1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at how to leverage the Apache Commons Net library to interact with an external FTP server.
在本教程中,我们将看看如何利用Apache Commons Net库来与外部FTP服务器进行交互。。
2. Setup
When using libraries, that are used to interact with external systems, it’s often a good idea to write some additional integration tests, in order to make sure, we’re using the library correctly.
Nowadays, we’d normally use Docker to spin up those systems for our integration tests. However especially when used in passive mode, an FTP server isn’t the easiest application to run transparently inside a container if we want to make use of dynamic port mappings (which is often necessary for tests being able to be run on a shared CI server).
That’s why we’ll use MockFtpServer instead, a Fake/Stub FTP server written in Java, that provides an extensive API for easy use in JUnit tests:
这就是为什么我们要使用MockFtpServer来代替,这是一个用Java编写的Fake/Stub FTP服务器,它提供了一个广泛的API,便于在JUnit测试中使用。
It’s recommended to always use the latest version. Those can be found here and here.
3. FTP Support in JDK
Surprisingly, there’s already basic support for FTP in some JDK flavors in the form of sun.net.www.protocol.ftp.FtpURLConnection.
However, we shouldn’t use this class directly and it’s instead possible to use the JDK’s java.net.URL class as an abstraction.
This FTP support is very basic, but leveraging the convenience APIs of java.nio.file.Files, it could be enough for simple use cases:
public void givenRemoteFile_whenDownloading_thenItIsOnTheLocalFilesystem() throws IOException {
String ftpUrl = String.format(
"ftp://user:password@localhost:%d/foobar.txt", fakeFtpServer.getServerControlPort());
URLConnection urlConnection = new URL(ftpUrl).openConnection();
InputStream inputStream = urlConnection.getInputStream();
Files.copy(inputStream, new File("downloaded_buz.txt").toPath());
assertThat(new File("downloaded_buz.txt")).exists();
new File("downloaded_buz.txt").delete(); // cleanup
Since this basic FTP supports is already missing basic features like file listings, we are going to use FTP support in the Apache Net Commons library in the following examples.
由于这个基本的FTP支持已经缺少了文件列表等基本功能,我们将在下面的例子中使用Apache Net Commons库的FTP支持。
4. Connecting
We first need to connect to the FTP server. Let’s start by creating a class FtpClient.
It will serve as an abstraction API to the actual Apache Commons Net FTP client:
它将作为实际的Apache Commons Net FTP客户端的一个抽象的API。
class FtpClient {
private String server;
private int port;
private String user;
private String password;
private FTPClient ftp;
// constructor
void open() throws IOException {
ftp = new FTPClient();
ftp.addProtocolCommandListener(new PrintCommandListener(new PrintWriter(System.out)));
ftp.connect(server, port);
int reply = ftp.getReplyCode();
if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
throw new IOException("Exception in connecting to FTP Server");
ftp.login(user, password);
void close() throws IOException {
We need the server address and the port, as well as the username and the password. After connecting it’s necessary to actually check the reply code, to be sure connecting was successful. We also add a PrintCommandListener, to print the responses we’d normally see when connecting to an FTP server using command line tools to stdout.
Since our integration tests will have some boilerplate code, like starting/stopping the MockFtpServer and connecting/disconnecting our client, we can do these things in the @Before and @After methods:
public class FtpClientIntegrationTest {
private FakeFtpServer fakeFtpServer;
private FtpClient ftpClient;
public void setup() throws IOException {
fakeFtpServer = new FakeFtpServer();
fakeFtpServer.addUserAccount(new UserAccount("user", "password", "/data"));
FileSystem fileSystem = new UnixFakeFileSystem();
fileSystem.add(new DirectoryEntry("/data"));
fileSystem.add(new FileEntry("/data/foobar.txt", "abcdef 1234567890"));
ftpClient = new FtpClient("localhost", fakeFtpServer.getServerControlPort(), "user", "password");
public void teardown() throws IOException {
By setting the mock server control port to the value 0, we’re starting the mock server and a free random port.
That’s why we have to retrieve the actual port when creating the FtpClient after the server has been started, using fakeFtpServer.getServerControlPort().
5. Listing Files
The first actual use case will be listing files.
Let’s start with the test first, TDD-style:
public void givenRemoteFile_whenListingRemoteFiles_thenItIsContainedInList() throws IOException {
Collection<String> files = ftpClient.listFiles("");
The implementation itself is equally straightforward. To make the returned data structure a bit simpler for the sake of this example, we transform the returned FTPFile array is transformed into a list of Strings using Java 8 Streams:
实现本身也同样简单明了。为了使本例中返回的数据结构更加简单,我们将返回的FTPFile数组转换为一个字符串列表,使用Java 8 Streams:。
Collection<String> listFiles(String path) throws IOException {
FTPFile[] files = ftp.listFiles(path);
return Arrays.stream(files)
6. Downloading
For downloading a file from the FTP server, we’re defining an API.
Here we define the source file and the destination on the local filesystem:
public void givenRemoteFile_whenDownloading_thenItIsOnTheLocalFilesystem() throws IOException {
ftpClient.downloadFile("/buz.txt", "downloaded_buz.txt");
assertThat(new File("downloaded_buz.txt")).exists();
new File("downloaded_buz.txt").delete(); // cleanup
The Apache Net Commons FTP client contains a convenient API, that will directly write to a defined OutputStream. This means we can use this directly:
Apache Net Commons FTP客户端包含一个方便的API,它将直接写入一个定义的OutputStream.,这意味着我们可以直接使用这个。
void downloadFile(String source, String destination) throws IOException {
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(destination);
ftp.retrieveFile(source, out);
7. Uploading
The MockFtpServer provides some helpful methods for accessing the content of its filesystem. We can use this feature to write a simple integration test for the uploading functionality:
public void givenLocalFile_whenUploadingIt_thenItExistsOnRemoteLocation()
throws URISyntaxException, IOException {
File file = new File(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("baz.txt").toURI());
ftpClient.putFileToPath(file, "/buz.txt");
Uploading a file works API-wise quite similar to downloading it, but instead of using an OutputStream, we need to provide an InputStream instead:
void putFileToPath(File file, String path) throws IOException {
ftp.storeFile(path, new FileInputStream(file));
8. Conclusion
We’ve seen, that using Java together with the Apache Net Commons allows us, to easily interact with an external FTP server, for read as well as write access.
我们已经看到,使用Java和Apache Net Commons可以使我们很容易地与外部FTP服务器进行交互,进行读和写访问。
As usual, the complete code for this article is available in our GitHub repository.
像往常一样,本文的完整代码可在我们的GitHub 仓库中找到。