How to Set Up Environment Variables in IntelliJ IDEA – 如何在 IntelliJ IDEA 中设置环境变量

最后修改: 2023年 10月 26日


1. Overview


Environment variables are often a crucial and essential part of configuring an application. They primarily permit us to store sensitive data, configuration settings, and other variables we can access from the code. Setting up environment variables in IntelliJ IDEA is an easy and straightforward process.

环境变量通常是配置应用程序的重要组成部分。它们主要允许我们存储敏感数据、配置设置以及其他可以从代码中访问的变量。在 IntelliJ IDEA 中设置环境变量是一个简单明了的过程。

In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to set up environment variables in IntelliJ IDEA. We’ll also look at the importance and use of the environment variable in an application.

在本教程中,我们将了解如何在 IntelliJ IDEA 中设置环境变量。我们还将了解环境变量在应用程序中的重要性和用途。

2. Why Use Environment Variables


Using environment variables, we can run an application in different environments (local, stage, prod, dev). It primarily helps us to configure the project to run in different environments without modifying the actual code. Hence, using the environment variables, we can handle other distributions, making it platform-independent.

使用环境变量,我们可以在不同的环境(本地、阶段、prod、dev)中运行应用程序。它主要帮助我们配置项目在不同环境中运行,而无需修改实际代码。 因此,使用环境变量,我们可以处理其他发行版,使其与平台无关。

Environment variables also provide security in storing sensitive information like API keys, passwords, and auth tokens. Storing this information directly in the code increases potential security threats and risks.

环境变量还能确保存储 API 密钥、密码和授权令牌等敏感信息的安全性。直接在代码中存储这些信息会增加潜在的安全威胁和风险。

3. Setting up Environmental Variables


In IntelliJ, we can set the Environment variables differently to enhance the overall development work and to secure and provide a dynamic project configuration. Primarily, they’re used to store sensitive information such as API keys, database tokens, and access tokens.

在 IntelliJ 中,我们可以对环境变量进行不同的设置,以增强整体开发工作,并确保项目配置的安全性和动态性。环境变量主要用于存储敏感信息,如 API 密钥、数据库令牌和访问令牌。

3.1. Using Run Configurations


We can add an environment variable to a project by editing the run configuration of an application. To illustrate, let’s look at the step-by-step process of adding environment variables:


  • Open IntelliJ IDEA
  • Select a project
  • At the top, select Edit Configurations under the Current File
  • Edit the environment variables and click on the + button
  • Add the name and value of the environment variable

We can see the complete process of adding an environment variable to a project in IntelliJ below:

下面我们可以看到在 IntelliJ 中为项目添加环境变量的完整过程:


In the above process, we added the environment variable testUser baeldung into a project in IntelliJ by making changes in the run configuration.

在上述过程中,我们通过修改运行配置将环境变量 testUser baeldung 添加到 IntelliJ 中的项目中。

3.2. Using the workspace.xml

3.2.使用 workspace.xml

We can also add environment variables to a configuration file and link it to a project by editing the run configuration of an application.


To demonstrate, let’s look at the process of editing the configuration file for environment variables:


  • Open the IntelliJ IDEA IDE
  • Select a project
  • At the top right, select Edit Configurations under the Current File
  • Tick the configuration to “Store as a project file.”

The below GUI contains the process to create an environment configuration file:



The above steps help us to create a configuration file in which we can define environment variables. Furthermore, the workspace.xml contains all the configurations related to a project or an application. Additionally, it has all the required commands to run and execute the application. We can also add Environment variables to this file to make them available to the project.

上述步骤有助于我们创建配置文件,并在其中定义环境变量。此外,workspace.xml 包含与项目或应用程序相关的所有配置。此外,它还包含运行和执行应用程序所需的所有命令。我们还可以在该文件中添加环境变量,以便项目可以使用这些变量。

Now, let’s look at the steps to add an environment variable to workspace.xml:

现在,让我们看看在 workspace.xml 中添加环境变量的步骤:

<option name="env">
        <entry key="articleCategory" value="baeldung-java" />

In the existing workspace.xml, we added the above configuration containing the environment variable articleCategory with the value baeldung-java.

在现有的 workspace.xml 中,我们添加了包含环境变量 articleCategory 的上述配置,其值为 baeldung-java

4. Conclusion


This article explored various ways to set the environment variable for an application using IntelliJ. First, we explored the importance of the environment variable for a project. After that, we set up the environment variable in the application using GUI and XML configuration files.

本文探讨了使用 IntelliJ 为应用程序设置环境变量的各种方法。首先,我们探讨了环境变量对项目的重要性。然后,我们使用 GUI 和 XML 配置文件在应用程序中设置环境变量。