Java Constructors vs Static Factory Methods – Java构造器与静态工厂方法

最后修改: 2018年 8月 18日


1. Overview


Java constructors are the default mechanism for getting fully-initialized class instances. After all, they provide all the infrastructure required for injecting dependencies, either manually or automatically.


Even so, in a few specific use cases, it’s preferable to resort to static factory methods for achieving the same result.


In this tutorial, we’ll be highlighting the pros and cons of using static factory methods vs plain old Java constructors.


2. Advantages of Static Factory Methods Over Constructors


In an object-oriented language like Java, what could be wrong with constructors? Overall, nothing. Even so, the famous Joshua Block’s Effective Java Item 1 clearly states:

在像Java这样的面向对象的语言中,构造函数会有什么问题呢?总的来说,没有什么。即便如此,著名的Joshua Block的Effective Java项目1明确指出。

“Consider static factory methods instead of constructors”


While this isn’t a silver bullet, here are the most compelling reasons that sustain this approach:


  1. Constructors don’t have meaningful names, so they are always restricted to the standard naming convention imposed by the language. Static factory methods can have meaningful names, hence explicitly conveying what they do
  2. Static factory methods can return the same type that implements the method(s), a subtype, and also primitives, so they offer a more flexible range of returning types
  3. Static factory methods can encapsulate all the logic required for pre-constructing fully initialized instances, so they can be used for moving this additional logic out of constructors. This prevents constructors from performing further tasks, others than just initializing fields
  4. Static factory methods can be controlled-instanced methods, with the Singleton pattern being the most glaring example of this feature

3. Static Factory Methods in the JDK


There are plenty of examples of static factory methods in the JDK that showcase many of the advantages outlined above. Let’s explore some of them.


3.1. The String Class


Because of the well-known String interning, it’s very unlikely we’ll use the String class constructor to create a new String object. Even so, this is perfectly legal:


String value = new String("Baeldung");

In this case, the constructor will create a new String object, which is the expected behavior.


Alternatively, if we want to create a new String object using a static factory method, we can use some of the following implementations of the valueOf() method:


String value1 = String.valueOf(1);
String value2 = String.valueOf(1.0L);
String value3 = String.valueOf(true);
String value4 = String.valueOf('a');

There are several overloaded implementations of valueOf(). Each one will return a new String object, depending on the type of the argument passed to the method (e.g. int, long, boolean, char, and so forth).


The name expresses pretty clearly what the method does. It also sticks to a well-established standard in the Java ecosystem for naming static factory methods.


3.2. The Optional Class


Another neat example of static factory methods in the JDK is the Optional class. This class implements a few factory methods with pretty meaningful names, including empty(), of(), and ofNullable():

JDK 中静态工厂方法的另一个很好的例子是 Optional 类。这个类实现了一些名称相当有意义的工厂方法,包括empty()of(),以及ofNullable()

Optional<String> value1 = Optional.empty();
Optional<String> value2 = Optional.of("Baeldung");
Optional<String> value3 = Optional.ofNullable(null);

3.3. The Collections Class


Quite possibly the most representative example of static factory methods in the JDK is the Collections class. This is a non-instantiable class that implements only static methods.

JDK 中最具代表性的静态工厂方法的例子是 Collections 类。这是一个不可实例化的类,只实现静态方法。

Many of these are factory methods that also return collections, after applying to the supplied collection some type of algorithm.


Here are some typical examples of the class’ factory methods:


Collection syncedCollection = Collections.synchronizedCollection(originalCollection);
Set syncedSet = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet());
List<Integer> unmodifiableList = Collections.unmodifiableList(originalList);
Map<String, Integer> unmodifiableMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(originalMap);

The number of static factory methods in the JDK is really extensive, so we’ll keep the list of examples short for brevity’s sake.

JDK 中静态工厂方法的数量实在是太多了,所以为了简洁起见,我们将缩短例子的清单。

Nevertheless, the above examples should give us a clear idea of how ubiquitous static factory methods are in Java.


4. Custom Static Factory Methods


Of course, we can implement our own static factory methods. But when is it really worth doing so, instead of creating class instances via plain constructors?


Let’s see a simple example.


Let’s consider this naive User class:


public class User {
    private final String name;
    private final String email;
    private final String country;
    public User(String name, String email, String country) { = name; = email; = country;
    // standard getters / toString

In this case, there’re no visible warnings to indicate that a static factory method could be better than the standard constructor.


What if we want that all the User instances get a default value for the country field?


If we initialize the field with a default value, we’d have to refactor the constructor too, hence making the design more rigid.


We can use a static factory method instead:


public static User createWithDefaultCountry(String name, String email) {
    return new User(name, email, "Argentina");

Here’s how we’d get a User instance with a default value assigned to the country field:


User user = User.createWithDefaultCountry("John", "");

5. Moving Logic out of Constructors


Our User class could quickly rot into a flawed design if we decide to implement features that would require adding further logic to the constructor (alarm bells should be sounding off by this time).


Let’s suppose that we want to provide the class with the ability for logging the time at which every User object is created.


If we just put this logic into the constructor, we’d be breaking the Single Responsibility Principle. We would end up with a monolithic constructor that does a lot more than initialize fields.


We can keep our design clean with a static factory method:


public class User {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(User.class.getName());
    private final String name;
    private final String email;
    private final String country;
    // standard constructors / getters
    public static User createWithLoggedInstantiationTime(
      String name, String email, String country) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Creating User instance at : {0}",;
        return new User(name, email, country);

Here’s how we’d create our improved User instance:


User user 
  = User.createWithLoggedInstantiationTime("John", "", "Argentina");

6. Instance-Controlled Instantiation


As shown above, we can encapsulate chunks of logic into static factory methods before returning fully-initialized User objects. And we can do this without polluting the constructor with the responsibility of performing multiple, unrelated tasks.


For instance, suppose we want to make our User class a Singleton. We can achieve this by implementing an instance-controlled static factory method:


public class User {
    private static volatile User instance = null;
    // other fields / standard constructors / getters
    public static User getSingletonInstance(String name, String email, String country) {
        if (instance == null) {
            synchronized (User.class) {
                if (instance == null) {
                    instance = new User(name, email, country);
        return instance;

The implementation of the getSingletonInstance() method is thread-safe, with a small performance penalty, due to the synchronized block.


In this case, we used lazy initialization to demonstrate the implementation of an instance-controlled static factory method.


It’s worth mentioning, however, that the best way to implement a Singleton is with a Java enum type, as it’s both serialization-safe and thread-safe. For the full details on how to implement Singletons using different approaches, please check this article.

然而,值得一提的是,实现Singleton的最佳方式是使用Java enum类型,因为它既是序列化安全的,又是线程安全的。有关如何使用不同方法实现Singletons的全部细节,请查看这篇文章

As expected, getting a User object with this method looks very similar to the previous examples:


User user = User.getSingletonInstance("John", "", "Argentina");

7. Conclusion


In this article, we explored a few use cases where static factory methods can be a better alternative to using plain Java constructors.


Moreover, this refactoring pattern is so tightly rooted to a typical workflow that most IDEs will do it for us.


Of course, Apache NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, and Eclipse will perform the refactoring in slightly different ways, so please make sure first to check your IDE documentation.

当然,Apache NetBeansIntelliJ IDEAEclipse将以稍微不同的方式执行重构,所以请确保首先查看你的IDE文档。

As with many other refactoring patterns, we should use static factory methods with due caution, and only when it’s worth the trade-off between producing more flexible and clean designs and the cost of having to implement additional methods.


As usual, all the code samples shown in this article are available over on GitHub.
