Survey Results – Java 8, Spring 4 and Spring Boot Adoption – 调查结果 – Java 8、Spring 4和Spring Boot采用情况

最后修改: 2015年 5月 29日


Java developers are a dynamic, ever changing bunch.


Over the past couple of weeks, I ran an industry survey here on Baeldung, to see how Java 8, Spring 4 and the newer Spring Boot are adopted and used in the industry.

在过去的几周里,我在Baeldung上进行了一项行业调查,以了解Java 8、Spring 4和较新的Spring Boot在行业中的采用和使用情况

We got over 1500 answers to the survey – leading to some very cool numbers:



1. Java 8 Adoption

1.Java 8的采用

Let’s start with Java, where we numbers are as follows:


Java 8 adoption

  • 38% – Java 8

  • 48.5% – Java 7

  • 13.5% – Java 6

The community is clearly moving to Java 8 at a very fast pace – a Typesafe survey had Java 8 adoption hovering at around 26% back in October of 2014.

社区显然正在以非常快的速度转向 Java 8 – Typesafe 的调查,早在 2014 年 10 月,Java 8 的采用率就徘徊在 26% 左右。

We are now at almost 40% adoption in May of 2015 – only 7 months later – which is quite impressive.


2. Spring 4 Adoption

2. Spring 4 adoption

Spring 4 has been released in December of 2013. Let’s see how much it has been adopted across the industry today:

Spring 4已于2013年12月发布。让我们看看今天它在整个行业中被采用的程度。

Spring 4 adoption

  • 65% – Spring 4

  • 32.5% – Spring 3

  • 2.5% – Spring 2

The numbers are very clear – the ecosystem is moving to Spring 4.


Back in June of 2014 – almost 1 year ago – adoption looked quite different:


  • 37% – Spring 4
  • 57% – Spring 3
  • 6% – Spring 2

3. Spring Boot Adoption

3. Spring Boot Adoption

Finally – Spring Boot was released back in April of 2014. Let’s see it has been adopted over this past year:

最后–Spring Boot早在2014年4月就已发布。让我们看看它在过去一年中的采用情况。

Spring Boot Adoption

  • 34% – Using Spring Boot Now

  • 66% – Not Yet

4. Conclusion

4. Conclusion

The earlier releases – Java 7 and Spring 3 – are clearly on a downward trend but do have a solid part of the market. What’s interesting though is that the older versions – Java 6 and Spring 2 are nearly gone or down to single digits.

早期的版本–Java 7和Spring 3–显然呈下降趋势,但确实有一部分市场是稳固的。但有趣的是,较早的版本–Java 6和Spring 2几乎没有了,或降至个位数。

Overall, it looks like the pace of adoption is strong for both Java 8 and the newer Spring technologies.

总的来说,看起来Java 8和较新的Spring技术的采用速度都很强