Finding Max/Min of a List or Collection – 寻找列表或集合的最大/最小值

最后修改: 2017年 2月 25日


1. Overview


This tutorial is a quick intro on how to find the min and max values from a given list or collection with the powerful Stream API in Java 8.

本教程快速介绍了如何使用Java 8中强大的Stream API从给定的列表或集合中找到最小和最大值。

2. Find Max in a List of Integers


We can use the max() method provided through the java.util.Stream interface, which accepts a method reference:


public void whenListIsOfIntegerThenMaxCanBeDoneUsingIntegerComparator() {
    // given
    List<Integer> listOfIntegers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 56, 7, 89, 10);
    Integer expectedResult = 89;

    // then
    Integer max = listOfIntegers
      .mapToInt(v -> v)

    assertEquals("Should be 89", expectedResult, max);

Let’s take a closer look at the code:


  1. Calling stream() method on the list to get a stream of values from the list
  2. Calling mapToInt(value -> value) on the stream to get an Integer Stream
  3. Calling max() method on the stream to get the max value
  4. Calling orElseThrow() to throw an exception if no value is received from max()

3. Find Min With Custom Objects


In order to find the min/max on custom objects, we can also provide a lambda expression for our preferred sorting logic.


Let’s first define the custom POJO:


class Person {
    String name;
    Integer age;
    // standard constructors, getters and setters

We want to find the Person object with the minimum age:


public void whenListIsOfPersonObjectThenMinCanBeDoneUsingCustomComparatorThroughLambda() {
    // given
    Person alex = new Person("Alex", 23);
    Person john = new Person("John", 40);
    Person peter = new Person("Peter", 32);
    List<Person> people = Arrays.asList(alex, john, peter);

    // then
    Person minByAge = people

    assertEquals("Should be Alex", alex, minByAge);

Let’s have a look at this logic:


  1. Calling stream() method on the list to get a stream of values from the list
  2. Calling min() method on the stream to get the minimum value. We pass a lambda function as a comparator, and this is used to decide the sorting logic for deciding the minimum value.
  3. Calling orElseThrow() to throw an exception if no value is received from min()

4. Conclusion


In this quick article, we explored how the max() and min() methods from the Java 8 Stream API can be used to find the maximum and minimum value from a List or Collection.

在这篇快速文章中,我们探讨了如何使用Java 8 Stream API中的max()min()方法来ListCollection中找到最大和最小值。

As always, the code is available over on GitHub.
