Converting Java Date to OffsetDateTime – 将Java日期转换为OffsetDateTime

最后修改: 2019年 10月 27日


1. Introduction


In this tutorial, we learn about the difference between Date and OffsetDateTime. We also learn how to convert from one to the other.


2. Difference Between Date and OffsetDateTime


OffsetDateTime was introduced in JDK 8 as a modern alternative to java.util.Date.

OffsetDateTime在JDK 8中被引入,作为java.util.Date的现代替代品。

OffsetDateTime is a thread-safe class that stores date and time to a precision of nanoseconds. Date, on the other hand, is not thread-safe and stores time to millisecond precision.


OffsetDateTime is a value-based class, which means that we need to use equals when comparing references instead of the typical ==.

OffsetDateTime是一个基于值的类,这意味着我们需要在比较引用时使用equals ,而不是典型的==。

The output of OffsetDateTime‘s toString method is in ISO-8601 format, while Date‘s toString is in a custom non-standard format.


Let’s call toString on of both classes to see the difference:


Date: Sat Oct 19 17:12:30 2019
OffsetDateTime: 2019-10-19T17:12:30.174Z

Date can’t store timezones and corresponding offsets. The only thing that a Date object contains is the number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 UTC, so if our time isn’t in UTC we should store the timezone in a helper class. On the contrary, OffsetDateTime stores the ZoneOffset internally.

Date不能存储时区和相应的偏移量。Date对象所包含的唯一内容是自1970年1月1日00:00:00 UTC以来的毫秒数,所以如果我们的时间不是在UTC,我们应该在一个辅助类中存储时区。相反,OffsetDateTime内部存储ZoneOffset

3. Converting Date to OffsetDateTime


Converting Date to OffsetDateTime is pretty simple. If our Date is in UTC, we can convert it with a single expression:


Date date = new Date();
OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime = date.toInstant()

If the original Date isn’t in UTC, we can provide the offset (stored in a helper object, because as mentioned earlier Date class can’t store timezones).


Let’s say our original Date is +3:30 (Tehran time):


int hour = 3;
int minute = 30;
offsetDateTime = date.toInstant()
  .atOffset(ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutes(hour, minute));

OffsetDateTime provides many useful methods that can be used afterward. For example, we can simply getDayOfWeek(), getDayOfMonth(), and getDayOfYear(). It’s also very easy to compare two OffsetDateTime objects with isAfter and isBefore methods.


Above all, it’s a good practice to avoid the deprecated Date class entirely.


4. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we learned how simple it is to convert from Date to OffsetDateTime.


And, as always, the code is available over on Github.
