Filtering a Java Collection by a List – 通过一个列表过滤一个Java集合

最后修改: 2019年 3月 8日


1. Overview


Filtering a Collection by a List is a common business logic scenario. There are plenty of ways to achieve this. However, some may lead to under-performing solutions if not done properly.


In this tutorial, we’ll compare some filtering implementations and discuss their advantages and drawbacks.


2. Using a For-Each Loop


We’ll begin with the most classic syntax, a for-each loop.


For this and all other examples in this article, we’ll use the following class:


public class Employee {

    private Integer employeeNumber;
    private String name;
    private Integer departmentId;
    //Standard constructor, getters and setters.

We’ll also use the following methods for all examples, for simplicity’s sake:


private List<Employee> buildEmployeeList() {
    return Arrays.asList(
      new Employee(1, "Mike", 1),
      new Employee(2, "John", 1),
      new Employee(3, "Mary", 1),
      new Employee(4, "Joe", 2),
      new Employee(5, "Nicole", 2),
      new Employee(6, "Alice", 2),
      new Employee(7, "Bob", 3),
      new Employee(8, "Scarlett", 3));

private List<String> employeeNameFilter() {
    return Arrays.asList("Alice", "Mike", "Bob");

For our example, we’ll filter the first list of Employees based on the second list with Employee names to find only the Employees with those specific names.


Now, let’s see the traditional approach – looping through both lists looking for matches:


public void givenEmployeeList_andNameFilterList_thenObtainFilteredEmployeeList_usingForEachLoop() {
    List<Employee> filteredList = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Employee> originalList = buildEmployeeList();
    List<String> nameFilter = employeeNameFilter();

    for (Employee employee : originalList) {
        for (String name : nameFilter) {
            if (employee.getName().equals(name)) {
                // break;

    assertThat(filteredList.size(), is(nameFilter.size()));

This is a simple syntax, but it’s quite verbose, and actually quite inefficient. Simply put, it iterates through the Cartesian product of the two sets in order to get our answer.


Even adding a break to exit early will still iterate on the same order as a Cartesian product in the average case.


If we call the size of the employee list n, then nameFilter will be on the order just as big, giving us an O(n2classification.


3. Using Streams and List#contains


We’ll now refactor the previous method by using lambdas to simplify syntax and improve readability. Let’s also use the List#contains method as the lambda filter:


public void givenEmployeeList_andNameFilterList_thenObtainFilteredEmployeeList_usingLambda() {
    List<Employee> filteredList;
    List<Employee> originalList = buildEmployeeList();
    List<String> nameFilter = employeeNameFilter();

    filteredList =
      .filter(employee -> nameFilter.contains(employee.getName()))

    assertThat(filteredList.size(), is(nameFilter.size()));

By using the Stream API, readability has been greatly improved, but our code remains as inefficient as our previous method because it’s still iterating through the Cartesian product internally. Thus, we have the same O(n2classification.

通过使用Stream API,可读性得到了极大的改善,但是我们的代码仍然和之前的方法一样效率低下,因为它仍然在内部迭代笛卡尔积。因此,我们有相同的O(n2) 分类。

4. Using Streams with HashSet


To improve performance, we must use the HashSet#contains method. This method differs from List#contains because it performs a hash code lookup, giving us a constant-time number of operations:


public void givenEmployeeList_andNameFilterList_thenObtainFilteredEmployeeList_usingLambdaAndHashSet() {
    List<Employee> filteredList;
    List<Employee> originalList = buildEmployeeList();
    Set<String> nameFilterSet = employeeNameFilter().stream().collect(Collectors.toSet());

    filteredList =
      .filter(employee -> nameFilterSet.contains(employee.getName()))

    assertThat(filteredList.size(), is(nameFilterSet.size()));

By using HashSet, our code efficiency has vastly improved while not affecting readability. Since HashSet#contains runs in constant time, we’ve improved our classification to O(n).


5. Conclusion


In this quick tutorial, we learned how to filter a Collection by a List of values and the drawbacks of using what may seem like the most straightforward method.


We must always consider efficiency because our code might end up running in huge data sets, and performance issues could have catastrophic consequences in such environments.


All code presented in this article is available over on GitHub.
