Converting Java Properties to HashMap – 将Java属性转换为HashMap

最后修改: 2021年 2月 28日


1. Introduction


Many developers decide to store application parameters outside the source code. One of the ways to do so in Java is to use an external configuration file and read them via the java.util.Properties class.


In this tutorial, we’ll focus on various approaches to convert java.util.Properties into a HashMap<String, String>. We’ll implement different methods to achieve our goal, using plain Java, lambdas, or external libraries. Through examples, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of each solution.

在本教程中,我们将重点讨论java.util.Properties转换为HashMap<String, String>a>的各种方法。我们将使用普通的Java、lambdas或外部库,实现不同的方法来实现我们的目标。通过实例,我们将讨论每种解决方案的利弊。

2. HashMap Constructor


Before we implement our first code, let’s check the Javadoc for java.util.Properties. As we see, this utility class inherits from Hashtable<Object, Object>, which also implements the Map interface. Moreover, Java wraps its Reader and Writer classes to work directly on String values.

在我们实现第一段代码之前,让我们查看Javadoc中的java.util.Properties。我们看到,这个实用类继承自Hashtable<Object, Object>,它还实现了Map接口。此外,Java封装了它的ReaderWriter类,以直接处理String值。

According to that information, we can convert Properties into HashMap<String, String> using typecasting and constructor calls.

根据这些信息,我们可以使用类型转换和构造函数调用将Properties转换成HashMap<String, String>

Assuming that we’ve loaded our Properties correctly, we can implement:


public static HashMap<String, String> typeCastConvert(Properties prop) {
    Map step1 = prop;
    Map<String, String> step2 = (Map<String, String>) step1;
    return new HashMap<>(step2);

Here, we implement our conversion in three simple steps.


First, according to the inheritance graph, we need to cast our Properties into a raw Map. This action will force the first compiler warning, which can be disabled by using the @SuppressWarnings(“rawtypes”) annotation.


After that, we cast our raw Map into Map<String, String>, causing another compiler warning, which can be omitted by using @SupressWarnings(“unchecked”).

之后,我们将我们的原始Map铸成Map<String, String>,引起另一个编译器警告,可以通过使用@SupressWarnings(“unchecked”)省略。

Finally, we build our HashMap using the copy constructor. This is the fastest way to convert our Properties, but this solution also has a big disadvantage related to type safety: Our Properties might be compromised and modified before the conversion.


According to the documentation, the Properties class has the setProperty() and getProperty() methods that force the use of String values. But also there are put() and putAll() methods inherited from Hashtable that allow using any type as keys or values in our Properties:

根据文档,Properties类有setProperty()getProperty() 方法,强制使用 String值。但是也有put()putAll()方法继承自Hashtable,允许使用任何类型作为我们Properties>中的键或值。

properties.put("property4", 456);
properties.put(5, 10.11);

HashMap<String, String> hMap = typeCastConvert(properties);
assertThrows(ClassCastException.class, () -> {
    String s = hMap.get("property4");
assertEquals(Integer.class, ((Object) hMap.get("property4")).getClass());

assertThrows(ClassCastException.class, () -> {
    String s = hMap.get(5);
assertEquals(Double.class, ((Object) hMap.get(5)).getClass());

As we can see, our conversion executes without any error, but not all elements in the HashMap are strings. So, even if this method looks the easiest, we must keep in mind some safety-related checks in the future.


3. The Guava API

3.Guava API

If we can use third-party libraries, the Google Guava API comes in handy. This library delivers a static Maps.fromProperties() method, which does almost everything for us. According to the documentation, this call returns an ImmutableMap, so if we want to have the HashMap, we can use:

如果我们可以使用第三方库,那么Google Guava API就会派上用场。这个库提供了一个静态的Maps.fromProperties()方法,它几乎为我们做了一切。根据文档,这个调用返回一个ImmutableMap,所以如果我们想拥有HashMap,我们可以使用。

public HashMap<String, String> guavaConvert(Properties prop) {
    return Maps.newHashMap(Maps.fromProperties(prop));

As previously, this method works fine when we’re completely sure that the Properties contain only String values. Having some non-conforming values will lead to unexpected behavior:


properties.put("property4", 456);
    () -> PropertiesToHashMapConverter.guavaConvert(properties));

properties.put(5, 10.11);
    () -> PropertiesToHashMapConverter.guavaConvert(properties));

The Guava API doesn’t perform any additional mappings. As a result, it doesn’t allow us to convert those Properties, throwing exceptions.

Guava API并没有进行任何额外的映射。因此,它不允许我们转换这些Properties,抛出异常。

In the first case, the NullPointerException is thrown due to the Integer value, which cannot be retrieved by the Properties.getProperty() method and, as a result, is interpreted as null. The second example throws the ClassCastException related to the non-string key occurring on the input property map.


This solution gives us better type control and also informs us of violations that occur during the conversion process.


4. Custom Type Safety Implementation


It’s now time to resolve our type of safety problems from the previous examples. As we know, the Properties class implements methods inherited from the Map interface. We’ll use one of the possible ways of iterating over a Map to implement a proper solution and enrich it with type checks.


4.1. Iteration Using for Loop


Let’s implement a simple for-loop:


public HashMap<String, String> loopConvert(Properties prop) {
    HashMap<String, String> retMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : prop.entrySet()) {
        retMap.put(String.valueOf(entry.getKey()), String.valueOf(entry.getValue()));
    return retMap;

In this method, we iterate over the Properties in the same way as we do for a typical Map. As a result, we have one-by-one access to every single key-pair value represented by the Map.Entry class.


Before putting values in a returned HashMap, we can perform additional checks, so we decide to use the String.valueOf() method.


4.2. Stream and Collectors API


We can even refactor our method using the modern Java 8 way:

我们甚至可以用现代的Java 8方式重构我们的方法。

public HashMap<String, String> streamConvert(Properties prop) {
    return prop.entrySet().stream().collect(
        e -> String.valueOf(e.getKey()),
        e -> String.valueOf(e.getValue()),
        (prev, next) -> next, HashMap::new

In this case, we’re using Java 8 Stream Collectors without explicit HashMap construction. This method implements exactly the same logic introduced in the previous example.

在这种情况下,我们使用Java 8 Stream Collectors,而没有明确的HashMap构造。这个方法实现的逻辑与前面例子中介绍的完全相同。

Both solutions are slightly more complex because they require some custom implementation that the typecasting and Guava examples don’t.


However, we have access to the values before putting them on the resulting HashMap, so we can implement additional checks or mappings:


properties.put("property4", 456);
properties.put(5, 10.11);

HashMap<String, String> hMap1 = loopConvert(properties);
HashMap<String, String> hMap2 = streamConvert(properties);

assertDoesNotThrow(() -> {
    String s1 = hMap1.get("property4");
    String s2 = hMap2.get("property4");
assertEquals("456", hMap1.get("property4"));
assertEquals("456", hMap2.get("property4"));

assertDoesNotThrow(() -> {
    String s1 = hMap1.get("property4");
    String s2 = hMap2.get("property4");
assertEquals("10.11", hMap1.get("5"));
assertEquals("10.11", hMap2.get("5"));

assertEquals(hMap2, hMap1);

As we can see, we solved our problems related to non-string values. Using this approach, we can manually adjust the mapping logic to achieve proper implementation.


5. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we checked different approaches to convert java.util.Properties into a HashMap<String, String>.

在本教程中,我们检查了将java.util.Properties转换为HashMap<String, String>的不同方法。

We started with a typecasting solution that is perhaps the fastest conversion but also brings compiler warnings and potential type safety errors.


Then we took a look at a solution using Guava API, which resolves compiler warnings and brings some improvements for handling errors.

然后我们看了一个使用Guava API的解决方案,它解决了编译器的警告,并为处理错误带来了一些改进。

Finally, we implemented our custom methods, which deal with type safety errors and give us the most control.


All code snippets from this tutorial are available over on GitHub.
