Find Files that Match Wildcard Strings in Java – 在Java中查找符合通配符字符串的文件

最后修改: 2022年 5月 19日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to find files using wildcard strings in Java.


2. Introduction


In the programming realm, glob is a pattern with wildcards to match filenames. We’ll use glob patterns to filter a list of filenames for our example. We’ll use the popular wildcards “*” and “?”. Java has supported this feature since Java SE 7.

在编程领域,glob是一种带有通配符的模式,用于匹配文件名。在我们的例子中,我们将使用 glob 模式来过滤一个文件名列表。我们将使用流行的通配符 “*”和”?”。从Java SE 7开始,Java就支持这一功能。

Java has provided the getPathMatcher() method in their FileSystem class. It can take either a regular expression (regex) or a glob pattern. We’ll utilize glob patterns in this example because of the simplicity of applying wildcards as compared to regex.

Java 在其FileSystem类中提供了getPathMatcher()方法。它可以接受正则表达式(regex)或glob模式。我们将在这个例子中使用glob模式,因为与regex相比,应用通配符很简单。

Let’s see an example of using this method with a glob pattern:


String pattern = "myCustomPattern";
PathMatcher matcher = FileSystems.getDefault().getPathMatcher("glob:" + pattern);

Here are some examples of glob patterns in Java:


Glob Description
*.java Matches all files with extension “java”
*.{java,class} Matches all files with extensions of “java” or “class”
*.* Matches all files with a “.” somewhere in its name
???? Matches all files with four characters in its name
[test].docx Matches all files with filename ‘t’, ‘e’, ‘s’, or ‘t’ and “docx” extension
[0-4].csv Matches all files with filename ‘0′, ‘1′, ‘2′, ‘3′, or ‘4′ with “csv” extension
C:\\temp\\* Matches all files in the “C:\temp” directory on Windows systems
src/test/* Matches all files in the “src/test/” directory on Unix-based systems

3. Implementation


Let’s get into the details of implementing this solution. There are two steps to complete this task.


First, we create a method that takes two arguments – a root directory to search within and a wildcard pattern to look for. This method would contain the programming logic for visiting every file and directory, utilizing glob patterns, and finally returning a list of matching file names.


Second, we use the walkFileTree method from the Java provided Files class to invoke our search process.

其次,我们使用Java提供的Files 类中的walkFileTree方法来调用我们的搜索过程。

To start, let’s create our SearchFileByWildcard class with a searchWithWc() method, which takes a Path and String pattern as parameters:

首先,让我们创建我们的 SearchFileByWildcard 类,它有一个 searchWithWc() 方法,它接受一个 PathString 模式作为参数。

class SearchFileByWildcard {
    static List<String> matchesList = new ArrayList<String>();
    List<String> searchWithWc(Path rootDir, String pattern) throws IOException {
        FileVisitor<Path> matcherVisitor = new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
            public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attribs) throws IOException {
                FileSystem fs = FileSystems.getDefault();
                PathMatcher matcher = fs.getPathMatcher(pattern);
                Path name = file.getFileName();
                if (matcher.matches(name)) {
	        return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
        Files.walkFileTree(rootDir, matcherVisitor);
        return matchesList;

To visit the files in rootDir, we use the FileVisitor interface. Once we obtain an interface to the filesystem by invoking the getDefault() method, we use the getPathMatcher() method from the FileSystem class. This is where we apply glob patterns on the individual file paths within rootDir.


In our case, we can use the resulting PathMatcher to get an ArrayList of matching filenames.


Finally, we call the walkFileTree method from the NIO Files class. File traversal starts at rootDir, and each node in the tree is visited recursively in a depth-first manner. matcherVisitor contains an implementation for the visitFile method from the SimpleFileVisitor class.


Now that we’ve discussed implementing a wildcard-based file search, let’s look at some sample output. We’ll use the following file structure for our examples:



If we pass a String with the “glob:*.{txt,docx}” pattern, our code outputs the three filenames with the extension “txt” and one filename with the extension “docx”:


SearchFileByWildcard sfbw = new SearchFileByWildcard();
List<String> actual = sfbw.searchWithWc(Paths.get("src/test/resources/sfbw"), "glob:*.{txt,docx}");

assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("six.txt", "three.txt", "two.docx", "one.txt")), 
  new HashSet<>(actual));

If we pass a String with the “glob:????.{csv}” pattern, our code outputs one filename with four characters followed by a “.” with extension “csv”:


SearchFileByWildcard sfbw = new SearchFileByWildcard();
List<String> actual = sfbw.searchWithWc(Paths.get("src/test/resources/sfbw"), "glob:????.{csv}");

assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("five.csv")), new HashSet<>(actual));

4. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we learned how to search for files using wildcard patterns in Java.


The source code is available over on GitHub.
