Introduction to Hazelcast Jet – Hazelcast Jet简介

最后修改: 2018年 8月 11日


1. Introduction


In this tutorial, we’ll learn about Hazelcast Jet. It’s a distributed data processing engine provided by Hazelcast, Inc. and is built on top of Hazelcast IMDG.

在本教程中,我们将学习Hazelcast Jet。它是由Hazelcast公司提供的一个分布式数据处理引擎,建立在Hazelcast IMDG之上。

If you want to learn about Hazelcast IMDG, here is an article for getting started.

如果您想了解 Hazelcast IMDG,这里是一篇用于入门的文章。

2. What Is Hazelcast Jet?

2.什么是Hazelcast Jet?

Hazelcast Jet is a distributed data processing engine that treats data as streams. It can process data that is stored in a database or files as well as the data that is streamed by a Kafka server.

Hazelcast Jet是一个分布式数据处理引擎,将数据视为流。它可以处理存储在数据库或文件中的数据,以及由Kafka服务器传输的数据。

Moreover, it can perform aggregate functions over infinite data streams by dividing the streams into subsets and applying aggregation over each subset. This concept is known as windowing in the Jet terminology.


We can deploy Jet in a cluster of machines and then submit our data processing jobs to it. Jet will make all the members of the cluster automatically process the data. Each member of the cluster consumes a part of the data, and that makes it easy to scale up to any level of throughput.


Here are the typical use cases for Hazelcast Jet:

以下是Hazelcast Jet的典型用例。

  • Real-Time Stream Processing
  • Fast Batch Processing
  • Processing Java 8 Streams in a distributed way
  • Data processing in Microservices

3. Setup


To setup Hazelcast Jet in our environment, we just need to add a single Maven dependency to our pom.xml.

要在我们的环境中设置Hazelcast Jet,我们只需要在pom.xml中添加一个Maven依赖。

Here’s how we do it:



Including this dependency will download a 10 Mb jar file which provides us with all the infrastructure we need to build a distributed data processing pipeline.


The latest version for Hazelcast Jet can be found here.

Hazelcast Jet的最新版本可以在这里找到。

4. Sample Application


In order to learn more about Hazelcast Jet, we’ll create a sample application that takes an input of sentences and a word to find in those sentences and returns the count of the specified word in those sentences.

为了了解更多关于Hazelcast Jet的信息,我们将创建一个示例程序,该程序接收输入的句子和要在这些句子中寻找的单词,并返回这些句子中指定单词的数量。

4.1. The Pipeline


A Pipeline forms the basic construct for a Jet application. Processing within a pipeline follows these steps:


  • read data from a source
  • transform the data
  • write data into a sink

For our application, the pipeline will read from a distributed List, apply the transformation of grouping and aggregation and finally write to a distributed Map.


Here’s how we write our pipeline:


private Pipeline createPipeLine() {
    Pipeline p = Pipeline.create();
      .flatMap(word -> traverseArray(word.toLowerCase().split("\\W+")))
      .filter(word -> !word.isEmpty())
    return p;

Once we’ve read from the source, we traverse the data and split it around the space using a regular expression. After that, we filter out the blanks.


Finally, we group the words, aggregate them and write the results to a Map.


4.2. The Job


Now that our pipeline is defined, we create a job for executing the pipeline.


Here’s how we write a countWord function which accepts parameters and returns the count:


public Long countWord(List<String> sentences, String word) {
    long count = 0;
    JetInstance jet = Jet.newJetInstance();
    try {
        List<String> textList = jet.getList(LIST_NAME);
        Pipeline p = createPipeLine();
        Map<String, Long> counts = jet.getMap(MAP_NAME);
        count = counts.get(word);
        } finally {
    return count;

We create a Jet instance first in order to create our job and use the pipeline. Next, we copy the input List to a distributed list so that it’s available over all the instances.


We then submit a job using the pipeline that we have built above. The method newJob() returns an executable job that is started by Jet asynchronously. The join method waits for the job to complete and throws an exception if the job is completed with an error.

然后,我们使用上面建立的管道提交一个作业。方法newJob() 返回一个由Jet异步启动的可执行作业。join方法等待作业完成,如果作业完成后出现错误,则抛出一个exception

When the job completes the results are retrieved in a distributed Map, as we defined in our pipeline. So, we get the Map from the Jet instance and get the counts of the word against it.


Lastly, we shut down the Jet instance. It is important to shut it down after our execution has ended, as Jet instance starts its own threads. Otherwise, our Java process will still be alive even after our method has exited.


Here is a unit test that tests the code we have written for Jet:


public void whenGivenSentencesAndWord_ThenReturnCountOfWord() {
    List<String> sentences = new ArrayList<>();
    sentences.add("The first second was alright, but the second second was tough.");
    WordCounter wordCounter = new WordCounter();
    long countSecond = wordCounter.countWord(sentences, "second");
    assertEquals(3, countSecond);

5. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve learned about Hazelcast Jet. To learn more about it and its features, refer to the manual.

在这篇文章中,我们已经了解了Hazelcast Jet。要了解更多关于它和它的功能,请参考手册

As usual, the code for the examples used in this article can be found over on Github.
