1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’ll provide a quick overview of the Functional Java library along with a few examples.
在本教程中,我们将对Functional Java库进行快速概述,并举出几个例子。
2. The Functional Java Library
The Functional Java library is an open source library meant to facilitate functional programming in Java. The library provides lots of basic and advanced programming abstractions commonly used in Functional Programming.
Functional Java库是一个开源的库,旨在促进Java中的函数式编程。该库提供了很多在函数式编程中常用的基本和高级编程抽象。
Much of the library’s functionality revolves around the F interface. This F interface models a function that takes an input of type A and returns an output of type B. All of this is built on top of Java’s own type system.
3. Maven Dependencies
First, we need to add the required dependencies to our pom.xml file:
4. Defining a Function
Let’s start by creating a function that we can use in our examples later on.
Without Functional Java, a basic multiplication method would look something like:
如果没有Functional Java,一个基本的乘法方法看起来会是这样的。
public static final Integer timesTwoRegular(Integer i) {
return i * 2;
Using the Functional Java library, we can define this functionality a little more elegantly:
使用Functional Java库,我们可以更优雅地定义这个功能。
public static final F<Integer, Integer> timesTwo = i -> i * 2;
Above, we see an example of the F interface that takes an Integer as input and returns that Integer times two as its output.
Here is another example of a basic function that takes an Integer as input, but in this case, returns a Boolean to indicate if the input was even or odd:
public static final F<Integer, Boolean> isEven = i -> i % 2 == 0;
5. Applying a Function
Now that we have our functions in place, let’s apply them to a dataset.
The Functional Java library provides the usual set of types for managing data like lists, sets, arrays, and maps. The key thing to realize is that these data types are immutable.
Additionally, the library provides convenience functions to convert to and from standard Java Collections classes if needed.
In the example below, we’ll define a list of integers and apply our timesTwo function to it. We’ll also call map using an inline definition of the same function. Of course, we expect the results to be the same:
public void multiplyNumbers_givenIntList_returnTrue() {
List<Integer> fList = List.list(1, 2, 3, 4);
List<Integer> fList1 = fList.map(timesTwo);
List<Integer> fList2 = fList.map(i -> i * 2);
As we can see map returns a list of the same size where each element’s value is the value of the input list with the function applied. The input list itself does not change.
我们可以看到 map 返回一个相同大小的列表,其中每个元素的值是应用了该函数的输入列表的值。输入列表本身并没有变化。
Here’s a similar example using our isEven function:
public void calculateEvenNumbers_givenIntList_returnTrue() {
List<Integer> fList = List.list(3, 4, 5, 6);
List<Boolean> evenList = fList.map(isEven);
List<Boolean> evenListTrueResult = List.list(false, true, false, true);
Since the map method returns a list, we can apply another function to its output. The order in which we invoke our map functions alters our resulting output:
public void applyMultipleFunctions_givenIntList_returnFalse() {
List<Integer> fList = List.list(1, 2, 3, 4);
List<Integer> fList1 = fList.map(timesTwo).map(plusOne);
List<Integer> fList2 = fList.map(plusOne).map(timesTwo);
The output of the above lists will be:
6. Filtering Using a Function
Another frequently used operation in Functional Programming is to take an input and filter out data based on some criteria. And as you’ve probably already guessed, these filtering criteria are provided in the form of a function. This function will need to return a boolean to indicate whether or not the data needs to be included in the output.
Now, let’s use our isEven function to filter out the odd numbers from an input array using the filter method:
public void filterList_givenIntList_returnResult() {
Array<Integer> array = Array.array(3, 4, 5, 6);
Array<Integer> filteredArray = array.filter(isEven);
Array<Integer> result = Array.array(4, 6);
One interesting observation is that in this example, we used an Array instead of a List as we used in previous examples, and our function worked fine. Because of the way functions are abstracted and executed, they do not need to be aware of what method was used to collect the input and output.
In this example, we also used our own isEven function, but Functional Java’s own Integer class also has standard functions for basic numerical comparisons.
在这个例子中,我们也使用了自己的isEven函数,但Functional Java自己的Integer类也有标准函数用于基本的数字比较。
7. Applying Boolean Logic Using a Function
In Functional Programming, we frequently use logic like “only do this if all elements satisfy some condition”, or “only do this if at least one element satisfies some condition”.
在函数式编程中,我们经常使用这样的逻辑:”只有当所有元素都满足某个条件时才这样做”,或者 “只有当至少一个元素满足某个条件时才这样做”。
The Functional Java library provides us with shortcuts for this logic through the exists and the forall methods:
Functional Java库通过exists和forall方法为我们提供了这种逻辑的快捷方式:。
public void checkForLowerCase_givenStringArray_returnResult() {
Array<String> array = Array.array("Welcome", "To", "baeldung");
assertTrue(array.exists(s -> List.fromString(s).forall(Characters.isLowerCase)));
Array<String> array2 = Array.array("Welcome", "To", "Baeldung");
assertFalse(array2.exists(s -> List.fromString(s).forall(Characters.isLowerCase)));
assertFalse(array.forall(s -> List.fromString(s).forall(Characters.isLowerCase)));
In the example above, we used an array of strings as our input. Calling the fromString function will convert each of the strings from the array into a list of characters. To each of those lists, we applied forall(Characters.isLowerCase).
As you probably guessed, Characters.isLowerCase is a function that returns true if a character is lowercase. So applying forall(Characters.isLowerCase) to a list of characters will only return true if the entire list consists of lowercase characters, which in turn then indicates that the original string was all lowercase.
In the first two tests, we used exists because we only wanted to know whether at least one string was lowercase. The third test used forall to verify whether all strings were lowercase.
8. Handling Optional Values With a Function
Handling optional values in code typically requires == null or isNotBlank checks. Java 8 now provides the Optional class to handle these checks more elegantly, and the Functional Java library offers a similar construct to deal with missing data gracefully through its Option class:
处理代码中的可选值通常需要==null或isNotBlank检查。Java 8现在提供了Optional类来更优雅地处理这些检查,Functional Java库也提供了类似的结构,通过其Option类来优雅地处理丢失的数据。
public void checkOptions_givenOptions_returnResult() {
Option<Integer> n1 = Option.some(1);
Option<Integer> n2 = Option.some(2);
Option<Integer> n3 = Option.none();
F<Integer, Option<Integer>> function = i -> i % 2 == 0 ? Option.some(i + 100) : Option.none();
Option<Integer> result1 = n1.bind(function);
Option<Integer> result2 = n2.bind(function);
Option<Integer> result3 = n3.bind(function);
assertEquals(Option.none(), result1);
assertEquals(Option.some(102), result2);
assertEquals(Option.none(), result3);
9. Reducing a Set Using a Function
Finally, we will look at functionality to reduce a set. “Reducing a set” is a fancy way of saying “rolling it up into one value”.
最后,我们将看一下减少一个集合的功能。”减少一个集合 “是 “把它卷成一个值 “的一种华丽的说法。
The Functional Java library refers to this functionality as folding.
Functional Java库将这种功能称为折叠。
A function needs to be specified to indicate what it means to fold the element. An example of this is the Integers.add function to show the integers in an array or list need to be added.
Based on what the function does when folding, the result can be different depending on whether you start folding from the right or the left. That’s why the Functional Java library provides both versions:
基于函数在折叠时的作用,结果会因你从右边还是左边开始折叠而不同。这就是为什么Functional Java库提供了两个版本。
public void foldLeft_givenArray_returnResult() {
Array<Integer> intArray = Array.array(17, 44, 67, 2, 22, 80, 1, 27);
int sumAll = intArray.foldLeft(Integers.add, 0);
assertEquals(260, sumAll);
int sumEven = intArray.filter(isEven).foldLeft(Integers.add, 0);
assertEquals(148, sumEven);
The first foldLeft simply adds all the integers. Whereas the second will first apply a filter and then add the remaining integers.
10. Conclusion
This article is just a short introduction to the Functional Java library.
这篇文章只是对Functional Java库的一个简短介绍。
As always, the full source code of the article is available over on GitHub.