1. Introduction
Cucumber is a test automation tool that supports Behavior-Driven Development (BDD). It runs specifications written in plain text Gherkin syntax that describes the system behavior.
In this tutorial, we’ll see a few ways to integrate Cucumber with Gradle in order to run BDD specifications as part of the project build.
2. Setup
First, let’s set up a Gradle project, using Gradle Wrapper.
首先,让我们设置一个Gradle项目,使用Gradle Wrapper。
Next, we’ll add the cucumber-java dependency to build.gradle:
接下来,我们将把cucumber-java 依赖性添加到build.gradle。
testImplementation 'io.cucumber:cucumber-java:6.10.4'
This adds the official Cucumber Java implementation to our project.
3. Running Using Custom Task
In order to run our specifications using Gradle, we’ll create a task that uses the Command-Line Interface Runner (CLI) from Cucumber.
3.1. Configuration
3.1 配置
Let’s start by adding the required configuration to the project’s build.gradle file:
configurations {
cucumberRuntime {
extendsFrom testImplementation
Next, we’ll create the custom cucumberCli task:
task cucumberCli() {
dependsOn assemble, testClasses
doLast {
javaexec {
main = "io.cucumber.core.cli.Main"
classpath = configurations.cucumberRuntime + sourceSets.main.output + sourceSets.test.output
args = [
'--plugin', 'pretty',
'--plugin', 'html:target/cucumber-report.html',
'--glue', 'com.baeldung.cucumber',
This task is configured to run all the test scenarios found in .feature files under the src/test/resources directory.
The –glue option to the Main class specifies the location of the step definition files required for running the scenarios.
The –plugin option specifies the format and location of the test reports. We can combine several values to generate the report(s) in the required format(s), such as pretty and HTML, as in our example.
There are several other options available. For example, there are options to filter tests based on names and tags.
3.2. Scenario
Now, let’s create a simple scenario for our application in the src/test/resources/features/account_credited.feature file:
Feature: Account is credited with amount
Scenario: Credit amount
Given account balance is 0.0
When the account is credited with 10.0
Then account should have a balance of 10.0
Next, we’ll implement the corresponding step definitions — the glue— required for running the scenario:
public class StepDefinitions {
@Given("account balance is {double}")
public void givenAccountBalance(Double initialBalance) {
account = new Account(initialBalance);
// other step definitions
3.3. Run the Task
Finally, let’s run our cucumberCli task from the command line:
>> ./gradlew cucumberCli
> Task :cucumberCli
Scenario: Credit amount # src/test/resources/features/account_credited.feature:3
Given account balance is 0.0 # com.baeldung.cucumber.StepDefinitions.account_balance_is(java.lang.Double)
When the account is credited with 10.0 # com.baeldung.cucumber.StepDefinitions.the_account_is_credited_with(java.lang.Double)
Then account should have a balance of 10.0 # com.baeldung.cucumber.StepDefinitions.account_should_have_a_balance_of(java.lang.Double)
1 Scenarios (1 passed)
3 Steps (3 passed)
As we can see, our specification has been integrated with Gradle, runs successfully, and the output is shown on the console. Also, the HTML test report is available in the specified location.
4. Running Using JUnit
Instead of creating the custom task in Gradle, we can use JUnit to run the cucumber scenarios.
Let’s start by including the cucumber-junit dependency:
testImplementation 'io.cucumber:cucumber-junit:6.10.4'
As we’re using JUnit 5, we also need to add the junit-vintage-engine dependency:
由于我们使用JUnit 5,我们还需要添加junit-vage-engine依赖。
testImplementation 'org.junit.vintage:junit-vintage-engine:5.7.2'
Next, we’ll create an empty runner class in the test sources location:
plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-report.html"},
features = {"src/test/resources"}
public class RunCucumberTest {
Here, we’ve used the JUnit Cucumber runner in the @RunWith annotation. Furthermore, all the CLI runner options, such as features and plugin, are available via the @CucumberOptions annotation.
Now, executing the standard Gradle test task will find and run all the feature tests, in addition to any other unit tests:
现在,执行标准Gradle test任务将找到并运行所有功能测试,此外还有其他单元测试。
>> ./gradlew test
> Task :test
RunCucumberTest > Credit amount PASSED
5. Running Using Plugin
The last approach is to use a third-party plugin that provides the ability to run specifications from the Gradle build.
In our example, we’ll use the gradle-cucumber-runner plugin for running Cucumber JVM. Under the hood, this forwards all calls to the CLI runner that we used earlier. Let’s include it in our project:
在我们的例子中,我们将使用gradle-cucumber-runner插件来运行Cucumber JVM。在引擎盖下,它将所有调用转发给我们之前使用的CLI runner。让我们把它包含在我们的项目中。
plugins {
id "se.thinkcode.cucumber-runner" version "0.0.8"
This adds a cucumber task to our build, and now we can run it with default settings:
>> ./gradlew cucumber
It’s worth noting that this is not an official Cucumber plugin, and there are others also available that provide similar functionality.
6. Conclusion
In this article, we demonstrated several ways to configure and run BDD specifications using Gradle.
Initially, we looked at how to create a custom task utilizing the CLI runner. Then, we looked at using the Cucumber JUnit runner to execute the specifications using the existing Gradle task. Finally, we used a third-party plugin to run Cucumber without creating our own custom tasks.
最初,我们研究了如何利用CLI运行器创建一个自定义任务。然后,我们研究了使用Cucumber JUnit运行器来执行现有Gradle任务的规范。最后,我们使用一个第三方插件来运行Cucumber,而不创建我们自己的自定义任务。
As always, the full source can be found over on GitHub.