1. Overview
In this tutorial we’ll be digging deeper into the Front Controller Pattern, part of the Enterprise Patterns as defined in Martin Fowler‘s book “Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture”.
在本教程中,我们将深入探讨Front Controller Pattern,这是Martin Fowler的《企业应用架构模式》一书中定义的Enterprise Patterns 的一部分。
Front Controller is defined as “a controller that handles all requests for a Web site”. It stands in front of a web-application and delegates requests to subsequent resources. It also provides an interface to common behavior such as security, internationalization and presenting particular views to certain users.
前台控制器被定义为 “一个处理网站所有请求的控制器”。它站在网络应用程序的前面,将请求委托给后续资源。它还提供了一个常见行为的接口,如安全、国际化和向某些用户展示特定的视图。
This enables an application to change its behavior at runtime. Furthermore it helps to read and maintain an application by preventing code duplication.
The Front Controller consolidates all request handling by channeling requests through a single handler object.
2. How Does It Work?
The Front Controller Pattern is mainly divided into two parts. A single dispatching controller and a hierarchy of commands. The following UML depicts class relations of a generic Front Controller implementation:
前置控制器模式主要分为两部分。一个单一的调度控制器和一个命令的层次结构。下面的UML描述了一个通用Front Controller实现的类关系。
This single controller dispatches requests to commands in order to trigger behavior associated with a request.
To demonstrate its implementation, we’ll implement the controller in a FrontControllerServlet and commands as classes inherited from an abstract FrontCommand.
3. Setup
3.1. Maven Dependencies
First, we’ll setup a new Maven WAR project with javax.servlet-api included:
首先,我们将建立一个新的Maven WAR项目,并将javax.servlet-api纳入其中。
as well as jetty-maven-plugin:
3.2. Model
Next, we’ll define a Model class and a model Repository. We’ll use the following Book class as our model:
public class Book {
private String author;
private String title;
private Double price;
// standard constructors, getters and setters
This will be the repository, you can lookup the source code for concrete implementation or provide one on your own:
public interface Bookshelf {
default void init() {
add(new Book("Wilson, Robert Anton & Shea, Robert",
"Illuminati", 9.99));
add(new Book("Fowler, Martin",
"Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture", 27.88));
Bookshelf getInstance();
<E extends Book> boolean add(E book);
Book findByTitle(String title);
3.3. FrontControllerServlet
The implementation of the Servlet itself is fairly simple. We’re extracting the command name from a request, creating dynamically a new instance of a command class and executing it.
This allows us to add new commands without changing a code base of our Front Controller.
这使我们能够在不改变我们的Front Controller的代码基础上添加新的命令。
Another option is to implement the Servlet using static, conditional logic. This has the advantage of compile-time error checking:
public class FrontControllerServlet extends HttpServlet {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
FrontCommand command = getCommand(request);
command.init(getServletContext(), request, response);
private FrontCommand getCommand(HttpServletRequest request) {
try {
Class type = Class.forName(String.format(
+ "controller.commands.%sCommand",
return (FrontCommand) type
} catch (Exception e) {
return new UnknownCommand();
3.4. FrontCommand
Let’s implement an abstract class called FrontCommand, which is holding the behavior common to all commands.
This class has access to the ServletContext and its request and response objects. Furthermore, it’ll handle view resolution:
public abstract class FrontCommand {
protected ServletContext context;
protected HttpServletRequest request;
protected HttpServletResponse response;
public void init(
ServletContext servletContext,
HttpServletRequest servletRequest,
HttpServletResponse servletResponse) {
this.context = servletContext;
this.request = servletRequest;
this.response = servletResponse;
public abstract void process() throws ServletException, IOException;
protected void forward(String target) throws ServletException, IOException {
target = String.format("/WEB-INF/jsp/%s.jsp", target);
RequestDispatcher dispatcher = context.getRequestDispatcher(target);
dispatcher.forward(request, response);
A concrete implementation of this abstract FrontCommand would be a SearchCommand. This will include conditional logic for cases where a book was found or when book is missing:
public class SearchCommand extends FrontCommand {
public void process() throws ServletException, IOException {
Book book = new BookshelfImpl().getInstance()
if (book != null) {
request.setAttribute("book", book);
} else {
If the application is running, we can reach this command by pointing our browser to http://localhost:8080/front-controller/?command=Search&title=patterns.
The SearchCommand resolves to two views, the second view can be tested with the following request http://localhost:8080/front-controller/?command=Search&title=any-title.
SearchCommand 解析为两个视图,第二个视图可以用以下请求进行测试 http://localhost:8080/front-controller/?command=Search&title=any-title。
To round up our scenario we’ll implement a second command, which is fired as fallback in all cases, a command request is unknown to the Servlet:
public class UnknownCommand extends FrontCommand {
public void process() throws ServletException, IOException {
This view will be reachable at http://localhost:8080/front-controller/?command=Order&title=any-title or by completely leaving out the URL parameters.
4. Deployment
Because we decided to create a WAR file project, we’ll need a web deployment descriptor. With this web.xml we’re able to run our web-application in any Servlet container:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee"
As the last step we’ll run ‘mvn install jetty:run’ and inspect our views in a browser.
作为最后一步,我们将运行‘mvn install jetty:run’并在浏览器中检查我们的视图。
5. Conclusion
As we’ve seen so far, we now should be familiar with the Front Controller Pattern and its implementation as Servlet and command hierarchy.
正如我们到目前为止所看到的,我们现在应该熟悉Front Controller Pattern以及它作为Servlet和命令层次的实现。
As usual, you’ll find the sources on GitHub.