Delete a Directory Recursively in Java – 在Java中递归地删除一个目录

最后修改: 2017年 9月 3日


1. Introduction


In this article, we’ll illustrate how to delete a directory recursively in plain Java. We’ll also look at some alternatives for deleting directories using external libraries.


2. Deleting a Directory Recursively


Java has an option to delete a directory. However, this requires the directory to be empty. So, we need to use recursion to delete a particular non-empty directory:


  1. Get all the contents of the directory to be deleted
  2. Delete all children that are not a directory (exit from recursion)
  3. For each subdirectory of current directory, start with step 1 (recursive step)
  4. Delete the directory

Let’s implement this simple algorithm:


boolean deleteDirectory(File directoryToBeDeleted) {
    File[] allContents = directoryToBeDeleted.listFiles();
    if (allContents != null) {
        for (File file : allContents) {
    return directoryToBeDeleted.delete();

This method can be tested using a straightforward test case:


public void givenDirectory_whenDeletedWithRecursion_thenIsGone() 
  throws IOException {
    Path pathToBeDeleted = TEMP_DIRECTORY.resolve(DIRECTORY_NAME);

    boolean result = deleteDirectory(pathToBeDeleted.toFile());

      "Directory still exists", 

The @Before method of our test class creates a directory tree with subdirectories and files at pathToBeDeleted location and @After method cleans up directory if required.


Next, let’s have a look at how we can achieve deletion using two of the most commonly used libraries – Apache’s commons-io and Spring Framework’s spring-core. Both of these libraries allow us to delete the directories using just a single line of code.


3. Using FileUtils from commons-io


First, we need to add the commons-io dependency to the Maven project:



The latest version of the dependency can be found here.


Now, we can use FileUtils to perform any file-based operations including deleteDirectory() with just one statement:



4. Using FileSystemUtils from Spring


Alternatively, we can add the spring-core dependency to the Maven project:



The latest version of the dependency can be found here.


We can use the deleteRecursively() method in FileSystemUtils to perform the deletion:


boolean result = FileSystemUtils.deleteRecursively(file);

The recent releases of Java offer newer ways of performing such IO operations described in the following sections.


5. Using NIO2 With Java 7

5.使用Java 7的NIO2

Java 7 introduced a whole new way of performing file operations using Files. It allows us to traverse a directory tree and use callbacks for actions to be performed.

Java 7引入了一种使用Files执行文件操作的全新方式。它允许我们遍历一个目录树,并使用回调来执行操作。

public void whenDeletedWithNIO2WalkFileTree_thenIsGone() 
  throws IOException {
    Path pathToBeDeleted = TEMP_DIRECTORY.resolve(DIRECTORY_NAME);

      new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
        public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(
          Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException {
            return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
        public FileVisitResult visitFile(
          Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) 
          throws IOException {
            return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

    assertFalse("Directory still exists", 

The Files.walkFileTree() method traverses a file tree and emits events. We need to specify callbacks for these events. So, in this case, we will define SimpleFileVisitor to take the following actions for the generated events:


  1. Visiting a file – delete it
  2. Visiting a directory before processing its entries – do nothing
  3. Visiting a directory after processing its entries- delete the directory, as all entries within this directory would have been processed (or deleted) by now
  4. Unable to visit a file – rethrow IOException that caused the failure

Please refer to Introduction to the Java NIO2 File API for more details on NIO2 APIs on handling file operations.

请参考Java NIO2文件API简介,以了解关于处理文件操作的NIO2 API的更多细节。

6. Using NIO2 With Java 8

6.使用NIO2与Java 8

Since Java 8, Stream API offers an even better way of deleting a directory:

从Java 8开始,Stream API提供了一种更好的删除目录的方法。

public void whenDeletedWithFilesWalk_thenIsGone() 
  throws IOException {
    Path pathToBeDeleted = TEMP_DIRECTORY.resolve(DIRECTORY_NAME);


    assertFalse("Directory still exists", 

Here, Files.walk() returns a Stream of Path that we sort in reverse order. This places the paths denoting the contents of directories before directories itself. Thereafter it maps Path to File and deletes each File.


7. Conclusion


In this quick tutorial, we explored different ways of deleting a directory. While we saw how to use recursion to delete, we also looked at some libraries, NIO2 leveraging events and Java 8 Path Stream employing a functional programming paradigm.

在这个快速教程中,我们探索了删除一个目录的不同方法。当我们看到如何使用递归来删除时,我们也看了一些库,NIO2利用事件和Java 8 Path Stream采用了函数式编程范式。

All source code and test cases for this article are available over on GitHub.
