Copy a Directory in Java – 在Java中复制一个目录

最后修改: 2020年 8月 7日


1. Introduction


In this short tutorial, we’ll see how to copy a directory in Java, including all its files and subdirectories. This can be achieved by using core Java features or third-party libraries.


2. Using the java.nio API

2.使用java.nio API

Java NIO has been available since Java 1.4. Java 7 introduced NIO 2 that brought a lot of useful features like better support for handling symbolic links, file attributes access. It also provided us with classes such as Path, Paths, and Files that made file system manipulation much easier.

Java NIO从Java 1.4开始就有了。Java 7引入了NIO 2,带来了很多有用的功能,如更好地支持处理符号链接、文件属性访问。它还为我们提供了诸如PathPathsFiles等类,使文件系统的操作更加容易。

Let’s demonstrate this approach:


public static void copyDirectory(String sourceDirectoryLocation, String destinationDirectoryLocation) 
  throws IOException {
      .forEach(source -> {
          Path destination = Paths.get(destinationDirectoryLocation, source.toString()
          try {
              Files.copy(source, destination);
          } catch (IOException e) {

In this example, we walked the file tree rooted at the given source directory using Files.walk() and invoked Files.copy() for each file or directory we found in the source directory.


3. Using the API

3.使用 API

Java 7 was a turning point from the file system management perspective since it introduced a lot of new handy features.

从文件系统管理的角度来看,Java 7是一个转折点,因为它引入了很多新的方便的功能。

However, if we want to stay compatible with older Java versions, we can copy a directory using recursion and features:


private static void copyDirectory(File sourceDirectory, File destinationDirectory) throws IOException {
    if (!destinationDirectory.exists()) {
    for (String f : sourceDirectory.list()) {
        copyDirectoryCompatibityMode(new File(sourceDirectory, f), new File(destinationDirectory, f));

In this case, we’ll create a directory in the destination directory for every directory in the source directory tree. Then we’ll invoke the copyDirectoryCompatibityMode() method:


public static void copyDirectoryCompatibityMode(File source, File destination) throws IOException {
    if (source.isDirectory()) {
        copyDirectory(source, destination);
    } else {
        copyFile(source, destination);

Also, let’s see how to copy a file using FileInputStream and FileOutputStream:


private static void copyFile(File sourceFile, File destinationFile) 
  throws IOException {
    try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(sourceFile); 
      OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(destinationFile)) {
        byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
        int length;
        while ((length = > 0) {
            out.write(buf, 0, length);

4. Using Apache Commons IO

4.使用Apache Commons IO

Apache Commons IO has a lot of useful features like utility classes, file filters, and file comparators. Here we’ll be using FileUtils that provide methods for easy file and directory manipulation, i.e., reading, moving, copying.

Apache Commons IO有很多有用的功能,如实用类、文件过滤器和文件比较器这里我们将使用FileUtils,它提供了方便文件和目录操作的方法,即读取、移动、复制。

Let’s add commons-io to our pom.xml file:

让我们把commons-io添加到我们的 pom.xml文件。


Finally, let’s copy a directory using this approach:


public static void copyDirectory(String sourceDirectoryLocation, String destinationDirectoryLocation) throws IOException {
    File sourceDirectory = new File(sourceDirectoryLocation);
    File destinationDirectory = new File(destinationDirectoryLocation);
    FileUtils.copyDirectory(sourceDirectory, destinationDirectory);

As shown in the previous example, Apache Commons IO makes it all much easier, since we only need to call FileUtils.copyDirectory() method.

正如前面的例子所示,Apache Commons IO使这一切变得更加容易,因为我们只需要调用FileUtils.copyDirectory()方法

5. Conclusion


This article illustrated how to copy a directory in Java. Complete code samples are available over on GitHub.
