1. Introduction
As well as built-in matchers, Hamcrest also provides support for creating custom matchers.
In this tutorial, we’ll take a closer look at how to create and use them. To get a sneak peek on the available matchers, refer to this article.
2. Custom Matchers Setup
To get Hamcrest, we need to add the following Maven dependency to our pom.xml:
The latest Hamcrest version can be found on Maven Central.
最新的Hamcrest版本可以在Maven Central上找到。
3. Introducing TypeSafeMatcher
Before starting with our examples, it’s important to understand the class TypeSafeMatcher. We’ll have to extend this class to create a matcher of our own.
在开始我们的例子之前,了解TypeSafeMatcher类是很重要的。 我们必须扩展这个类来创建一个我们自己的匹配器。
TypeSafeMatcher is an abstract class, so all subclasses have to implement the following methods:
- matchesSafely(T t): contains our matching logic
- describeTo(Description description): customizes the message the client will get when our matching logic is not fulfilled
As we may see in the first method, TypeSafeMatcher is parametrized, so we’ll have to declare a type when we use it. That will be the type of the object we’re testing.
Let’s make this clearer by looking at our first example in the next section.
4. Creating the onlyDigits Matcher
For our first use case, we’ll create a matcher that returns true if a certain String contains only digits.
So, onlyDigits applied to “123” should return true while “hello1” and “bye” should return false.
因此,应用于 “123 “的onlyDigits应该返回true,而”hello1“和”bye“应该返回false。
Let’s get started!
4.1. Matcher Creation
To start with our matcher, we’ll create a class that extends TypeSafeMatcher:
public class IsOnlyDigits extends TypeSafeMatcher<String> {
protected boolean matchesSafely(String s) {
// ...
public void describeTo(Description description) {
// ...
Please note that as the object we’ll test is a text, we’re parametrizing our subclass of TypeSafeMatcher with the class String.
Now we’re ready to add our implementation:
public class IsOnlyDigits extends TypeSafeMatcher<String> {
protected boolean matchesSafely(String s) {
try {
return true;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe){
return false;
public void describeTo(Description description) {
description.appendText("only digits");
As we can see, matchesSafey is trying to parse our input String into an Integer. If it succeeds, it returns true. If it fails, it returns false. It responds successfully to our use case.
On the other side, describeTo is attaching a text that represents our expectations. We’ll see how this shows next when we use our matcher.
在另一边,describeTo 是附加一个代表我们期望的文本。接下来我们将看到,当我们使用我们的匹配器时,这一点是如何显示的。
We only need one more thing to complete our matcher: a static method to access it, so it behaves as the rest of the built-in matchers.
So, we’ll add something like this:
public static Matcher<String> onlyDigits() {
return new IsOnlyDigits();
And we’re done! Let’s see how to use this matcher in the next section.
4.2. Matcher Usage
To use our brand new matcher, we’ll create a test:
public void givenAString_whenIsOnlyDigits_thenCorrect() {
String digits = "1234";
assertThat(digits, onlyDigits());
And that’s it. This test will pass because the input String contains only digits. Remember that, to make it a little more legible, we can use the matcher is that acts as a wrapper over any other matcher:
assertThat(digits, is(onlyDigits()));
Finally, if we ran the same test but with the input “123ABC”, the output message would be:
最后,如果我们运行同样的测试,但输入 “123ABC”,输出信息将是。
Expected: only digits
but: was "123ABC"
This is where we see the text that we appended to the describeTo method. As we may have noticed, it’s important to create a proper description of what’s expected in the test.
5. divisibleBy
So, what if we wanted to create a matcher that defines if a number is divisible by another number? For that scenario, we’ll have to store one of the parameters somewhere.
Let’s see how we can do that:
public class IsDivisibleBy extends TypeSafeMatcher<Integer> {
private Integer divider;
// constructors
protected boolean matchesSafely(Integer dividend) {
if (divider == 0) {
return false;
return ((dividend % divider) == 0);
public void describeTo(Description description) {
description.appendText("divisible by " + divider);
public static Matcher<Integer> divisibleBy(Integer divider) {
return new IsDivisibleBy(divider);
Simple enough, we just added a new attribute to our class and assigned it during construction. Then, we just passed it as a parameter to our static method:
public void givenAnEvenInteger_whenDivisibleByTwo_thenCorrect() {
Integer ten = 10;
Integer two = 2;
public void givenAnOddInteger_whenNotDivisibleByTwo_thenCorrect() {
Integer eleven = 11;
Integer two = 2;
And that’s it! We already have our matcher using more than one input!
6. Conclusion
Hamcrest provides matchers that cover most use cases a developer usually has to deal with when creating assertions.
What’s more, if any specific case isn’t covered, Hamcrest also gives support to create custom matchers to be used under specific scenarios – as we’ve explored here. They’re simple to create, and they are used exactly like the ones included in the library.
To get the complete implementation of this examples, please refer to the GitHub Project.