Introduction to the Java 8 Date/Time API – Java 8日期/时间API简介

最后修改: 2016年 7月 1日


1. Overview


Java 8 introduced new APIs for Date and Time to address the shortcomings of the older java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar.

Java 8 为 DateTime 引入了新的 API,以解决旧版 java.util.Datejava.util.Calendar 的不足之处。

In this tutorial, let’s start with the issues in the existing Date and Calendar APIs and discuss how the new Java 8 Date and Time APIs address them.

在本教程中,让我们从现有的DateCalendar API中的问题开始,讨论新的Java 8 DateTime API如何解决这些问题。

We will also look at some of the core classes of the new Java 8 project that are part of the java.time package, such as LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime, Period, Duration and their supported APIs.

我们还将查看新的Java 8项目中属于java.time包的一些核心类,如LocalDateLocalTimeLocalDateTime ZonedDateTime Period Duration以及它们支持的API。

2. Issues With the Existing Date/Time APIs


  • Thread safety – The Date and Calendar classes are not thread safe, leaving developers to deal with the headache of hard-to-debug concurrency issues and to write additional code to handle thread safety. On the contrary, the new Date and Time APIs introduced in Java 8 are immutable and thread safe, thus taking that concurrency headache away from developers.
  • API design and ease of understanding – The Date and Calendar APIs are poorly designed with inadequate methods to perform day-to-day operations. The new Date/Time API is ISO-centric and follows consistent domain models for date, time, duration and periods. There are a wide variety of utility methods that support the most common operations.
  • ZonedDate and Time – Developers had to write additional logic to handle time-zone logic with the old APIs, whereas with the new APIs, handling of time zone can be done with Local and ZonedDate/Time APIs.

3. Using LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDateTime


The most commonly used classes are LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDateTime. As their names indicate, they represent the local date/time from the context of the observer.


We mainly use these classes when time zones are not required to be explicitly specified in the context. As part of this section, we will cover the most commonly used APIs.


3.1. Working With LocalDate


The LocalDate represents a date in ISO format (yyyy-MM-dd) without time. We can use it to store dates like birthdays and paydays.


An instance of current date can be created from the system clock:


LocalDate localDate =;

And we can get the LocalDate representing a specific day, month and year by using the of method or the parse method.


For example, these code snippets represent the LocalDate for February 20, 2015:


LocalDate.of(2015, 02, 20);


The LocalDate provides various utility methods to obtain a variety of information. Let’s have a quick peek at some of these API methods.

The LocalDate提供了各种实用方法来获取各种信息。让我们快速浏览一下这些API方法中的一些。

The following code snippet gets the current local date and adds one day:


LocalDate tomorrow =;

This example obtains the current date and subtracts one month. Note how it accepts an enum as the time unit:


LocalDate previousMonthSameDay =, ChronoUnit.MONTHS);

In the following two code examples, we parse the date “2016-06-12” and get the day of the week and the day of the month respectively. Note the return values — the first is an object representing the DayOfWeek, while the second is an int representing the ordinal value of the month:

在下面两个代码例子中,我们解析了日期 “2016-06-12″,并分别得到星期和月份的日期。注意返回值–第一个是代表DayOfWeek的对象,而第二个是代表月份序数的int

DayOfWeek sunday = LocalDate.parse("2016-06-12").getDayOfWeek();

int twelve = LocalDate.parse("2016-06-12").getDayOfMonth();

We can test if a date occurs in a leap year, for example the current date:


boolean leapYear =;

Also, the relationship of a date to another can be determined to occur before or after another date:


boolean notBefore = LocalDate.parse("2016-06-12")

boolean isAfter = LocalDate.parse("2016-06-12")

Finally, date boundaries can be obtained from a given date.


In the following two examples, we get the LocalDateTime that represents the beginning of the day (2016-06-12T00:00) of the given date and the LocalDate that represents the beginning of the month (2016-06-01) respectively:


LocalDateTime beginningOfDay = LocalDate.parse("2016-06-12").atStartOfDay();
LocalDate firstDayOfMonth = LocalDate.parse("2016-06-12")

Now let’s have a look at how we work with local time.


3.2. Working With LocalTime


The LocalTime represents time without a date.


Similar to LocalDate, we can create an instance of LocalTime from the system clock or by using parse and of methods.


We’ll now take a quick look at some of the commonly used APIs.


An instance of current LocalTime can be created from the system clock:


LocalTime now =;

We can create a LocalTime representing 6:30 a.m. by parsing a string representation:

我们可以通过解析一个字符串表示法来创建一个LocalTime 表示上午6:30。

LocalTime sixThirty = LocalTime.parse("06:30");

The factory method of can also be used to create a LocalTime. This code creates LocalTime representing 6:30 a.m. using the factory method:


LocalTime sixThirty = LocalTime.of(6, 30);

Let’s create a LocalTime by parsing a string and adding an hour to it by using the “plus” API. The result would be LocalTime representing 7:30 a.m.:

让我们创建一个LocalTime,通过解析一个字符串,并通过使用 “加 “API为其添加一个小时。结果将是LocalTime,代表上午7:30。

LocalTime sevenThirty = LocalTime.parse("06:30").plus(1, ChronoUnit.HOURS);

Various getter methods are available that can be used to get specific units of time like hour, min and secs:


int six = LocalTime.parse("06:30").getHour();

We can also check if a specific time is before or after another specific time. This code sample compares two LocalTime for which the result would be true:


boolean isbefore = LocalTime.parse("06:30").isBefore(LocalTime.parse("07:30"));

Finally, the max, min and noon time of a day can be obtained by constants in LocalTime class. This is very useful when performing database queries to find records within a given span of time.


For example, the below code represents 23:59:59.99:


LocalTime maxTime = LocalTime.MAX

Now let’s dive into LocalDateTime.


3.3. Working With LocalDateTime


LocalDateTime is used to represent a combination of date and time. This is the most commonly used class when we need a combination of date and time.


The class offers a variety of APIs. Here, we’ll look at some of the most commonly used ones.


An instance of LocalDateTime can be obtained from the system clock similar to LocalDate and LocalTime:


The below code samples explain how to create an instance using the factory “of” and “parse” methods. The result would be a LocalDateTime instance representing February 20, 2015, 6:30 a.m.:

下面的代码示例解释了如何使用工厂的 “of “和 “parse “方法来创建一个实例。其结果将是一个LocalDateTime实例,代表2015年2月20日上午6:30。

LocalDateTime.of(2015, Month.FEBRUARY, 20, 06, 30);

There are utility APIs to support addition and subtraction of specific units of time like days, months, years and minutes.


The below code demonstrates the “plus” and “minus” methods. These APIs behave exactly like their counterparts in LocalDate and LocalTime:

下面的代码演示了 “加 “和 “减 “方法。这些API的行为与LocalDateLocalTime中的对应内容完全相同。


Getter methods are also available to extract specific units similar to the date and time classes. Given the above instance of LocalDateTime, this code sample will return the month February:



4. Using ZonedDateTime API

4.使用ZonedDateTime API

Java 8 provides ZonedDateTime when we need to deal with time-zone-specific date and time. The ZoneId is an identifier used to represent different zones. There are about 40 different time zones, and the ZoneId represents them as follows.

Java 8提供了ZonedDateTime当我们需要处理特定时区的日期和时间时。ZoneId是一个标识符,用于表示不同的区。有大约40个不同的时区,ZoneId表示它们如下。

Here, we create a Zone for Paris:


ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of("Europe/Paris");

And we can get a set of all zone ids:


Set<String> allZoneIds = ZoneId.getAvailableZoneIds();

The LocalDateTime can be converted to a specific zone:


ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime = ZonedDateTime.of(localDateTime, zoneId);

The ZonedDateTime provides the parse method to get time-zone-specific date-time:

The ZonedDateTime提供了parse方法来获取特定时区的日期时间。


Another way to work with time zone is by using OffsetDateTime. The OffsetDateTime is an immutable representation of a date-time with an offset. This class stores all date and time fields, to a precision of nanoseconds, as well as the offset from UTC/Greenwich.


The OffSetDateTime instance can be created using ZoneOffset. Here, we create a LocalDateTime representing 6:30 a.m. on February 20, 2015:


LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.of(2015, Month.FEBRUARY, 20, 06, 30);

Then we add two hours to the time by creating a ZoneOffset and setting for the localDateTime instance:


ZoneOffset offset = ZoneOffset.of("+02:00");

OffsetDateTime offSetByTwo = OffsetDateTime
  .of(localDateTime, offset);

We now have a localDateTime of 2015-02-20 06:30 +02:00.

我们现在有一个localDateTime为2015-02-20 06:30 +02:00。

Now let’s move on to how to modify date and time values using the Period and Duration classes.


5. Using Period and Duration


The Period class represents a quantity of time in terms of years, months and days, and the Duration class represents a quantity of time in terms of seconds and nanoseconds.


5.1. Working With Period


The Period class is widely used to modify values of given a date or to obtain the difference between two dates:


LocalDate initialDate = LocalDate.parse("2007-05-10");

We can manipulate the Date by using Period:


LocalDate finalDate =;

The Period class has various getter methods such as getYears, getMonths and getDays to get values from a Period object.


For example, this returns an int value of 5 as we try to get difference in terms of days:


int five = Period.between(initialDate, finalDate).getDays();

We can get the Period between two dates in a specific unit such as days or months or years, using ChronoUnit.between:


long five = ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(initialDate, finalDate);

This code example returns five days.


Let’s continue by taking a look at the Duration class.


5.2. Working With Duration


Similar to Period, the Duration class is used to deal with Time.


Let’s create a LocalTime of 6:30 a.m. and then add a duration of 30 seconds to make a LocalTime of 6:30:30 a.m.:

让我们创建一个LocalTime为6:30 a.m.,然后添加一个30秒的持续时间,使LocalTime为6:30:30 a.m. 。

LocalTime initialTime = LocalTime.of(6, 30, 0);

LocalTime finalTime =;

We can get the Duration between two instants as either a Duration or a specific unit.


First, we use the between() method of the Duration class to find the time difference between finalTime and initialTime and return the difference in seconds:


long thirty = Duration.between(initialTime, finalTime).getSeconds();

In the second example, we use the between() method of the ChronoUnit class to perform the same operation:


long thirty = ChronoUnit.SECONDS.between(initialTime, finalTime);

Now we’ll look at how to convert existing Date and Calendar to new Date/Time.


6. Compatibility With Date and Calendar


Java 8 has added the toInstant() method, which helps to convert existing Date and Calendar instance to new Date and Time API:

Java 8增加了toInstant()方法,它有助于将现有的DateCalendar实例转换为新的日期和时间API。

LocalDateTime.ofInstant(date.toInstant(), ZoneId.systemDefault());
LocalDateTime.ofInstant(calendar.toInstant(), ZoneId.systemDefault());

The LocalDateTime can be constructed from epoch seconds. The result of the below code would be a LocalDateTime representing 2016-06-13T11:34:50:


LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(1465817690, 0, ZoneOffset.UTC);

Now let’s move on to Date and Time formatting.


7. Date and Time Formatting


Java 8 provides APIs for the easy formatting of Date and Time:

Java 8提供了一些API,使日期时间的格式化变得简单:

LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.of(2015, Month.JANUARY, 25, 6, 30);

This code passes an ISO date format to format the local date, with a result of 2015-01-25:


String localDateString = localDateTime.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE);

The DateTimeFormatter provides various standard formatting options.


Custom patterns can be provided to the format method as well, which here returns a LocalDate as 2015/01/25:



We can pass in formatting style either as SHORT, LONG or MEDIUM as part of the formatting option.


For example, this would give an output representing LocalDateTime in 25-Jan-2015, 06:30:00:



Let’s take a look at alternatives available to Java 8 Core Date/Time APIs.

让我们来看看Java 8 Core Date/Time API的可用替代品。

8. Backport and Alternate Options


8.1. Using the ThreeTen Project


For organizations that are on the path of moving to Java 8 from Java 7 or Java 6 and that want to use date and time API, the ThreeTen project provides the backport capability.

对于那些正处于从 Java 7 或 Java 6 向 Java 8 转移的过程中并且希望使用日期和时间 API 的组织,ThreeTen项目提供了回传功能。

Developers can use classes available in this project to achieve the same functionality as that of new Java 8 Date and Time APIs. And once they move to Java 8, the packages can be switched.

开发人员可以使用这个项目中的类来实现与新的Java 8 DateTime APIs相同的功能。而一旦他们转移到Java 8,这些包就可以被切换。

The artifact for the ThreeTen project can be found in the Maven Central Repository:



8.2. Joda-Time Library


Another alternative for Java 8 Date and Time library is Joda-Time library. In fact, the Java 8 Date/Time API has been led jointly by the author of Joda-Time library (Stephen Colebourne) and Oracle. This library provides pretty much all capabilities that are supported in the Java 8 Date/Time project.

Java 8 DateTime库的另一个选择是Joda-Time库。事实上,Java 8 Date/Time API 是由 Joda-Time 库的作者(Stephen Colebourne)和 Oracle 共同领导的。这个库提供了几乎所有在Java 8 Date/Time项目中支持的功能。

The artifact can be found in Maven Central by including the below pom dependency in our project:

该工件可以在Maven Central中找到,方法是在我们的项目中加入以下pom依赖项。


9. Conclusion


Java 8 provides a rich set of APIs with consistent API design for easier development.

Java 8提供了一套丰富的API,其一致的API设计使开发更加容易。

The code samples for the above article can be found in the Java 8 Date/Time git repository.

上述文章的代码样本可以在Java 8 Date/Time git资源库中找到。