Performance of removeAll() in a HashSet – 在HashSet中removeAll()的性能

最后修改: 2020年 10月 21日


1. Overview


HashSet is a collection for storing unique elements.


In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the performance of the removeAll() method in the java.util.HashSet class.


2. HashSet.removeAll()


The removeAll method removes all the elements, that are contained in the collection:


Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>();

Collection<Integer> collection = new ArrayList<Integer>();


Integer[] actualElements = new Integer[set.size()];
Integer[] expectedElements = new Integer[] { 2, 4 };
assertArrayEquals(expectedElements, set.toArray(actualElements));

As a result, elements 1 and 3 will be removed from the set.


3. Internal Implementation and Time Complexity


The removeAll() method determines which one is smaller – the set or the collection. This is done by invoking the size() method on the set and the collection.


If the collection has fewer elements than the set, then it iterates over the specified collection with the time complexity O(n). It also checks if the element is present in the set with the time complexity O(1). And if the element is present, it’s being removed from the set using the remove() method of the set, which again has a time complexity of O(1). So the overall time complexity is O(n).

如果集合中的元素少于设定的元素,那么它将以时间复杂度 O(n)在指定的集合中进行迭代。它还检查元素是否存在于集合中,其时间复杂度为O(1)。如果该元素存在,则使用集合的remove()方法将其从集合中移除,其时间复杂度同样为O(1)。所以整体时间复杂度是O(n)

If the set has fewer elements than the collection, then it iterates over this set using O(n). Then it checks if each element is present in the collection by invoking its contains() method. And if such an element is present, then the element is removed from the set. So this depends on the time complexity of the contains() method.


Now in this case, if the collection is an ArrayList, the time complexity of the contains() method is O(m). So overall time complexity to remove all elements present in the ArrayList from the set is O(n * m).

现在在这种情况下,如果集合是ArrayListcontains()方法的时间复杂度是O(m)。所以从集合中移除ArrayList中的所有元素的总体时间复杂性是O(n * m)

If the collection is again HashSet, the time complexity of the contains() method is O(1). So overall time complexity to remove all elements present in the HashSet from the set is O(n).


4. Performance


To see the performance difference between the above 3 cases, let’s write a simple JMH benchmark test.


For the first case, we’ll initialize the set and collection, where we have more elements in the set than the collection. In the second case, we’ll initialize the set and the collection, where we have more elements in the collection than the set. And in the third case, we’ll initialize 2 sets, where we’ll have 2nd set having more number of elements than the 1st one:


@Warmup(iterations = 5)
public class HashSetBenchmark {

    public static class MyState {
        private Set employeeSet1 = new HashSet<>();
        private List employeeList1 = new ArrayList<>();
        private Set employeeSet2 = new HashSet<>();
        private List employeeList2 = new ArrayList<>();
        private Set<Employee> employeeSet3 = new HashSet<>();
        private Set<Employee> employeeSet4 = new HashSet<>();

        private long set1Size = 60000;
        private long list1Size = 50000;
        private long set2Size = 50000;
        private long list2Size = 60000;
        private long set3Size = 50000;
        private long set4Size = 60000;

        public void setUp() {
            // populating sets

After, we add our benchmark tests:


public boolean given_SizeOfHashsetGreaterThanSizeOfCollection_whenRemoveAllFromHashSet_thenGoodPerformance(MyState state) {
    return state.employeeSet1.removeAll(state.employeeList1);

public boolean given_SizeOfHashsetSmallerThanSizeOfCollection_whenRemoveAllFromHashSet_thenBadPerformance(MyState state) {
    return state.employeeSet2.removeAll(state.employeeList2);

public boolean given_SizeOfHashsetSmallerThanSizeOfAnotherHashSet_whenRemoveAllFromHashSet_thenGoodPerformance(MyState state) {
    return state.employeeSet3.removeAll(state.employeeSet4);

And here are the results:


Benchmark                                              Mode  Cnt            Score            Error  Units
HashSetBenchmark.testHashSetSizeGreaterThanCollection  avgt   20      2700457.099 ±     475673.379  ns/op
HashSetBenchmark.testHashSetSmallerThanCollection      avgt   20  31522676649.950 ± 3556834894.168  ns/op
HashSetBenchmark.testHashSetSmallerThanOtherHashset    avgt   20      2672757.784 ±     224505.866  ns/op

We can see the HashSet.removeAll() performs pretty bad when the HashSet has fewer elements than the Collection, which is passed as an argument to the removeAll() method. But when the other collection is again HashSet, then the performance is good.


5. Conclusion


In this article, we saw the performance of removeAll() in HashSet. When the set has fewer elements than the collection, then the performance of removeAll() depends on the time complexity of the contains() method of the collection.


As usual, the complete code for this article is available over on GitHub.
