1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’ll learn about the Apache Derby database engine, which is a Java-based relational database engine developed by the Apache Software Foundation as an open-source project.
在本教程中,我们将了解Apache Derby数据库引擎,它是一个基于Java的关系数据库引擎,由Apache软件基金会作为一个开源项目开发。
We’ll start with installing and configuring it and then look at the tools it provides for interacting with it. After creating a sample database, we’ll learn how to execute SQL commands using Derby’s command-line tools. Finally, we’ll see how to connect to the database programmatically using plain JDBC and through a Spring Boot application.
我们将从安装和配置它开始,然后看看它提供的与之交互的工具。在创建一个样本数据库后,我们将学习如何使用Derby的命令行工具执行SQL命令。最后,我们将看到如何使用普通JDBC和通过Spring Boot应用程序以编程方式连接到数据库。
2. Deployment Modes
Apache Derby has two basic deployment options: a simple embedded option and a client/server option.
Apache Derby有两个基本的部署选项:一个简单的嵌入式选项和一个客户/服务器选项。
In the embedded mode, Derby runs inside of the same Java virtual machine (JVM) as a simple one-user Java application. Due to its automated startup and shutdown, it is usually invisible to end-users and does not require administrator intervention. In this mode, we can set up a temporary database without having to manage it.
In the client/server mode, Derby runs in the Java virtual machine (JVM) that hosts the server when started by an application that provides multi-user connectivity across a network.
3. Installation and Configuration
Let’s see how we can install Apache Derby.
让我们看看如何安装Apache Derby。
3.1. Installation
First, we can download the latest version of Apache Derby from here. After that, we extract the file downloaded. The extracted installation contains several subdirectories:
首先,我们可以从这里下载最新版本的Apache Derby。之后,我们解压下载的文件。解压后的安装文件包含几个子目录。
$ ls
bin demo docs index.html javadoc KEYS lib LICENSE NOTICE RELEASE-NOTES.html test
- bin contains the scripts for executing utilities and setting up the environment
- demo contains example programs
- javadoc contains the API documentation
- docs contain the Apache Derby documentation
- lib contains the Apache Derby .jar files
- test contains regression tests for Apache Derby
3.2. Configuration
We’ll need to configure a couple of things before we start the database engine.
First, we’ll set the DERBY_HOME environment variable to where we extracted the Apache Derby bin. For example, we can use the below command if the Apache Derby is installed in the /opt/derby-db directory:
首先,我们将设置DERBY_HOME环境变量到我们提取Apache Derby bin的地方。例如,如果Apache Derby被安装在/opt/derby-db目录下,我们可以使用下面的命令。
export DERBY_HOME=/opt/derby-db
Then, we add the DERBY_HOME/bin directory to the PATH environment variable so that we can run the Derby scripts from any directory:
export PATH="$DERBY_HOME/bin:$PATH"
3.3. Derby Libraries
There are various libraries provided by Apache Derby in the lib directory:
在lib目录下有Apache Derby提供的各种库。
$ ls
derbyclient.jar derbynet.jar derbyshared.jar
derby.jar derbyoptionaltools.jar derbytools.jar
derbyrun.jar derby.war derbyLocale_XX.jar ...
Each of the libraries is described below:
- derby.jar: Needed for embedded environments. For client/server environments, we only need this library on the server.
- derbyshared.jar: Required by all configurations, regardless of whether we are running an embedded engine, a network server, a remote client, or the database tools.
- derbytools.jar: Required to run all the Apache Derby tools (IJ, DBLook, and import/export). Also required if we are running a network server or if our application directly references the JDBC drivers.
- derbyrun.jar: Used to start the Apache Derby tools
- derbynet.jar: Required to start the Apache Derby Network Server
- derbyclient.jar: Required to use the Apache Derby network client driver
- derbyLocale_XX.jar: Required to localize the messages of Apache Derby
4. Tools
Apache Derby provides many tools for different applications. We can run the Apache Derby tools and utilities with derbyrun.jar using shortened names, and we do not need to set the java CLASSPATH environment variable. The derbyrun.jar file must be in the same folder as the other Derby JAR files.
Apache Derby为不同的应用提供了许多工具。我们可以用derbyrun.jar运行Apache Derby工具和实用程序,使用缩短的名称,我们不需要设置java CLASSPATH环境变量。derbyrun.jar文件必须与其他Derby JAR文件放在同一个文件夹中。
4.1. IJ
IJ is a JDBC-based Java command-line application. Its primary purpose is to allow the execution of Derby SQL statements interactively or through scripts.
First, let’s run the IJ tool:
$ $DERBY_HOME/bin/ij
ij version 10.13
We can also use the following command to execute it:
$ java -jar $DERBY_HOME/lib/derbyrun.jar ij
ij version 10.13
Note that all commands end with a semicolon. If we execute a command without a semicolon, the command line will move to the following line.
In the section on using SQL statements, we’ll see how to execute several commands using IJ.
In addition, IJ can use properties to execute commands. This can help us save some repetitive work by using the properties supported by the IJ tool.
此外,IJ可以使用properties来执行命令。这可以帮助我们节省一些重复性的工作使用的属性 支持 bythe IJ tool 。
We can set IJ properties in the following ways:
- By specifying a properties file using the -p property-file option on the command line
- By using the -D option on the command line
We can create a properties file, add all properties that are needed, and then run the following command:
$ java -jar derbyrun.jar ij -p file-name.properties
If the file-name.properties file doesn’t exist in the current directory, we’ll get a java.io.FileNotFoundException.
如果file-name.properties文件在当前目录中不存在,我们会得到一个 java.io.FileNotFoundException.。
For example, suppose we want to create a connection to a specific database with a specific name. We can do it with the ij.database property:
$ java -jar -Dij.protocol=jdbc:derby: -Dij.database=baeldung derbyrun.jar ij
ij version 10.13
CONNECTION0* - jdbc:derby:baeldung
* = current connection
4.2. DBLook
4.2 DBLook
The dblook tool provides the DDL (Data Definition Language) of the database. For example, we can write the DDL of the baeldung database to the console:
$ $DERBY_HOME/bin/dblook -d jdbc:derby:baeldung
-- Timestamp: 2021-08-23 01:29:48.529
-- Source database is: baeldung
-- Connection URL is: jdbc:derby:baeldung
-- appendLogs: false
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- DDL Statements for schemas
-- ----------------------------------------------
CREATE SCHEMA "basic_users";
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- DDL Statements for tables
-- ----------------------------------------------
CREATE TABLE "APP"."authors" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "first_name" VARCHAR(255) , "last_name" VARCHAR(255));
-- ----------------------------------------------
-- DDL Statements for keys
-- ----------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE "APP"."authors" ADD CONSTRAINT "SQL0000000000-582f8014-017b-6e26-ada1-00000644e000" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
The dblook has other options that are described below.
We can use -o for writing the DDL to a file like baeldung.sql:
$ sudo $DERBY_HOME/bin/dblook -d jdbc:derby:baeldung -o baeldung.sql
We also can specify the schema with -z and the table with -t:
$ sudo $DERBY_HOME/bin/dblook -d jdbc:derby:baeldung -o baeldung.sql -z SCHEMA_NAME -t "TABLE_NAME"
4.3. Sysinfo
4.3. Sysinfo
The Apache Derby sysinfo tool displays information regarding our Java environment and the Derby version. In addition, the sysinfo tool displays system information on the console:
Apache Derby sysinfo工具显示关于我们的Java环境和Derby版本的信息。此外,sysinfo工具在控制台显示系统信息。
$ java -jar $DERBY_HOME/lib/derbyrun.jar sysinfo
------------------ Java Information ------------------
Java Version: 11.0.11
Java Vendor: Ubuntu
Java home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
Java classpath: /opt/derby-db/lib/derbyrun.jar
OS name: Linux
OS architecture: amd64
OS version: 5.11.0-27-generic
Java user name: arash
Java user home: /home/arash
Java user dir: /opt/derby-db
java.specification.name: Java Platform API Specification
java.specification.version: 11
java.runtime.version: 11.0.11+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu2.20.04
--------- Derby Information --------
[/opt/derby-db/lib/derby.jar] - (1873585)
[/opt/derby-db/lib/derbytools.jar] - (1873585)
[/opt/derby-db/lib/derbynet.jar] - (1873585)
[/opt/derby-db/lib/derbyclient.jar] - (1873585)
[/opt/derby-db/lib/derbyshared.jar] - (1873585)
[/opt/derby-db/lib/derbyoptionaltools.jar] - (1873585)
5. SQL Statements in Apache Derby
5.Apache Derby中的SQL语句
Here we’ll examine some of the essential SQL statements that Apache Derby provided. We’ll look at each statement’s syntax with an example.
这里我们将检查Apache Derby提供的一些基本SQL声明。我们将通过一个例子来看看每个语句的语法。
5.1. Create Database
We can create a new database with the connect command and create=true attribute in our connection string:
ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:databaseName;create=true';
5.2. Connect to Database
IJ automatically loads the appropriate driver based on the URL syntax when we interact interactively with a Derby database:
ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:baeldung' user 'user1' password 'pass123';
5.3. Create Schema
The CREATE SCHEMA statement defines a schema, which is a way to identify a specific namespace for a set of objects:
CREATE SCHEMA语句定义了一个模式,这是一种为一组对象确定特定命名空间的方式。
Schema names cannot exceed 128 characters and must be unique within the database also. In addition, schema names cannot begin with the prefix SYS.
Here is an example of a schema named baeldung_authors:
ij> CREATE SCHEMA baeldung_authors;
In addition, we can create a schema for baeldung_authors that just specific users with ID arash can access:
ij> CREATE SCHEMA baeldung_authors AUTHORIZATION arash;
5.4. Drop Schema
We can drop a schema by using the DROP SCHEMA statement, and also, the target schema must be empty for DROP SCHEMA to succeed. We cannot drop the APP schema (the default user schema) or the SYS schema:
我们可以通过使用的DROP SCHEMA语句来放弃模式。而且,目标模式必须是空的,以便DROP SCHEMA能够成功。我们不能删除APP模式(默认的用户模式)或的SYS模式:
By using the RESTRICT keyword, we can enforce the rule that there cannot be any objects defined in a specified schema for the schema to be deleted from the database.
通过使用的RESTRICT关键字。 我们 可以执行规则,有的规则。changedText-0-2-17″>不能被定义在a指定模式的任何对象,以便从数据库删除该模式。
Let’s see an example to drop the schema:
ij> DROP SCHEMA baeldung_authors RESTRICT;
5.5. Create Table
We can use the CREATE TABLE statement to create a table, which contains columns and constraints:
我们可以使用CREATE TABLE语句来创建一个表。 其中包含列和约束。
CREATE TABLE table_name (
column_name1 column_data_type1 constraint (optional),
column_name2 column_data_type2 constraint (optional),
Let’s see an example:
ij> CREATE TABLE posts(post_id INT NOT NULL, publish_date DATE NOT NULL,
view_number INT DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (post_id));
If we do not specify a default value, NULL is inserted in the column as the default value.
17″>做不指定一个默认值。NULL是插入的在中。17″>的列作为的列。changedText-0-2-17″>thedefault value。
Other SQL statements like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT for CRUD actions are similar to standard SQL.
6. JDBC Programming With Apache Derby
6.使用Apache Derby的JDBC编程
Here we’re going to learn how to create a Java application that uses Apache Derby as a database engine.
在这里,我们将学习如何创建一个使用Apache Derby作为数据库引擎的Java应用程序。
6.1. Maven Dependencies
There are two Derby drivers in Maven: derby and derbynet. The former is used for embedded applications, while the latter is used for client/server applications.
有两个德比司机在司机 在 Maven。derby和derbynet。前者是用于嵌入式应用。而后者用于客户/服务器应用。
Let’s add a Maven dependency for derby:
Also, we add Maven dependency for derbyclient:
6.2. JDBC URL Connection
6.2.JDBC URL连接
We can connect to the database with different connection string parameters for client/server and embedded applications.
In the below syntax, we can use it for embedded mode:
And also, we can use the syntax below for client/server mode:
The database URL doesn’t contain the hostname and port number in embedded mode. For example:
String urlConnection = "jdbc:derby:baeldung;create=true";
6.3. Use Apache Derby in Embedded Mode
6.3.在嵌入式模式下使用Apache Derby
Let’s connect to an Apache Derby database in embedded mode, create it in the current directory if it doesn’t already exist, create a table, and insert rows into the table using SQL statements:
让我们以嵌入式模式连接到Apache Derby数据库,如果它不存在,就在当前目录下创建它,创建一个表,并使用SQL语句向表中插入行。
String urlConnection = "jdbc:derby:baeldung;create=true";
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(urlConnection);
Statement statement = con.createStatement();
String sql = "CREATE TABLE authors (id INT PRIMARY KEY,first_name VARCHAR(255),last_name VARCHAR(255))";
sql = "INSERT INTO authors VALUES (1, 'arash','ariani')";
6.4. Use Apache Derby in Client/Server Mode
6.4.在客户/服务器模式下使用Apache Derby
First, we run the command below to start up the Apache Derby in client/server mode:
首先,我们运行下面的命令,在客户/服务器模式下启动Apache Derby。
$ java -jar $DERBY_HOME/lib/derbyrun.jar server start
Sat Aug 28 20:47:58 IRDT 2021 : Security manager installed using the Basic server security policy.
Sat Aug 28 20:47:58 IRDT 2021 : Apache Derby Network Server - -
(1873585) started and ready to accept connections on port 1527
We use the JDBC API to connect to an Apache Derby server on localhost and select all entries from the authors table in the baeldung database:
我们使用JDBC API连接到本地主机上的Apache Derby服务器,并从baeldung数据库中的authors表中选择所有条目。
String urlConnection = "jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/baeldung";
try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(urlConnection)) {
Statement statement = con.createStatement();
String sql = "SELECT * FROM authors";
ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(sql);
while (result.next()) {
// We can print or use ResultSet here
} catch (SQLException ex) {
7. Apache Derby With Spring Boot
7.Apache Derby与Spring Boot
This section will not explain how to create an application based on Spring Boot in detail, but only the settings relating to interacting with the Apache Derby database.
本节将不详细解释如何创建基于Spring Boot的应用程序,而只解释与Apache Derby数据库交互有关的设置。
7.1. Dependencies for Apache Derby
7.1.Apache Derby的依赖性
We just have to add the Spring Data and Apache Derby dependencies from Spring Boot to the project to incorporate Apache Derby into it:
我们只需将Spring Boot中的Spring Data和Apache Derby依赖项添加到该项目中,以便将Apache Derby纳入其中。
7.2. Spring Boot Configuration
7.2.Spring Boot配置
We can use Derby as our persistent database by adding these application properties:
8. Conclusion
In this tutorial, we’ve looked into installing and configuring the Apache Derby. After that, we had an overview of tools and some of the most important SQL statements. We covered JDBC programming with snippet codes in Java and finally learned how to configure Spring Boot to use Apache Derby as a persistent database.
在本教程中,我们已经研究了安装和配置Apache Derby。之后,我们对工具和一些最重要的SQL语句进行了概述。我们用Java中的片段代码介绍了JDBC编程,最后学习了如何配置Spring Boot来使用Apache Derby作为持久性数据库。
As usual, the examples used in this article are available over on GitHub.