Monitoring Java Applications with Flight Recorder – 用飞行记录仪监控Java应用程序

最后修改: 2019年 1月 8日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll examine Java Flight Recorder, its concepts, its basic commands, and how to use it.


2. Java Monitoring Utilities


Java is not just a programming language but a very rich ecosystem with a lot of tools. The JDK contains programs that allow us to compile our own programs, as well as monitor their state and the state of the Java Virtual Machine during the full life cycle of program execution.


The bin folder of a JDK distribution contains, among others, the following programs that can be used for profiling and monitoring:

JDK 发行版的 bin 文件夹除其他外,还包含以下可用于分析和监控的程序。

  • Java VisualVM (jvisualvm.exe)
  • JConsole (jconsole.exe)
  • Java Mission Control (jmc.exe)
  • Diagnostic Command Tool (jcmd.exe)

We suggest exploring the content of this folder to be aware of what tools we have at our disposal. Please note that the Java VisualVM was part of the Oracle and Open JDK distributions in the past. However, starting from Java 9, JDK distributions no longer ship with Java VisualVM. Therefore, we should download it separately from the VisualVM open source project website.

我们建议探索这个文件夹的内容,了解我们有哪些工具可以使用。请注意,在过去,Java VisualVM是Oracle和Open JDK发行版的一部分。然而,从Java 9开始,JDK发行版不再附带Java VisualVM。因此,我们应该从VisualVM开源项目网站单独下载它。

In this tutorial, we’ll focus on the Java Flight Recorder. This isn’t present among the tools mentioned above because it isn’t a standalone program. Its usage is closely related to two of the tools above — Java Mission Control and Diagnostic Command Tools.


3. Java Flight Recorder and Its Basic Concepts


Java Flight Recorder (JFR) is a monitoring tool that collects information about the events in a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) during the execution of a Java application. JFR is part of the JDK distribution, and it’s integrated into the JVM.

Java Flight Recorder(JFR)是一个监控工具,它收集Java应用程序执行期间Java虚拟机(JVM)中的事件信息。JFR是JDK发行版的一部分,它被集成到JVM中。

JFR is designed to affect the performance of a running application as little as possible.


In order to use JFR, we should activate it. We may achieve this in two ways:


  1. when starting a Java application
  2. passing diagnostic commands of the jcmd tool when a Java application is already running

JFR doesn’t have a standalone tool. We use Java Mission Control (JMC), which contains a plugin that allows us to visualize the data collected by JFR.


These three components — JFR, jcmd and JMC — form a complete suite for collecting low-level runtime information of a running Java program. We may find this information very useful when optimizing our program, or when diagnosing it when something goes wrong.


If we have various versions of Java installed on our computer, it’s important to make sure that the Java compiler (javac), the Java launcher (java) and the above-mentioned tools (JFR, jcmd and JMC) are from the same Java distribution. Otherwise, there’s a risk of not being able to see any useful data because the JFR data formats of different versions might be not compatible.


JFR has two main concepts: events and dataflow. Let’s briefly discuss them.


3.1. Events


JFR collects events that occur in the JVM when the Java application runs. These events are related to the state of the JVM itself or the state of the program. An event has a name, a timestamp, and additional information (like thread information, execution stack, and state of the heap).


There are three types of events that JFR collects:


  • an instant event is logged immediately once it occurs
  • a duration event is logged if its duration succeeds a specified threshold
  • a sample event is used to sample the system activity

3.2. Dataflow

3.2. 数据流

The events that JFR collects contain a huge amount of data. For this reason, by design, JFR is fast enough to not impede the program.


JFR saves data about the events in a single output file, flight.jfr. 


As we know, disk I/O operations are quite expensive. Therefore, JFR uses various buffers to store the collected data before flushing the blocks of data to disk. Things might become a little bit more complex because, at the same moment, a program might have multiple registering processes with different options.


Because of this, we may find more data in the output file than requested, or it may not be in chronological order. We might not even notice this fact if we use JMC, because it visualizes the events in chronological order.


In some rare cases, JFR might fail to flush the data (for example, when there are too many events or in a case of a power outage). If this occurs, JFR tries to inform us that the output file might be missing a piece of data.


4. How to Use Java Flight Recorder


JFR is an experimental feature, hence its use is subject to change. In fact, in earlier distributions, we have to activate commercial features in order to use it in production. However, starting from JDK 11, we may use it without activating anything. We can always consult the official Java release notes to check how to use this tool.

JFR是一个实验性的功能,因此它的使用会有变化。事实上,在早期的发行版中,我们必须激活商业功能,才能在生产中使用它。然而,从JDK 11开始,我们可以不激活任何东西就使用它。我们可以随时查阅官方的Java发行说明来检查如何使用这个工具。

For JDK 8, to be able to activate JFR, we should start the JVM with the options +UnlockCommercialFeatures and +FlightRecorder.

对于JDK 8,为了能够激活JFR,我们应该用+UnlockCommercialFeatures+FlightRecorder选项启动JVM。

As we’ve mentioned above, there are two ways to activate JFR. When we activate it simultaneously with starting the application, we do it from the command line. When the application is already running, we use the diagnostic command tool.


4.1. Command Line


First, we compile the program’s *.java file into a *.class using the standard java compiler javac.


Once the compilation succeeds, we may start the program with the following options:


java -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+FlightRecorder 
  -XX:StartFlightRecording=duration=200s,filename=flight.jfr path-to-class-file

where path-to-class-file is the application’s entry point *.class file.


This command launches the application and activates the recording, which starts immediately and lasts no more than 200 seconds. Collected data is saved in an output file, flight.jfr. We’ll describe the other options in more detail in the next section.


4.2. Diagnostic Command Tool


We can also start registering the events by using the jcmd tool. For example:


jcmd 1234 JFR.start duration=100s filename=flight.jfr

Prior to JDK 11, in order to be able to activate JFR in this way, we should start the application with unlocked commercial features:

在JDK 11之前,为了能够以这种方式激活JFR,我们应该以未锁定的商业功能启动应用程序。

java -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+FlightRecorder -cp ./out/ com.baeldung.Main

Once the application is running, we use its process id in order to execute various commands, which take the following format:


jcmd <pid|MainClass> <command> [parameters]

Here’s a complete list of the diagnostic commands:


  • JFR.start – starts a new JFR recording
  • JFR.check – checks running JFR recording(s)
  • JFR.stop – stops a specific JFR recording
  • JFR.dump – copies contents of a JFR recording to file

Each command has a series of parameters. For example, the JFR.start command has the following parameters:


  • name – the name of the recording; it serves to be able to reference this recording later with other commands
  • delay – dimensional parameter for a time delay of recording start, the default value is 0s
  • duration – dimensional parameter for a time interval of the duration of the recording; the default value is 0s, which means unlimited
  • filename – the name of a file that contains the collected data
  • maxage – dimensional parameter for the maximum age of collected data; the default value is 0s, which means unlimited
  • maxsize – the maximum size of buffers for collected data in bytes; the default value is 0, which means no max size

We’ve already seen an example of the usage of these parameters at the beginning of this section. For the complete list of the parameters, we may always consult the Java Flight Recorded official documentation.


Although JFR is designed to have as little of a footprint as possible on the performance of the JVM and the application, it’s better to limit the maximum amount of collected data by setting at least one of the parameters: duration, maxage, or maxsize.

尽管JFR被设计成对JVM和应用程序的性能有尽可能小的影响,但最好通过设置至少一个参数来限制收集数据的最大数量。duration, maxage, or maxsize.

5. Java Flight Recorder in Action


Let’s now demonstrate JFR in action by using an example program.


5.1. Example Program


Our program inserts objects into a list until an OutOfMemoryError occurs. Then the program sleeps for one second:


public static void main(String[] args) {
    List<Object> items = new ArrayList<>(1);
    try {
        while (true){
            items.add(new Object());
    } catch (OutOfMemoryError e){
    assert items.size() > 0;
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {

Without executing this code, we can spot a potential drawback: the while loop will lead to high CPU and memory usage. Let’s use JFR to see these drawbacks and probably find others.


5.2. Start Registering


First, we compile our program by executing the following command from the command line:


javac -d out -sourcepath src/main src/main/com/baeldung/flightrecorder/

At this point, we should find a file FlightRecorder.class in the out/com/baeldung/flightrecorder directory.


Now, we’ll start the program with the following options:


java -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+FlightRecorder 
  -cp ./out/ com.baeldung.flightrecorder.FlightRecorder

5.3. Visualize Data


Now, we feed the file flight.jfr to Java Mission Control, which is part of the JDK distribution. It helps us visualize the data about our events in a nice and intuitive way.

现在,我们把文件flight.jfr送到Java Mission Control,它是JDK发行版的一部分。它可以帮助我们以一种很好的、直观的方式可视化关于我们事件的数据。

Its main screen shows us the information about how the program was using the CPU during its execution. We see that the CPU was loaded heavily, which is quite expected due to the while loop:


main screen.png

On the left side of the view, we see sections General, Memory, Code, and  Threads, among others. Each section contains various tabs with detailed information. For example, tab Hot Methods of section Code contains the statistics of method calls:

在视图的左侧,我们看到GeneralMemoryCodeThreads等部分。每个部分都包含各种标签,有详细信息。例如,Code部分的Hot Methods标签包含方法调用的统计数据。

code screen hot methods

In this tab, we can spot another drawback of our example program: method java.util.ArrayList.grow(int) has been called 17 times in order to enlarge the array capacity every time there wasn’t enough space for adding an object.


In more realistic programs, we may see a lot of other useful information:


  • statistics about created objects, when they were created and destroyed by the garbage collector
  • a detailed report about the threads’ chronology, when they were locked or active
  • which I/O operations the application was executing

6. Conclusion


In this article, we introduced the topic of monitoring and profiling a Java application using Java Flight Recorder. This tool remains an experimental one, so we should consult its official site for more complete and recent information.

在这篇文章中,我们介绍了使用Java Flight Recorder对Java应用程序进行监控和分析的话题。这个工具仍然是一个实验性的工具,所以我们应该查阅它的官方网站,以获得更完整和最新的信息。

As always, the code snippet is available over on our Github repository.
