1. Overview
Simply put, a Set is a collection that contains no duplicate elements. In Java, Set is an interface that extends the Collection interface.
In this quick tutorial, we’ll go through different ways of copying sets in Java.
2. Copy Constructor
One way of copying a Set is to use the copy constructor of a Set implementation:
Set<T> copy = new HashSet<>(original);
A copy constructor is a special type of constructor that is used to create a new object by copying an existing object.
Here, we’re not really cloning the elements of the given set. We’re just copying the object references into the new set. For that reason, each change made in one element will affect both sets.
3. Set.addAll
The Set interface has an addAll method. It adds the elements in the collection to the target set. Therefore, we can use the addAll method to copy the elements of an existing set to an empty set:
Set<T> copy = new HashSet<>();
4. Set.clone
Let’s keep in mind that Set is an interface that extends the Collection interface, therefore we need to refer to an object that implements the Set interface to create another instance of a Set. HashSet, TreeSet, LinkedHashSet, and EnumSet are all examples of Set implementations in Java.
让我们记住,Set是一个扩展了Collection接口的接口,因此我们需要引用一个实现了Set接口的对象来创建另一个Set的实例。 HashSet、TreeSet、LinkedHashSet和EnumSet都是Java中Set实现的例子。
All these Set implementations have a clone method since they all implement the Cloneable interface.
So, as another approach to copying a set, we can call the set’s clone method:
Set<T> copy = (Set<T>) original.clone();
Let’s also note that cloning originally comes from the Object.clone. Set implementations override the clone method of the Object class. The nature of the clone depends on the actual implementation. For example, HashSet does only a shallow copy, though we can code our way to doing a deep copy.
As we can see, we are forced to typecast the cloned object to Set<T> since the clone method actually returns an Object.
Another approach to copy a set is to serialize it into a JSON String and create a new set from the generated JSON String. It’s also worth to note that for this approach all the elements in the set and referenced elements must be serializable and that we’ll be performing a deep copy of all the objects.
另一种复制集合的方法是将其序列化为JSON String,并从生成的JSON String中创建一个新集合。同样值得注意的是,对于这种方法,集合中的所有元素和引用的元素都必须是可序列化的,并且我们将对所有对象进行深度复制。
In this example, we’ll copy the set by using the serialization and deserialization methods of Google’s Gson library:
在这个例子中,我们将通过使用Google的Gson 库的serialization和deserialization方法复制该集合。
Gson gson = new Gson();
String jsonStr = gson.toJson(original);
Set<T> copy = gson.fromJson(jsonStr, Set.class);
6. Apache Commons Lang
Apache Commons Lang has a class SerializationUtils that provides a special method – clone – that can be used to clone a given object. We can make use of this method to copy a set:
Apache Commons Lang有一个SerializationUtils类,它提供了一个特殊的方法 – clone – 可以用来克隆一个给定的对象。我们可以利用这个方法来复制一个集合。
for (T item : original) {
Let’s note that SerializationUtils.clone expects its parameter to extend the Serializable class.
我们注意到,SerializationUtils.clone希望它的参数能够扩展Serializable class。
7. Collectors.toSet
Or, we can use Java 8’s Stream API with Collectors to clone a set:
或者,我们可以使用Java 8的StreamAPI与Collectors来克隆一个集合。
Set<T> copy = original.stream()
One advantage of the Stream API is that it provides more convenience by allowing us to use skips, filters, and more.
Stream API的一个优点是它提供了更多的便利,允许我们使用skips、filters等等。
8. Using Java 10
8.使用Java 10
Java 10 brings a new feature into the Set interface that allows us to create an immutable set from the elements of a given collection:
Java 10为Set接口带来了一个新特性,允许我们从给定集合的元素中创建一个不可变的集合。
Set<T> copy = Set.copyOf(original);
Note that Set.copyOf expects a non-null parameter.
9. Conclusion
In this article, we’ve explored different ways of copying sets in Java.
As always, check out the source code for our examples, including the one for Java 10.
一如既往,请查看我们的示例的源代码,包括用于Java 10的示例。