Jakarta EE 8 Security API – 雅加达EE 8安全API

最后修改: 2018年 6月 12日


1. Overview


The Jakarta EE 8 Security API is the new standard and a portable way of handling security concerns in Java containers.

Jakarta EE 8安全API是新的标准,是处理Java容器中安全问题的可移植方式。

In this article, we’ll look at the three core features of the API:


  1. HTTP Authentication Mechanism
  2. Identity Store
  3. Security Context

We’ll first understand how to configure the provided implementations and then how to implement a custom one.


2. Maven Dependencies


To set up the Jakarta EE 8 Security API, we need either a server-provided implementation or an explicit one.

为了设置Jakarta EE 8 Security API,我们需要一个服务器提供的实现或一个显式的实现。

2.1. Using the Server Implementation


Jakarta EE 8 compliant servers already provide an implementation for the Jakarta EE 8 Security API, and therefore we need only the Jakarta EE Web Profile API Maven artifact:

兼容Jakarta EE 8的服务器已经为Jakarta EE 8安全API提供了实现,因此我们只需要Jakarta EE Web Profile API Maven工件。


2.2. Using an Explicit Implementation


First, we specify the Maven artifact for the Jakarta EE 8 Security API:

首先,我们为Jakarta EE 8 Security API指定Maven工件。


And then, we’ll add an implementation, for example, Soteria – the reference implementation:

然后,我们将添加一个实现,例如,Soteria – 参考实现。


3. HTTP Authentication Mechanism


Prior to Jakarta EE 8, we’ve configured Authentication mechanisms declaratively through the web.xml file.

在Jakarta EE 8之前,我们已经通过web.xml文件声明性地配置了认证机制。

In this version, the Jakarta EE 8 Security API has designed the new HttpAuthenticationMechanism interface as a replacement. Therefore, web applications can now configure Authentication mechanisms by providing implementations of this interface.

在这个版本中,Jakarta EE 8 Security API设计了新的HttpAuthenticationMechanism接口作为替代。因此,Web应用程序现在可以通过提供这个接口的实现来配置认证机制。

Fortunately, the container already provides an implementation for each of the three authentication methods defined by the Servlet specification: Basic HTTP authentication, form-based authentication, and custom form-based authentication.

幸运的是,容器已经为Servlet规范所定义的三种认证方法中的每一种提供了一个实现。基本 HTTP 认证、基于表单的认证和基于表单的自定义认证。

It also provides an annotation to trigger each implementation:


  1. @BasicAuthenticationMechanismDefinition
  2. @FormAuthenticationMechanismDefinition
  3. @CustomFormAuthenrticationMechanismDefinition

3.1. Basic HTTP Authentication


As mentioned above, a web application can configure the Basic HTTP Authentication just by using the @BasicAuthenticationMechanismDefinition annotation on a CDI bean:

如上所述,Web应用程序只需在CDI Bean上使用@BasicAuthenticationMechanismDefinition注解即可配置基本HTTP认证

  realmName = "userRealm")
public class AppConfig{}

At this point, the Servlet container searches and instantiates the provided implementation of HttpAuthenticationMechanism interface.


Upon receipt of an unauthorized request, the container challenges the client for providing suitable authentication information via the WWW-Authenticate response header.


WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="userRealm"

The client then sends the username and password, separated by a colon “:” and encoded in Base64, via the Authorization request header:

然后,客户端通过Authorization请求头发送用户名和密码,用冒号”: “分开,并以Base64编码。

//user=baeldung, password=baeldung
Authorization: Basic YmFlbGR1bmc6YmFlbGR1bmc=

Note that the dialog presented for providing credentials is coming from the browser and not from the server.


3.2. Form-based HTTP Authentication


The @FormAuthenticationMechanismDefinition annotation triggers a form-based authentication as defined by the Servlet specification.


Then we have the option to specify the login and error pages or use the default reasonable ones /login and /login-error:


  loginToContinue = @LoginToContinue(
    loginPage = "/login.html",
    errorPage = "/login-error.html"))
public class AppConfig{}

As a result of invoking loginPage, the server should send the form to the client:


<form action="j_security_check" method="post">
    <input name="j_username" type="text"/>
    <input name="j_password" type="password"/>
    <input type="submit">

The client then should send the form to a pre-defined backing authentication process provided by the container.


3.3. Custom Form-based HTTP Authentication


A web application can trigger the custom form-based authentication implementation by using the annotation @CustomFormAuthenticationMechanismDefinition:


  loginToContinue = @LoginToContinue(loginPage = "/login.xhtml"))
public class AppConfig {

But unlike the default form-based authentication, we’re configuring a custom login page and invoking the SecurityContext.authenticate() method as a backing authentication process.


Let’s have a look at the backing LoginBean as well, which contains the login logic:


public class LoginBean {

    private SecurityContext securityContext;

    @NotNull private String username;

    @NotNull private String password;

    public void login() {
        Credential credential = new UsernamePasswordCredential(
          username, new Password(password));
        AuthenticationStatus status = securityContext
        // ...
    // ...

As a result of invoking the custom login.xhtml page, the client submits the received form to the LoginBean’s login() method:


<input type="submit" value="Login" jsf:action="#{loginBean.login}"/>

3.4. Custom Authentication Mechanism


The HttpAuthenticationMechanism interface defines three methods. The most important is the validateRequest() which we must provide an implementation.


The default behavior for the other two methods, secureResponse() and cleanSubject(), is sufficient in most cases.


Let’s have a look at an example implementation:


public class CustomAuthentication 
  implements HttpAuthenticationMechanism {

    public AuthenticationStatus validateRequest(
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response, 
      HttpMessageContext httpMsgContext) 
      throws AuthenticationException {
        String username = request.getParameter("username");
        String password = response.getParameter("password");
        // mocking UserDetail, but in real life, we can obtain it from a database
        UserDetail userDetail = findByUserNameAndPassword(username, password);
        if (userDetail != null) {
            return httpMsgContext.notifyContainerAboutLogin(
              new CustomPrincipal(userDetail),
              new HashSet<>(userDetail.getRoles()));
        return httpMsgContext.responseUnauthorized();

Here, the implementation provides the business logic of the validation process, but in practice, it’s recommended to delegate to the IdentityStore through the IdentityStoreHandler by invoking validate.

在这里,实现提供了验证过程的业务逻辑,但是在实践中,建议通过IdentityStoreHandler by调用validate来委托给IdentityStore

We’ve also annotated the implementation with @ApplicationScoped annotation as we need to make it CDI-enabled.


After a valid verification of the credential, and an eventual retrieving of user roles, the implementation should notify the container then:


HttpMessageContext.notifyContainerAboutLogin(Principal principal, Set groups)

3.5. Enforcing Servlet Security


A web application can enforce security constraints by using the @ServletSecurity annotation on a Servlet implementation:


  value = @HttpConstraint(rolesAllowed = {"admin_role"}),
  httpMethodConstraints = {
      value = "GET", 
      rolesAllowed = {"user_role"}),
      value = "POST", 
      rolesAllowed = {"admin_role"})
public class SecuredServlet extends HttpServlet {

This annotation has two attributes – httpMethodConstraints and valuehttpMethodConstraints is used to specify one or more constraints, each one representing an access control to an HTTP method by a list of allowed roles.


The container will then check, for every url-pattern and HTTP method, if the connected user has the suitable role for accessing the resource.


4. Identity Store


This feature is abstracted by the IdentityStore interface, and it’s used to validate credentials and eventually retrieve group membership. In other words, it can provide capabilities for authentication, authorization or both.


IdentityStore is intended and encouraged to be used by the HttpAuthenticationMecanism through a called IdentityStoreHandler interface. A default implementation of the IdentityStoreHandler is provided by the Servlet container.


An application can provide its implementation of the IdentityStore or uses one of the two built-in implementations provided by the container for Database and LDAP.


4.1. Built-in Identity Stores


The Jakarta EE compliant server should provide implementations for the two Identity Stores: Database and LDAP.

兼容Jakarta EE的服务器应该为两种身份存储提供实现。数据库和LDAP

The database IdentityStore implementation is initialized by passing a configuration data to the @DataBaseIdentityStoreDefinition annotation:


  dataSourceLookup = "java:comp/env/jdbc/securityDS",
  callerQuery = "select password from users where username = ?",
  groupsQuery = "select GROUPNAME from groups where username = ?",
public class AppConfig {

As a configuration data, we need a JNDI data source to an external database, two JDBC statements for checking caller and his groups and finally a priority parameter which is used in case of multiples store are configured.


IdentityStore with high priority is processed later by the IdentityStoreHandler.


Like the database, LDAP IdentityStore implementation is initialized through the @LdapIdentityStoreDefinition by passing configuration data:

与数据库一样,LDAP IdentityStore的实现是通过@LdapIdentityStoreDefinition传递配置数据而初始化的。

  url = "ldap://localhost:10389",
  callerBaseDn = "ou=caller,dc=baeldung,dc=com",
  groupSearchBase = "ou=group,dc=baeldung,dc=com",
  groupSearchFilter = "(&(member=%s)(objectClass=groupOfNames))")
public class AppConfig {

Here we need the URL of an external LDAP server, how to search the caller in the LDAP directory, and how to retrieve his groups.


4.2. Implementing a Custom IdentityStore


The IdentityStore interface defines four default methods:


default CredentialValidationResult validate(
  Credential credential)
default Set<String> getCallerGroups(
  CredentialValidationResult validationResult)
default int priority()
default Set<ValidationType> validationTypes()

The priority() method returns a value for the order of iteration this implementation is processed by IdentityStoreHandler. An IdentityStore with lower priority is treated first.


By default, an IdentityStore processes both credentials validation (ValidationType.VALIDATE) and group retrieval(ValidationType.PROVIDE_GROUPS). We can override this behavior so that it can provide only one capability.


Thus, we can configure the IdentityStore to be used only for credentials validation:


public Set<ValidationType> validationTypes() {
    return EnumSet.of(ValidationType.VALIDATE);

In this case, we should provide an implementation for the validate() method:


public class InMemoryIdentityStore implements IdentityStore {
    // init from a file or harcoded
    private Map<String, UserDetails> users = new HashMap<>();

    public int priority() {
        return 70;

    public Set<ValidationType> validationTypes() {
        return EnumSet.of(ValidationType.VALIDATE);

    public CredentialValidationResult validate( 
      UsernamePasswordCredential credential) {
        UserDetails user = users.get(credential.getCaller());
        if (credential.compareTo(user.getLogin(), user.getPassword())) {
            return new CredentialValidationResult(user.getLogin());
        return INVALID_RESULT;

Or we can choose to configure the IdentityStore so that it can be used only for group retrieval:


public Set<ValidationType> validationTypes() {
    return EnumSet.of(ValidationType.PROVIDE_GROUPS);

We should then provide an implementation for the getCallerGroups() methods:


public class InMemoryIdentityStore implements IdentityStore {
    // init from a file or harcoded
    private Map<String, UserDetails> users = new HashMap<>();

    public int priority() {
        return 90;

    public Set<ValidationType> validationTypes() {
        return EnumSet.of(ValidationType.PROVIDE_GROUPS);

    public Set<String> getCallerGroups(CredentialValidationResult validationResult) {
        UserDetails user = users.get(
        return new HashSet<>(user.getRoles());

Because IdentityStoreHandler expects the implementation to be a CDI bean, we decorate it with ApplicationScoped annotation.

因为IdentityStoreHandler期望实现是一个CDI bean,我们用ApplicationScoped注解来装饰它。

5. Security Context API


The Jakarta EE 8 Security API provides an access point to programmatic security through the SecurityContext interface. It’s an alternative when the declarative security model enforced by the container isn’t sufficient.

Jakarta EE 8 Security API通过SecurityContext接口提供了对程序化安全的访问点。当容器强制执行的声明性安全模型不够用时,它是一个替代方案。

A default implementation of the SecurityContext interface should be provided at runtime as a CDI bean, and therefore we need to inject it:

SecurityContext接口的默认实现应该在运行时作为CDI bean提供,因此我们需要注入它。

SecurityContext securityContext;

At this point, we can authenticate the user, retrieve an authenticated one, check his role membership and grant or deny access to web resource through the five available methods.


5.1. Retrieving Caller Data

5.1 检索呼叫者数据

In previous versions of Jakarta EE, we’d retrieve the Principal or check the role membership differently in each container.

在以前的Jakarta EE版本中,我们会检索Principal或在每个容器中检查不同的角色成员。

While we use the getUserPrincipal() and isUserInRole() methods of the HttpServletRequest in a servlet container, a similar methods getCallerPrincipal() and isCallerInRole() methods of the EJBContext are used in EJB Container.


The new Jakarta EE 8 Security API has standardized this by providing a similar method through the SecurityContext interface:

新的Jakarta EE 8安全API已经通过SecurityContext接口提供了一个类似的方法来规范这一点:

Principal getCallerPrincipal();
boolean isCallerInRole(String role);
<T extends Principal> Set<T> getPrincipalsByType(Class<T> type);

The getCallerPrincipal() method returns a container specific representation of the authenticated caller while the getPrincipalsByType() method retrieves all principals of a given type.


It can be useful in case the application specific caller is different from the container one.


5.2. Testing for Web Resource Access


First, we need to configure a protected resource:


@ServletSecurity(@HttpConstraint(rolesAllowed = "USER_ROLE"))
public class ProtectedServlet extends HttpServlet {

And then, to check access to this protected resource we should invoke the hasAccessToWebResource() method:


securityContext.hasAccessToWebResource("/protectedServlet", "GET");

In this case, the method returns true if the user is in role USER_ROLE.


5.3. Authenticating the Caller Programmatically


An application can programmatically trigger the authentication process by invoking authenticate():


AuthenticationStatus authenticate(
  HttpServletRequest request, 
  HttpServletResponse response,
  AuthenticationParameters parameters);

The container is then notified and will, in turn, invoke the authentication mechanism configured for the application. AuthenticationParameters parameter provides a credential to HttpAuthenticationMechanism:



The SUCCESS and SEND_FAILURE values of the AuthenticationStatus design a successful and failed authentication while SEND_CONTINUE  signals an in progress status of the authentication process.


6. Running the Examples


For highlighting these examples, we’ve used the latest development build of the Open Liberty Server which supports Jakarta EE 8. This is downloaded and installed thanks to the liberty-maven-plugin which can also deploy the application and start the server.

为了突出这些例子,我们使用了Open Liberty服务器的最新开发版本,它支持Jakarta EE 8。这要归功于liberty-maven-plugin的下载和安装,它还可以部署应用程序并启动服务器。

To run the examples, just access to the corresponding module and invoke this command:


mvn clean package liberty:run

As a result, Maven will download the server, build, deploy, and run the application.


7. Conclusion


In this article, we covered the configuration and implementation of the main features of the new Jakarta EE 8 Security API.

在这篇文章中,我们介绍了新的Jakarta EE 8安全API的主要功能的配置和实现。

First, we started by showing how to configure the default built-in authentication mechanisms and how to implement a custom one. Later, we saw how to configure the built-in Identity Store and how to implement a custom one. And finally, we saw how to call methods of the SecurityContext.


As always, the code examples for this article are available over on GitHub.
