1. Overview
In this article, we’ll show how to check the architecture of a system using ArchUnit.
2. What Is ArchUnit?
The link between architecture traits and maintainability is a well-studied topic in the software industry. Defining a sound architecture for our systems is not enough, though. We need to verify that the code implemented adheres to it.
Simply put, ArchUnit is a test library that allows us to verify that an application adheres to a given set of architectural rules. But, what is an architectural rule? Even more, what do we mean by architecture in this context?
Let’s start with the latter. Here, we use the term architecture to refer to the way we organize the different classes in our application into packages.
The architecture of a system also defines how packages or groups of packages – also known as layers – interact. In more practical terms, it defines whether code in a given package can call a method in a class belonging to another one. For instance, let’s suppose that our application’s architecture contains three layers: presentation, service, and persistence.
One way to visualize how those layers interact is by using a UML package diagram with a package representing each layer:
Just by looking at this diagram, we can figure out some rules:
- Presentation classes should only depend on service classes
- Service classes should only depend on persistence classes
- Persistence classes should not depend on anyone else
Looking at those rules, we can now go back and answer our original question. In this context, an architectural rule is an assertion about the way our application classes interact with each other.
So now, how do we check that our implementation observes those rules? Here is where ArchUnit comes in. It allows us to express our architectural constraints using a fluent API and validate them alongside other tests during a regular build.
3. ArchUnit Project Setup
ArchUnit integrates nicely with the JUnit test framework, and so, they are typically used together. All we have to do is add the archunit-junit4 dependency to match our JUnit version:
ArchUnit与JUnit测试框架整合得很好,因此,它们通常一起使用。 我们所要做的就是添加archunit-junit4依赖,以匹配我们的JUnit版本。
As its artifactId implies, this dependency is specific for the JUnit 4 framework.
There’s also an archunit-junit5 dependency if we are using JUnit 5:
4. Writing ArchUnit Tests
Once we’ve added the appropriate dependency to our project, let’s start writing our architecture tests. Our test application will be a simple SpringBoot REST application that queries Smurfs. For simplicity, this test application only contains the Controller, Service, and Repository classes.
一旦我们将适当的依赖性添加到我们的项目中,让我们开始编写我们的架构测试。我们的测试应用程序将是一个简单的SpringBoot REST应用程序,用于查询Smurfs>。为了简单起见,这个测试应用程序只包含Controller、Service、和Repository类。
We want to verify that this application complies with the rules we’ve mentioned before. So, let’s start with a simple test for the “presentation classes should only depend on service classes” rule.
我们想验证这个应用程序是否符合我们之前提到的规则。因此,让我们从 “演示类应只依赖于服务类 “规则的简单测试开始。
4.1. Our First Test
The first step is to create a set of Java classes that will be checked for rules violations. We do this by instantiating the ClassFileImporter class and then using one of its importXXX() methods:
JavaClasses jc = new ClassFileImporter()
In this case, the JavaClasses instance contains all classes from our main application package and its sub-packages. We can think of this object as being analogous to a typical test subject used in regular unit tests, as it will be the target for rule evaluations.
Architectural rules use one of the static methods from the ArchRuleDefinition class as the starting point for its fluent API calls. Let’s try to implement the first rule defined above using this API. We’ll use the classes() method as our anchor and add additional constraints from there:
架构规则使用ArchRuleDefinition类中的一个静态方法作为其fluent API调用的起点。让我们试着用这个API来实现上面定义的第一条规则。我们将使用classes()方法作为我们的锚点,并从那里添加额外的约束。
ArchRule r1 = classes()
Notice that we need to call the check() method of the rule we’ve created to run the check. This method takes a JavaClasses object and will throw an exception if there’s a violation.
This all looks good, but we’ll get a list of errors if we try to run it against our code:
java.lang.AssertionError: Architecture Violation [Priority: MEDIUM] -
Rule 'classes that reside in a package '..presentation..' should only
depend on classes that reside in a package '..service..'' was violated (6 times):
... error list omitted
Why? The main problem with this rule is the onlyDependsOnClassesThat(). Despite what we’ve put in the package diagram, our actual implementation has dependencies on JVM and Spring framework classes, hence the error.
4.2. Rewriting Our First Test
One way to solve this error is to add a clause that takes into account those additional dependencies:
ArchRule r1 = classes()
.resideInAPackage("..service..", "java..", "javax..", "org.springframework..");
With this change, our check will stop failing. This approach, however, suffers from maintainability issues and feels a bit hacky. We can avoid those issues rewriting our rule using the noClasses() static method as our starting point:
ArchRule r1 = noClasses()
Of course, we can also point that this approach is deny-based instead of the allow-based one we had before. The critical point is that whatever approach we choose, ArchUnit will usually be flexible enough to express our rules.
5. Using the Library API
5.使用Library API
ArchUnit makes the creation of complex architectural rules an easy task thanks to its built-in rules. Those, in turn, can also be combined, allowing us to create rules using a higher level of abstraction. Out of the box, ArchUnit offers the Library API, a collection of prepackaged rules that address common architecture concerns:
ArchUnit由于其内置的规则,使创建复杂的架构规则成为一项简单的任务。反过来,这些规则也可以被组合,使我们能够使用更高层次的抽象来创建规则。开箱即用,ArchUnit提供了Library API,这是一组预包装的规则,解决了常见的架构问题。
- Architectures: Support for layered and onion (a.k.a. Hexagonal or “ports and adapters”) architectures rule checks
- Slices: Used to detect circular dependencies, or “cycles”
- General: Collection of rules related to best coding practices such as logging, use of exceptions, etc.
- PlantUML: Checks whether our code base adheres to a given UML model
- Freeze Arch Rules: Save violations for later use, allowing to report only new ones. Particularly useful to manage technical debts
Covering all those rules is out of scope for this introduction, but let’s take a look at the Architecture rule package. In particular, let’s rewrite the rules in the previous section using the layered architecture rules. Using these rules requires two steps: first, we define the layers of our application. Then, we define which layer accesses are allowed:
LayeredArchitecture arch = layeredArchitecture()
// Define layers
// Add constraints
Here, layeredArchitecture() is a static method from the Architectures class. When invoked, it returns a new LayeredArchitecture object, which we then use to define names layers and assertions regarding their dependencies. This object implements the ArchRule interface so that we can use it just like any other rule.
The cool thing about this particular API is that it allows us to create in just a few lines of code rules that would otherwise require us to combine multiple individual rules.
6. Conclusion
In this article, we’ve explored the basics of using ArchUnit in our projects. Adopting this tool is a relatively simple task that can have a positive impact on overall quality and reduce maintenance costs in the long run.
As usual, all code is available over on GitHub.