我们看到,即使是这样一个简单的操作也需要使用标准的反射 API进行大量的检查。Invokable类将这些隐藏在API后面,使用起来很简单,而且非常简洁。

5. Conclusion


In this article, we were looking at the Guava reflection API and compare it to the standard Java. We saw how to capture generic types at runtime, and how the Invokable class provides elegant and easy to use API for code that is using reflection.

在这篇文章中,我们看了Guava的反射API,并将其与标准Java进行了比较。我们看到了如何在运行时捕获通用类型,以及Invokable 类如何为使用反射的代码提供优雅且易于使用的API。

The implementation of all these examples and code snippets can be found in the GitHub project – this is a Maven project, so it should be easy to import and run as it is.
